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The shape-shifter

a tale about a supernatural creature who can transform into different animals and has the ability to steal life force from people.

By Charles CarlosPublished 11 months ago 5 min read
The shape-shifter
Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

The jungle was infamous for its legends and myths. However, the one that had always stood out was that of the aswang. The dreaded legendary creature that could shift its body into different animals. Its powers had been known to the natives for centuries, and its existence had always been called into question. But, then why did they fear it so much?

The story of the aswang had been passed down for generations. People whispered in hushed tones about its haunting human-like screams bouncing through the night, making the hair stand on end. The natives often abstained from sleeping during the full moon when the aswang was known to roam the streets. No one was safe from the aswang's powers. The rumors swirled about how it would sneak into homes, crawl under the beds, and steal the life force from its victims. It was said that it preyed on pregnant women and small children, through the bulging bellies of the former, and the innocence of the latter, it would suckle at their innards like a gluttonous leech.

However, one night a band of travelers stumbled upon a village where the aswang had just struck, killing dozens in a flurried frenzy of malice. The traveling party determined to dig deep and find the truth about this creature.

There was one man known to have survived an aswang attack by recounting his tale with shivers and creaks in his voice. Althëus was his name, a grizzled veteran and a hunter with years of experience, a man that claimed to have seen the aswang's true form. He was a recluse, living out in the wilds, surviving off the land, and receiving fewer and fewer visiting traders with every passing year. Upon the travelers' request, he agreed to accompany them on their journey to find the aswang.

The travelers moved through the jungle, nervously looking around every corner, every tree, bracing themselves for the aswang's attack. The air was electric with tension as they trekked deeper into the heart of darkness. Althëus kept watch, his fingers twitching as they clutched the hilt of his knife, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any hint of movement.

As the sun began to set, the travelers reached a clearing, and a primordial fear set in as the aswang appeared in front of them. It was unlike any creature they had ever seen. Its limbs were twisted and elongated, skin wrinkly, and nails protruding unnaturally like claws. The aswang was covered in human-looking skin, almost like a costume it had put on. In one fluid motion, it transformed into a giant wolf, baring its teeth and snarling at the travelers.

Althëus, knowing he was the only chance they had, threw himself at the wolf-man, plunging his knife deep into its chest. However, as he made his move, the aswang changed again, this time into a flock of bats. The travelers panicked as the swarm descended upon them, biting at their flesh and feeding on their essence. Althëus was the only one who kept his wits about him, swinging his knife and dispatching as many bats as possible. A barrage of bullets from the other travelers took care of the rest.

As the last of the bats fell to the ground, the aswang's true form was finally revealed. It lay in front of them, a twisted and writhing pile of fur, claws, and blood. The travelers looked on in horror as the creature took its last breaths, its powers and its terrifying hold on their lives extinguished forever.

Althëus examined the body and found that the aswang had parasites living inside of it, causing its body to twist and move in unnatural ways. It was a monster, no doubt, but its existence only spread terror and fear.

In the aftermath of the attack, the travelers left the village, and rumors swirled of the creature they had encountered. However, they knew the truth, the tale they could tell was a true one. They had stared death in the face and had come out on the other end, knowing that the aswang was no longer a myth, but a reality.

The travelers returned to their homes, haunted by the memory of the aswang. They had come face to face with one of the world's deadliest creatures and had lived to tell the tale. Their experiences had changed them, leaving a deep understanding of the fragility of life. They knew that their survival was, in part, due to the bravery of Althëus, who had confronted the aswang head-on, and in doing so, had saved their lives.

Their encounter had caused a stir in their community, and people began to open up about their own experiences with the aswang. They shared stories of how it had lurked in the shadows of their homes, its chilling screams echoing down the passageways. The villagers would place garlic and barbs of iron outside their homes to ward off the aswang, hoping that these offerings would be enough to keep them safe.

Despite their fears, the people began to feel a sense of empowerment. They felt that they could no longer be held captive by the myths and legends of old. They began to explore and discover their own abilities and strengths, the ones that had enabled them to survive.

As the months passed, the people of the village became more and more confident. They let go of their old superstitions and embraced a new way of living. They became more connected to one another, sharing their experiences and fears. They began to work together to reinforce their homes and build defenses against any future attacks.

But the travelers knew that the aswang was just one of many mythical creatures that the jungle had to offer. They knew that there were still untold dangers lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike. They were grateful for their experience, but they were also acutely aware of the fact that their journey had only just begun.

Althëus, too, was changed by his encounter. He had spent his entire life in the jungle, but the aswang had shown him that there was so much more to explore. He decided to travel beyond the jungle, to explore the world outside of the only place he had ever known. He left his old life behind, setting off towards a new adventure, seeking out new creatures and experiences.

The travelers and the villagers continued on their own journey, forever changed by their encounter with the aswang. They went back to their way of life, but this time, more empowered and connected to their environment. They knew that they had the strength to face their fears head-on and that they could overcome any challenge that was thrown their way.

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