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The Sleeping Monster


By Keyur PorechaPublished about a month ago 4 min read


It was the quiet village of Willow Creek which was amazed with the surrounding high mountains and hidden hills by the old folk. The story in question was about a sleeping monster, a bugbear that nightmares say constitutes the stuff human minds are made of, which is to be found at the most remote corner of one's fears.

Chapter 1: The Arrival

Being a person with sense of curiosity, Ella Reed has had this proclivity to the mystical and unknown since her childhood. Ella had this uncontrollable attraction to anything that had the power to question the existence of everything and the make-belief. Being a psychologist that dealt with interpretation of dreams served as one of Hitchcock's main interests because of the intriguing mechanisms of the mind. And when she got news of an upcoming Willow Creek conference to which she was invited, she was nothing less than eager to visit this town and understand the mystery behind the amazing stories.

Ella was astonished at the deafening stillness as she arrived at Willow Creek, and realized with horror how the air was saturated with a supernatural quietness. The streets were empty and the buildings were standing like heartless soldiers waiting for the nightfall, which was bringing the total death at the crime scene.

Chapter 2: The Legend

Coleen jumped right in the local folklore right away, feeling an urge to personally discover the reality of the sleeping beast tale. According to the town people, the monster was believed to be a ghastly being that epitomized the subconscious mind, and the dark and evil one which attacked the fear and insecurity of those who decided to come face to face with it (d.crh).

It was there that Ella made herself familiar with the fairytale of the town, and got in the habit of frequenting ancient woods that encircled it. That's where the monster was most often believed to be lurking, ready to spring upon the unfortunate tourer whenever the path let its guard down.

Chapter 3: The Dream

On that night Ella was not able to sleep effectively, her dreams only filled with dark visions that allowed only the emotions of desolation and despair to exist. As the forest shadows got stronger and followed her with every step, she felt her fear growing inside.

There, in the heart of the clearing, a wondrous creature, strange, beyond her imagination, lay on its side. This was a huge lump of flesh and bone with eyes like in the netherworld, which gleamed with an unearthly glow.

Yet, as Ella get close to the animal, she is engulfed in fright. Because she knew that she is with a monster which can give her the fatal chance any time.

Chapter 4: The Awakening

To Ella's dismay, distracting concerns about something she couldn't put her finger on accompanied her even after she awoke fresh in the morning. The nightmare had seemed startlingly tangible, as she had imagined besieging face to face the monster festering deep down into her subterranean thoughts.

With an iron-will bent on solving the mystery of her dream, Ella waded through the forest deep with a beating heart pounding with expectancy. Her mind was filled with more and more thoughts till she felt like a magnet pulled her through toward the hidden place deep inside a secluded clearing that was safe from snooping eyes.

And there, on the very middle of a clearing, what was lying in the center but a creature that looked just like the one from the her dream. It sprang to life when she approached, exchanging every passion with such a burning intentness.

Chapter 5: The Confrontation

Ella was motionless as the creature followed suit, did what a snake does, spoke in a guttural whisper that caused goose flesh to surface on her arm.

"You have summoned me, human," it said as if the mere presence of someone had allowed these words to resonate across the forest. "Dying words on your husband's lips would be: "You shall pay for deeds you did before.""

Suddenly, Ella couldn’t take the daring anymore. She walked toward the monster without fear, ready to face that monster. She was aware that she must overcome her fears, the only option for her if she wanted to have any hope of breaking free from it or being imprisoned by it.

Nevertheless, as she By contrast, she realized that the monster was as far from being her enemy envisioned. It only echoed her own matches and terrors mingled together and rerode with the shadow splendid her own imagination.

Chapter 6: The Revelation

And with an instant of clarity, the Germination of the monster slayer lie deeply in her own power. She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes, turning further inward and gathering her steadfast mood and stamina.

As she did the thing of imagining the brightness, she was like gaining back strength and confidence, smashing the monster's spell and sending the enemy back to the deep hole it came from. Thus, she did not only realize that she was replacing anxiety and tension with something she had never experienced before- something better for the mind and soul, but also that she should not compare herself with other people.


As Ella stepped out of the forest, she felt certain that the worst fear she had ever imagined inside her was behind her and she had conquered it. The legend of the sleeping wolfy monster would become one of the tales for Willow Creek but she did prove that even in the worst of the dreams one can still triumph with the help of her courage and willpower.

And then, going back to her life as a psychologist, she had in her guide that the triumph over the fear was not in the darkness but in the light that each one of us had inside as an invisible weapon to use if necessary.


About the Creator

Keyur Porecha

A deep thinker, analyser, researcher who loves to explore the unknown facts and insides of a topic. Love creating short stories which may be a good tool to love reading for the active readers who like stories and get inspired as well.

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    Keyur PorechaWritten by Keyur Porecha

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