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The Stranger

The Stranger

By Kama lanmòPublished 3 years ago 17 min read
The Stranger
Photo by Diana Parkhouse on Unsplash

Scene 1

In a dark room with only a small amount of light.

Diane :(In a small voice) How did I get here?

Quick flashes of a happy relationship that developed into a violent relationship run through her mind

Diane: (She whispers) What did I do to deserve this?

Someone is trying to kick the door in.

Diane: (In a small shaky voice) Someone please help me.

The door gets kicked in

Diane screams.

Scene 2

2 years earlier

There’s a beautiful white farm through some small trees, where Deborah Thompson and her two kids Johnathan and Diane. They all worked and lived on this farm in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Debbie was cooking while her son was sitting at the table eating. Her daughter was getting ready to run her morning errands.

Diane: Ok mom, I’m leaving

Debbie: Ok, well make sure to drop of-

Diane: The milk at Mrs. Duncan’s, I got it.

Debbie: Ok, and don’t forget to-

Diane: Feed the cows on my way out, got it mom.

Debbie: Well make sure you're back before dinner!

Diane: Bye Mom!

Diane shuts the door.

Debbie: I swear that girl is always in a hurry.

John: (With a mouth full of food) Well, you know Diane, always on top of things.

Debbie: (Sighs) I know and chew your food, you are not a barn animal! (She hits him in the head with a wooden spoon)

Scene 3

Diane was talking to an older woman while unloading the milk crates. Diane was always in a rush but even though she was a teenager she never partied or did anything that wasn’t studying or working. She had a very routine life.

Mrs. Duncan: You know it’s so kind of you to go out of your way to help me. Are you sure you don’t mind unpacking the milk for me dearie?

Diane: Oh, it’s ok Mrs. Duncan.

Mrs. Duncan: Ok, I’ll be inside if you need me.

Diane continues to unpack the crates and load them into the store, when a mustang pulls up to the gas station out front. A familiar scruffy guy steps out of the vehicle with a cigarette in his mouth and starts to fill up the tank.

Diane: Hey

(The guy just looks at her and smirks.)

Diane: I haven’t seen you around here in awhile

Stranger: Been busy.

This guy had been coming to Mrs. Duncan’s store for a little over three months now. He never went in, just filled his tank, but he always seemed to be there whenever Diane was. Except for the last two weeks. The weirdest part is that he talked to Diane like he knew her, this caused Diane to develop a serious crush on the stranger.

Diane: You know you really shouldn’t smoke those.

Stranger: (He raises his eyebrow as if challenging her) Really?

Diane: (In a “matter-of-fact” tone) Yes, really

Stranger: Well, aren’t you the confident one?

Diane: (She blushes) Not really...

Stranger: (He stares down at her and smiles) You know, you’re really too innocent for your own good. It’s almost as if your small bit of confidence disappears as soon as it is challenged.

The Stranger starts to walk off.

Diane ignores her butterflies and calls out to him.

Diane: Wait! (She catches up to him) All of this time, and you’ve never once told me your name.

Stranger: (He turns around to face her) You know my name.

Diane stands there in disbelief. Mrs. Duncan comes out of her house to check on Diane.

Mrs. Duncan: How’s it coming sweetie?

Diane: (Stammers) Oh, ah it’s-it’s ah coming along fine.

Mrs. Duncan: Are you ok, you look hot. Do you need to sit?

Diane: I’m good, but thank you. (long pause) Hey… have you noticed that new guy coming to your store?

Mrs. Duncan: No, why?

Diane: Nevermind, well I have to get home before dinner, bye.

Mrs. Duncan: Okay well, bye dearie.

Scene 4

Diane parks her pickup truck in the driveway and goes into the house and starts singing and humming to herself while in a daze, her brother walks down the stairs and just looks at her.

John: What's wrong with you, is your brain defective or something?

Diane: You know, not even you can ruin my mood today.

John: Oh and why is that?

Debbie: Because of a boy.

Debbie surprises both of her children when she comes downstairs holding a laundry basket.

Diane: Hey, mom we didn’t hear you come in.

Debbie: Yeah I know, dinner’s ready.

They all walk to the table and sit and start eating.

