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The shape of our dreams

A Journey Beyond Horizons

By Okene favour Published 14 days ago 4 min read

The small village of Elden nestled in a lush valley, surrounded by rolling hills and vibrant meadows. It was a place where time seemed to stand still, where every day felt like a gift. The villagers led simple lives, tending to their farms and families, their hearts full of contentment. But amidst this picturesque setting lived a girl named Lila, whose dreams were as vast as the open sky.

Lila was not like the other children in Elden. While they played in the fields or helped their parents, Lila spent her days gazing at the horizon, lost in thought. Her dreams took the shape of far-off places, of grand adventures, and of lives yet to be lived. She dreamed of towering cities made of glass and steel, of deserts that stretched endlessly, and of oceans that whispered secrets to the shore.

Her parents, loving but practical, often worried about her. "Lila, darling," her mother would say, brushing a strand of hair from her face, "you mustn't spend so much time dreaming. There is work to be done, and dreams won't fill your belly."

"But Mama," Lila would reply, her eyes sparkling with a light that seemed to come from within, "my dreams are what give me strength. They are the shape of my heart's desires."

One crisp autumn evening, as the sun dipped below the hills, casting the village in a golden glow, Lila's father called her over. "Lila, there is something I want to show you," he said, his voice a mix of tenderness and gravity.

He led her to the attic of their modest home, where dusty old trunks and forgotten treasures lay hidden. He opened a worn leather-bound book, its pages yellowed with age. "This," he said, "is the journal of your great-grandmother, Elara. She too was a dreamer, much like you."

Lila's fingers traced the delicate handwriting on the pages. Each entry was a window into a world of wonder and possibility, a testament to a woman who had seen the shape of her dreams and chased them with all her might. Elara had journeyed far beyond Elden, exploring distant lands, meeting new people, and living a life that seemed plucked from a storybook.

Inspired by her great-grandmother's tales, Lila felt a newfound determination. She realized that her dreams were not mere fantasies, but the blueprint of her destiny. She knew that she had to follow in Elara's footsteps and shape her dreams into reality.

With a heavy heart but unwavering resolve, Lila bid farewell to her family and the village she loved. She packed a small bag with essentials and set out on a journey that would take her far from the familiar comforts of Elden. As she walked away, the villagers watched with a mix of pride and sorrow, knowing that Lila was destined for greatness.

Lila's journey was fraught with challenges. She traversed dense forests, climbed towering mountains, and crossed vast deserts. There were moments of doubt, when the weight of her dreams seemed too heavy to bear. But in those moments, she would take out her great-grandmother's journal and find solace in Elara's words.

One particularly harsh winter, Lila found herself in a bustling city. The towering buildings and bustling streets were a stark contrast to the quiet beauty of Elden. She found work at a small bakery, where she toiled from dawn till dusk, her hands covered in flour and her heart heavy with homesickness. Yet, each night, as she lay in her tiny rented room, she would close her eyes and dream of the day when she would shape her dreams into reality.

Years passed, and Lila's journey took her to many places. She met people from all walks of life, each with their own dreams and stories. She learned new skills, faced countless trials, and grew stronger with each passing day. And through it all, she never lost sight of the shape of her dreams.

One day, while traveling through a remote village, Lila stumbled upon a school in dire need of a teacher. The children, bright-eyed and eager to learn, reminded her of the villagers of Elden. Moved by their enthusiasm, Lila decided to stay and share her knowledge with them. She taught them not just from books, but from the wealth of experiences she had gathered on her journey.

The village flourished under Lila's guidance, and she found a sense of fulfillment she had never known before. She realized that her dreams had taken on a new shape, one that was not just about exploring the world, but about making a difference in the lives of others.

Years turned into decades, and Lila grew old. She never returned to Elden, but her heart always carried a piece of her village. She continued to teach and inspire, her life a testament to the power of dreams. And when the time came for her to leave this world, she did so with a heart full of peace, knowing that she had shaped her dreams into a legacy that would live on.

In the quiet village of Elden, the story of Lila and her great-grandmother Elara became a cherished tale, passed down from generation to generation. It served as a reminder that dreams, no matter how grand or improbable, have the power to shape our lives and the world around us. And in the hearts of the villagers, the shape of their dreams took on new dimensions, inspired by the journey of a girl who dared to dream beyond the horizon.

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Comments (1)

  • Esala Gunathilake14 days ago

    It is a nice perspective.

OFWritten by Okene favour

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