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The story of a young man

the story of a young man

By Abderrazak ZteouPublished about a year ago 4 min read
The story of a young man
Photo by Stephen Griffin on Unsplash

In a far village, there was a young man named Jack, and Jack used to live with his mother, except that they had only one skinny cow that did not produce much milk, so the mother asked Jack to take the cow to the market to sell it, because they did not have enough money to feed it.

Jack went to the market to fulfill his mother's wish, and on the way a man met him and asked him: Where are you going with that cow? Jack replied: I am going to the market to sell it as my mother asked, and the man said to him: Well, I will buy it from you for some magic pills that will somehow make you rich. The house is confused, how will this group of grains make it rich?

Jack arrived home, and his mother asked him: Jack, did you sell the cow? They answered her: Yes, so I asked him about the price for which he sold the cow, so he told her what happened and gave her what he brought of grain. The mother got very angry and went mad. The emaciated cow was the last thing they had, and she grabbed the beans and threw them out the window. Jack was very sad because he had angered his mother and lost their only cow for nothing, and he went to a butterfly without eating his dinner, and kept thinking about what happened until he fell asleep.

Jack woke up in the morning, but he did not notice the golden sun rays streaming into his room as usual! So he was surprised by that and went to look out the window, and found a huge plant the like of which he had never seen, Jack was amazed and traced the origin of this plant and found that it was the magic bean, Jack decided to take a great adventure, so he climbed the huge plant with difficulty, and he climbed and climbed until he reached the last of it.

The young man descended from the top of the tree and found a giant palace beside it, Jack entered the palace and was astonished, and found a group of skeletons guarding a giant monster, the young man panicked, but decided to continue his adventure, the monster was asleep when Jack entered, but the skeletons issued some The sounds alerted the giant when she saw Jack, so he woke up from his sleep looking around.

Jack ran away immediately and hid behind one of the chairs, the giant got up and searched the palace and found nothing, so he went to the kitchen and ate the meat, then took out a bag of gold money from his pocket and placed it on the table, then went back and fell into a deep sleep, Jack went out quickly and ate the bag of money And he went down to his house, then gave his mother the bag. The mother was surprised and asked Jack, where did you get that money from? So he told her about what had happened. The mother was amazed, but she was happy at the end.

The next day, Jack came back and climbed the plant again and entered the palace quietly, and found the giant sleeping as well, but the skeletons made some sounds that woke the giant up, so he searched in the palace but did not find anything either, then he went to the kitchen and ate meat, and brought a chicken and put it on the table, and said to her: Come on, lay a golden egg, you fool.

The chicken laid a golden egg, so he ate it and put it in the basket of golden eggs. Jack watched in amazement at what was happening, and waited until the giant fell asleep to take the chicken and run away with it. Jack took the chicken and ran down to his house and gave it to his mother, who was very happy with it, which made him decide to go to the giant's palace again.

Jack went to the giant's palace again, but found the giant awake this time playing a harp. Jack was impressed by the sound of the harp, so he hid until the giant fell asleep and tried to catch it, but it was a magic harp, so she cried out loud: Save me, sir, he is trying to steal me.

The angry giant woke up and started chasing the terrified Jack until he almost caught him, but Jack climbed the plant quickly and the giant followed him. Jack reached his garden and quickly picked up a large ax and hit the stem of the bean plant several times until he cut it, so the giant fell hard and died, while Jack and his mother moved to the house They bought a big farm with lots of cows and lived happily ever after.


About the Creator

Abderrazak Zteou

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