Debbie: Now who is this boy?

Diane: There is no boy.

Debbie: You know this may be hard for you to believe but I was young once.

John: You’re right, that is hard to believe.

Debbie: (She rolls her eyes) I know what a girl looks like after she’s developed her first crush.

Diane: Well, I have been talking to this guy a couple of times a week, but he’s so distant and I don’t know anything about him. Besides, I have too much to do this summer to be worrying about boys.

Debbie: (She puts her hand on her daughter’s) Honey, if you want to get to know this guy then go for it, after all, you're only a teenager once in life.

Diane: But... What about my chores?

Debbie: Me and your brother can take care of things when you’re busy, right Johnathan?

John: (Puts up his hands in defense) Ok, ok no need to full name me, alright. Mom’s right, we’ve got it covered, go have a ball with your mystery lover.

Diane: (She gets up and hugs both of them) You guys are the best!

Scene 5

It's nighttime, Diane is in her room when suddenly she hears someone at her window trying to get in. She gets scared and hides under her blanket, she tries not to move when she feels someone touching her. Diane screams. It’s the stranger

Diane: What are you doing here?!

Stranger: What are any of us doing here?

He lights up a cigarette.

Diane: (She rolls her eyes) I mean how did you know where I live and why did you break in and scare me half to death? And don’t smoke that here.

Stranger: I came to show you a good time, if you’re up for it.

Diane: (Thoughts) He’s challenging me.

Stranger: (As if reading her thoughts)Yes I am, so are you game?

Diane: I don’t even know you.

Stranger: So you don’t want to go?

Diane: (Quickly) I didn’t say that.

Stranger: So you do want to?

Diane: I-I don’t (Thoughts) Come on don’t be a wimp, when’s the last time something this exciting happened to you, go with him.

Diane gives him her hand as he helps her to the window.

Stranger: I knew you were the one.

Diane: The one?

They slide down the tree outside her window, then run to his car and hop in and drive away.

Scene 6

It seems they were driving forever when they finally stopped. They were outside a run-down bar.

Diane: Where are we?

Stranger: Paradise.

Diane: What do you mean?

Stranger: Here, come with me.

He pulls her by the hand and leads her into the bar, here we see guys head-butting, people making out, and doing other lewd things.

Stranger: You see it now?

Diane: All I see is dust and a bunch of idiots getting drunk.

Stranger: That’s the point. These people thrive off doing whatever they want without thinking about consequences.

Diane: (She sits down at the cleanest booth she can find) But what about the aftermath of that?

Stranger: (He sits with her) Life’s too short. Hey bartender, bring us the special.

He winks at the man behind the bar, the man just nods. A couple of minutes later the man brings over a silver tray filled with liquor and drugs.

Stranger: So what do you want to do first?

Diane: Nothing. If my mom knew I was here, she’d flip, I’m only 17.

Stranger: (He shrugs) So, I was 14 when I started doing this stuff.

Diane: It’s wrong and I won’t.

Stranger: (He looks into her eyes) Too bad shortcake, I really thought you were the one.

Diane: (Her eyes soften) The one what?

Stranger: (He bites his lip) The one I share my soul with, but part of that is taking risks and you can’t handle that, can you?

Diane: (She looks him in the eyes, takes a shot glass, fills it with the first thing she grabs, and throws it back like a natural.) How’s that for risk?

Stranger: (Smirks) I knew you could do it. Pop this, liquor’s even stronger if you’re high.

Diane: (She Smiles) Ok

They spend the night getting high and drunk. They are dancing and kissing, everything seems to be moving in slow motion.

Diane: (Slurred) I should probably be getting home before I get into trouble.

Stranger: (Annoyed) So you’re going to go running off to mommy, huh? I thought you wanted to be with me.

Diane: I do wanna be with you.

Stranger: Then come with me.

Diane: (Softly) Ok

They start to leave when the barkeep stops them.

Bartender: So you think you can leave and not pay huh? (He motions to some men) Get em boys.

Some huge guys move toward them and one of them grabs Diane holding her by her hair.

The Stranger goes in his pocket and pulls out a gun.

Stranger: Here’s the deal boys let us leave and nobody gets hurt.

