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The Scandal: Part 1

When a dark cloud shows up...

By Fiction 'Ai' WriterPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
The Scandal: Part 1
Photo by Kyle Johnson on Unsplash

"Who is in the garden, a little fine girl, can I come and see you?... " Dean sang to Alex as they were seated in the kitchen preparing something to eat.

I'm just going to leave a note for my mum hat say I've gone to an aunt's house. I'm not sure when I'll be back. Hope all is well with you.

"What the hell are you doing?" Dean asked as he saw his girlfriend writing a note in her notebook.

"I'm leaving a note in case mom and dad come looking for me," she replied without looking up from her work. "I know they want me home soon."

"Why does this matter so much to them?"

Alex sighed before sitting up on the kitchen table, crossing her legs. She looked at Dean with sad eyes, and said, "It doesn't matter if they're okay, but it matters to me."

"So why do you need to go then? Why not just call them?" Dean asked confusedly as he grabbed some cereal and milk from the fridge. Alex watched him eat while thinking of what to say. Eventually, she stood up from the table, walking around the kitchen until she was right behind him, wrapping her arms around him and resting her head on his shoulder. He looked over at her, raising one eyebrow.

"They're...they're just being extra protective," she explained, sighing softly. "The doctors think I'm getting better, but they still worry about me sometimes because I could get sick again."

Dean nodded slightly in understanding, turning away from the table and putting his hands under Alex's thighs, and lifting her off the ground. Her face immediately flushed red as he began to walk down the stairs with her in his arms. "Put me down!"

He ignored her protests and continued downstairs, passing by Sam and Cas who were watching something on TV. They glanced at Dean and smiled. Cas gave him a wave, which made Alex roll her eyes. "Don't encourage him! You'll make him think we're gonna fall out of love again."

Dean laughed as he put Alex on the couch and sat next to her, taking her hand. "That wasn't exactly how I pictured our first kiss going either, babe."

She grinned up at him, giving him a peck on the lips. Then suddenly she frowned. "Wait, you mean this isn't your first kiss either?"

"No!" Dean exclaimed loudly as he blushed heavily. "This isn't my first kiss either."

"You never told us that."

Dean rolled his eyes as Sam snickered. "Shut up!"

"So...when did you start liking girls?" Sam asked as he turned his attention from the television.

Before either one could answer, the phone rang. Alex jumped up and went towards the kitchen to grab it. When she returned, she handed it to Dean and plopped herself back down next to him. After a few minutes, he spoke again. He held the receiver to his ear, glancing at Cas and Sam. His eyes narrowed and he shook his head.

Then he took the phone and walked into his room, closing the door behind himself and holding the phone tightly to his ear.

"What's wrong?" Cas asked worriedly after a moment, setting aside his book and turning towards Sam.

Sam shook his head before answering. "Nothing is wrong. It's fine."

Cas gave him a skeptical look as he sat closer to the edge of the couch. "If you don't mind my asking, Sam..."

"Just shut up for five seconds!"

Sam's outburst startled Castiel, but he kept quiet as he waited for Sam to finish speaking. Once Sam had finished talking, they both stared at the closed door in front of them.

To be continued...


About the Creator

Fiction 'Ai' Writer

An amateur fiction writer.

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