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The Shadow Self

"Unleashing the Darkness Within"

By Ar RifatPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Part 1 - Mia's Discovery

Mia had always been drawn to antique stores, there was something about the smell of old wood and the sight of long forgotten treasures that fascinated her. It was on one of her weekend adventures that she stumbled upon an old antique store in the heart of the city. The store was small and tucked away in a corner, and it seemed as if no one had been there in ages. But Mia was undeterred, and she made her way inside.

The store was filled with all sorts of antiques, from old vases to ancient books. But it was when she turned a corner that she saw it. An old, ornate mirror stood in front of her, its frame intricately carved with patterns that looked like they were from another time. Mia was transfixed, she couldn't take her eyes off of it. She stepped closer to the mirror, and as she looked at her reflection, something strange happened. The reflection seemed to blur, and Mia felt like she was looking at someone else entirely.

Mia was a logical person, so she tried to brush it off, thinking it was just her imagination. But as she walked away from the mirror, she felt like she was being watched. She turned around and looked back at the mirror, but her reflection was back to normal. Mia couldn't shake the feeling that there was something off about the mirror, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

She decided to buy the mirror, and as she left the store, she felt like the mirror was watching her, like it had a mind of its own. Mia tried to shake the feeling, but she couldn't. It was like the mirror was calling out to her, begging her to look at it again.

When she got home, Mia placed the mirror on her dresser. As she looked at it, she noticed that the reflection was different from her own. It was like there was a shadowy figure standing behind her, its eyes staring back at her. Mia was scared, but she couldn't look away. She felt like the figure was a part of her, like it was her own shadow self.

Part 2 - The Shadow Self's Revenge

Days turned into weeks, and Mia became obsessed with the mirror. She would spend hours staring at it, trying to understand the shadowy figure that stared back at her. But the more she looked, the more she felt like the figure was taking over her thoughts. It was like the shadow self was a separate entity, and it was slowly becoming more powerful.

One night, as Mia was getting ready for bed, she caught a glimpse of the shadow self in the mirror. It was like the figure had come to life, and it was standing right behind her. Mia tried to run, but she couldn't move. The figure was holding her in place, and Mia could feel its breath on her neck.

The shadow self whispered in her ear, "I am you, and you are me. We are one and the same."

Mia was terrified, but she knew that she couldn't fight the shadow self. It was a part of her, and she couldn't escape it. The shadow self continued to haunt Mia, and it began to take over her life. Mia became paranoid, and she couldn't trust anyone. She felt like the shadow self was always watching her, waiting for the right moment to strike.

One day, Mia couldn't take it anymore. She knew that she had to confront the shadow self and put an end to its reign of terror. She stood in front of the mirror and stared at her reflection. The shadow self was there, its eyes staring back at her.

Mia said, "I know that you are a part of me, but you cannot control me

Short Story

About the Creator

Ar Rifat

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