The man lets Diane go and she runs to the Stranger. Everyone backs up and the two run out.

Stranger: ( He puts the gun away) Hope I didn’t scare ya.

Diane: (She laughs) Are you kidding that was so exciting, I’ve never felt so alive, where to next?

Stranger: (He Bites his lip seductively ) To my place.

Diane: (She mimics his expression) Sounds like a plan.

The two kiss and jump in the car and speed off.

Scene 7

They arrive at an apartment building, sneak inside, and they climb the stairs to the 3rd floor and enter a candle -lit apartment.

Diane: (She gasps) It’s beautiful

Stranger: (Throws coat on a chair) Yeah electricity is overrated. (He grabs her and throws her on the bed and they make love.)

Stranger: I have something I want to give you (He gets up off the bed and goes into a drawer and gets something out.) This was my mother’s locket before she died. I want you to have it.

Diane: (She holds her hand to her mouth) I can’t take that.

Stranger: I want you to have it (He puts it on her)

Diane: (She gets up and examines it in the mirror and then turns around and hugs him) You’ve made me so happy. (She lays on top of him and kisses him)(Softly) Who are you?

Stranger: (He whispers lustfully) You know me.

Scene 8

2 months later, Diane walks into the house only to find her mother and brother sitting at the table looking angry.

Debbie: (She raises her voice) Where have you been? I went into your room to wake you up for your morning errands and you’re not there, so where were you this time huh! This is the 6th time you’ve done this, this month!

Diane: (She was completely dazed ) Look mom I was just- (She falls)

John: (He rushes over to help her up and gets a whiff of her) God, have you been drinking?!

Diane: Among other things.

Debbie: Oh my god! That is it! I don’t want you seeing that boy again.

Diane: You’ve never met him!

John: We don’t have to, I swear if I ever see him I’ll-

Diane: What, get killed?!

John: Don’t you see what he’s done to you, he’s destroyed you! Here you are going out at all hours of the night, drinking, partying, smoking, and getting into trouble! And being disrespectful to me, mom, Mrs. Duncan, and most of all yourself.

Diane: The only thing he’s done is make me a woman.

Debbie: I know it seems like that baby, but you can’t lose yourself over a man. Honey, me and your brother love you and want what’s best for you, and you not seeing him will be a good thing.

Diane: I will do what I want, who I want, when I want to do it, and neither of you can stop me. (She smiles cockily)

John: That is it, go to your room right now!

Diane: I hate it here! You’re ruining my life. (She runs up to room)

Debbie: (She starts crying) Oh god! What happened to my baby! (She embraces John)

Scene 9

Diane ran upstairs and slammed her door.

Stranger: Do you really hate it here?

Diane jumps and turns around.

Diane: When did you get here?

Stranger: Don’t avoid the question, did you mean it?

Diane: I-I don’t know I guess.

Stranger: You can’t just guess, they want to keep us apart now it’s me or them. I can give you a life of freedom and excitement. Just take my hand.

Diane: (Looks around and reaches for his hand but stops) Wait before I do this tell me your name.

Stranger: You know it.

She takes his hand and they jump out the window.

Scene 10

In the morning after fixing breakfast, Debbie walks up the stairs to talk with her daughter.

Debbie: (She knocks on the door) Sweetie, I need to talk to you.

She hears no answer.

Debbie: I know you’re mad, but you can’t stay in there forever. You have to eat sometimes. (She smiles a little)

Debbie: Ok, I’m coming in.

Debbie: (She opens the door, walks in, and sees an empty bed and an open window) Oh my god, John!

John: (He runs in the room) What!

Debbie: (Crying) She’s gone!

John: (He grabs his mom) Don’t worry mom we’ll find her.

Scene 11

They’re sitting in a restaurant eating.

Diane: (She puts her burger down) So what do we do now?

Stranger: Whatever we want. (He winks)

The waitress walks over and hands them the check.

Waitress: Have a nice day.

Stranger: (He wipes his mouth) Alright, let’s get started.

Diane: Start what?

He pulls out a gun and hands it to her. Diane looks at it curiously.

Stranger: Take it.

Diane: (She looks at him questioningly) Why?

Stranger: (He rolls his eyes) For the robbery, stupid.

Diane: (She looks down) Look drinking, partying, and smoking is one thing, but committing crimes is just too far.

Stranger: Look you ran away from home to get from under mommy’s thumb right?

Diane: Well, yes but-

Stranger: (He takes her hand)You are never truly free until you live completely by your own rules.

Diane: (She looks down at the table and mutters lowly) I just don’t know.

Stranger: (He gets up from the table) Fine! I guess I was wrong about you. You’re just like all the others.

Diane: (She quickly grabs his arm)No, I’ll be what you want me to be, just don’t leave. (She leans her head into his forehead and whispers) Please.

Stranger: Let’s go. Show me what you got.

Diane: (She picks up the gun and walks over to the register and points the gun) (Lowly) I want all the money in the register.

Female Cashier: (Shaking) What?!

Diane:(She cocks the gun and is shaking angrily, she yells) Give me the money now!

The lady quickly hands over the money. Diane starts to walk away when the stranger stops her.

Stranger: You’re just going to leave all these people who can identify you alive?

Diane: (She looks down and backs up quickly) Look I just- I have the money I just want to get out of here.

Stranger: (He grabs her shoulders) It’s not about the money, it’s about the power, the power you have over them, the power that I gave you. Look around.

Diane looks around the restaurant and sees people cowering before her, they’re hiding under tables and chairs and for the first time in her life, she feels in control. She feels a dark energy pulse through her veins and into her heart that gives her the gumption to pull the trigger killing everyone in the restaurant.

Scene 12

The killings are becoming more and more vicious, the couple would travel from town to town leaving a trail of blood behind them. Meanwhile back at the farm Diane’s mother and brother still held out hope of finding her.

Officer 1:(He adjusts his hat) Look Ma'am, it’s been over a year and we don’t have any leads on where your daughter might be. She clearly doesn’t want to be found.

Debbie: (She starts pacing back and forth) I told you if you find that criminal she was hanging out with you’ll find her!

Officer 2:(Slyly) Oh you mean the nameless boy who you, your son, and other close friends have never met or even seen, yeah we’ll get right on that. (He rolls his eyes)

Debbie: (She steps closer to the officer menacingly) Why you-!

Detective Rose: Officer! Sorry but he’s right it’s hard to run an investigation when you got no real description, crime, or clues, especially on our timeline.

John: (He looks up) What timeline?

Detective Rose: Your sister ran away when she was 17 after her next birthday she will no longer be a minor and because she left of her own free will verified by you two, and the fact that she took some belongings, we will have to call off our search. Even if we find her we can’t force her to come back. (She gets a call on her walkie talkie) Yeah, uh-huh, on our way. There’s been a murder over at Barney’s, we gotta go.

All the officers hurry out the door.

Detective Rose: (She stops and turns around) I’m very sorry.

Debbie falls to her couch and starts to cry as John comforts her.

Scene 13

Detective Rose and her team are inspecting the horror scene at Barney’s. There are dead bodies everywhere, blood covering every inch of the bar. Detective Brody walks over to his partner to discuss his findings.

Detective Brody: (He looks at his notepad) I just talked to a witness outside who saw someone running out the bar with a gun after she heard the gunshots.

Detective Rose: They got a description?

Detective Brody: (He goes through the notepad) A young Black woman with short curly light brown hair in a red plaid shirt with a dark brown jacket.

Detective Rose: Hmm, sounds like the missing Thompson girl. Vehicle description?

Detective Brody: A red pickup with the license plate 47B8BLU.

Detective Rose: (She picks up her cell phone) That’s definitely her, I’ll call the family and tell them we have a lead. (She looks down and sees a century-old locket covered in blood. She picks it up) That’s the locket that Ms. Thompson said her daughter had been wearing lately.

Scene 14

Diane and The Stranger are laying on a blood-drenched bed covered with money smoking.

Stranger: Didn’t I tell ya it’d be amazing?

Diane: It’s our world baby, we can do what we want.

Stranger: Yep we- Where’s your locket?

Diane: I don’t know probably in the bathroom or something (She goes to kiss him but is blocked)

Stranger: (He gets up) I told you never to take it off.

Diane: (She gets up) Ok I’ll go get it, don’t trip.

Stranger: It was important to me!

Diane: Ok I already said I’m putting the damn thing on why are you acting so mental about it.

Diane goes into the bathroom to get the locket only to discover it’s gone. She quickly runs out and looks all over the room.

Stranger: (He gets up from his seat) Whatcha lookin for? (He circles her)

Diane: (She stammers and watches him closely) I-I-I just-

The Stranger pulls out a gun and cocks it.

Stranger: Where’s the locket, Diane.

Diane: (She whispers) I don’t know.

Stranger: What?!

Diane: (Sobbing) I don’t know!

Stranger: (He circles back to the front of her) (Calmly) So you lost the only thing my mother ever gave me?

Diane: (Shakily) I’m sorr-

Stranger hits her in the face with the back of the gun. Diane falls to the floor, blood dripping from her mouth.

Scene 15

Several police cars pull up outside of the run-down motel. Detective Rose steps out of the front car with a bullhorn.

Detective Rose: Diane Thompson, come out we have the place surrounded!

From the inside, The Stranger and Diane both look toward the noise, but Diane takes this as an opportunity to escape from his grasp and lock herself in the closet. She watches the door as if she can see his every move.

Stranger: (Sweetly) Diane. (He’s slowly walking towards the door) Come out, come out wherever you are.

Diane crouches down and starts crying

Diane: (She whispers sobbing) I just want to go home, please.

Suddenly she hears her mother’s voice

Debbie: (Into the bullhorn) Honey, please let us help you, we love you no matter what, but you need to give yourself up.

Diane looks up.

Diane: (Thoughts) Maybe there is hope.

The door is kicked in and The Stranger grabs Diane by the hair and pulls her against him.

Stranger: (He holds the gun against her head) How about one last show before your happily ever after.

Diane: (Crying) Please, I just want to go home!

Stranger: (He pushes her towards the door) That’s the plan.

From the outside, the police are making plans to move in.

Detective Rose: I’m sorry Miss Thompson, but we have to start moving in soon.

Debbie: If we just wait I know she’ll do the right thing.

Detective Rose: No offense, but we don’t have time for her to figure out what that is. Ok gentleme- Wait.

Diane (She slowly steps out into the open, makes eye contact with Debbie, and mouths slowly) I’m sorry.

Everything moves in slow motion and tragedy unfolds, Diane pulls the gun and fires several shots, Detective Rose shouts “Take the shot!” and the swats fire off several shots of their own. Debbie screams. A bright light overtakes the scene, but as it fades the events are made clear. There lies 17-year-old Diane Claire Thompson, dead; suicide by cop.

Scene 16

5 years later

Debbie: (Thoughts) It was like it happened yesterday, my baby killed in a sea of gunshots. My poor baby, lying in a pool of her own blood. When the police searched the motel for her boyfriend they found no trace of him. They even asked the clerk who confirmed that she was the only one staying in the room. Even all the witnesses and evidence proves that she worked alone yet to me that will never make sense.

John: Mother, come on.

Debbie: (She pulls her coat tighter) The hill seems to get steeper every time we climb it

(They stop at Diane’s grave.)

John: (He puts down flowers) Damn, I can’t believe it’s been 5 years.

Debbie: Yeah (She turns her head slightly) Hey John, was this grave always next to hers?

John: Must have been, it looks a century old. (He brushes it off.)

The grave reads Jon Doe 1960-1977. Death: suicide by cop. A nameless stranger, yet known to everyone in town.

Debbie: What a weird tomb and what’s tangled in that vine? (She touches it and gasps) (Thoughts) It’s the gold locket.

John: Yeah that thing is giving me the creeps let’s go home (He starts to walk off).

Debbie follows but then looks back at the grave.

John: (He looks at her) You comin?

Debbie: (She stares at the grave) Yeah.

They leave, back at the grave, The Stranger is sitting on top of his grave holding the locket.

The Stranger: (He looks down at Diane’s grave) See told ya, you knew me.


About the Creator

Kama lanmò

I started writing because I just wanted to be heard, my head was buzzing with thoughts and ideas.Now I want to tell my story the best way I know how.

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    Kama lanmòWritten by Kama lanmò

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