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The Savior


By Olalekan AdeekoPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

Thousands of years back, there came massive destruction that hit the earth. This destruction was caused by the dark lord of the earth, he goes by the name Rajah. Many lives were lost, properties and even the tiniest of all living creatures were destroyed.

It is indeed so shocking to find out a couple (Bruno and Emilia) with their son (Julio) and a magician named Zedicus survived the great hit.

The fight for survival and the quest to bring an end to the dark lord emerges as it had been written according to destiny that Emilia's son Julio and the magician will be the savior of the earth. But then, the key to saving the earth is a heart-shaped locket hanging around Zedicus's mother's neck (Arianda) who has since joined forces with the dark lord.

In the early hours of the morning, Zedicus who was sleeping alongside his magic wand had an unusual dream. He woke up in shock wondering what the dream was all about. "This dream is so unusual, why would i have such a dream at this hour? Of what business do i have with the dark lord and the saving of the earth? I am the only one left here on earth, everyone had been wiped out. My wand wasn't capable of saving the dead, I had to run for my life and hide in a sacred place. I have failed the world, and now i have a dream i would be putting an end to the dark lord's reign and saving the earth? This must definitely be a joke!"

With his wand still in his hands, he swung it and his clothes changed. It was a magnificent magician dress with small tiny bells dangling round the tail of his skirt.

He walked up about two kilometers to the stream to get some fresh water and not just a sound of a living creature was around. He got to the stream, washed his face, and drank some water. When he lifted up his face to the sky he saw at the opposite side of the stream Emilia Julio's mother. Emilia was there to get some water for her son and husband Bruno. Zedicus swings his magic wand and it brought to him Emilia who was opposite the stream a few seconds ago.

"Who are you, woman?"

Emilia had recognized Zedicus the moment the wand brought her beside him. She had once dated Zedicus while she was a youth and got pregnant for him.

"I am Emilia. What do you want from me?"

"Where do you come from? And how did you survive the destruction? I am a magician and the only one alive until you showed up"

"My husband, son, and I hid in a secret passage where no earth disaster would be able to infiltrate."

"You look so familiar woman, do you know me? Have we met before? Speak woman!"

Emilia trembled at the shout of Zedicus, and her clay pot containing the water from the stream fell and broke. she was not sure if he was still the man she knew in her youthful days.

Emilia stutters as she responds to Zedicus

"Yes, yes i know you. I am the woman you dated in your youth. I was pregnant for you but my family didn't approve of you because you were a magician. I know you too well Zedicus. I searched all over for you, you left the city. I carried the child and didn't want to abort because i was afraid i might die, and with the fact that it was a magician's son, i really do not want to lose my sanity and go insane. You are a powerful man. I know you!"

Tears rolled down the lids of Zedicus as he held the hands of Emilia then he paused and asked.

"Where is the boy?"

"The boy is at home with my husband."

"What is his name?"

"Julio, that's the name i gave him."

At the mention of that name, Zedicus began to see visions connecting to his previous dream and also a link that has to do with the boy working alongside Zedicus to bring down the Dark lord and save the earth.

With Emilia wondering what was wrong she kept her confidence as she knew him to be a magician and what was capable of happening when you are with one. Most especially a powerful one.

At this time it was almost past midday and Emilia noticed she had stayed longer than expected with Zedicus.

With tears still dropping down both eyes.

"Zedicus, I would like to be on my way now, I have stayed long enough at the stream, and i don't want to get my family worried."

"You can go. But we are going together. I need to see my son we both have some work to do."

"What do you mean some work to do?"

"Let's go. When i get to your home i will explain."

Zedicus swung his wand and there was another clay pot filled with water for Emilia to take home.

They both walk for about three kilometers when they finally arrived at Emilia's abode.

Julio rushed out to welcome his mom, while Bruno was worried something bad might have happened to his wife.

"Where have you been?"

They were standing outside their abode and right now it was dark, with the clouds full of thunderstorms.

"I told you i needed to go to the stream, we need some water."

"What kept you so long and who is this magician standing beside you?"

"Let me explain, his name is Zedicus and he was the one i told you got me pregnant when i was a youth, the great magician. I was fetching some water when we met and he requested he would follow me home. He said there was some work or job he alongside Julio have to do, and he made mention of putting an end to the dark lord and saving the earth. So he came along with me. I also couldn't hide his son from him, I remember telling you the time will come when he will come looking for his son. Now is the time."

With a worried face, Bruno greeted Zedicus welcome. Zedicus swung his wand and transformed Bruno's house into something better and comfortable. He swung his wand again and they all disappeared into the house.

"You are welcome once again Zedicus and thank you for the transformation. What exactly do you need my son, or should i say your son for? What work is she talking about?"

"I had a dream in the early hours of today and i saw myself bringing an end to the dark lord's reign and also saving the earth. However, I saw something strange in the dream as well that shows me working alongside a boy to get the job done. Immediately i met with Emilia, and she told me about Julio i had a vision, and this time it was clear i had to work with Julio my and your son to save the earth. There is however just one key and problem to getting this job done. The key is a heart-shaped locket and the problem is, the chain is hanging around my mother's neck. She has since before my father died joined forces with the dark lord. I, I mean we, myself and Julio have to retrieve the heart-shaped locket and put an end to the dark lord's reign."

"WOW! This is really overwhelming. how then do you plan to do this? Have you figured out a way yet?"

Zedicus brings out an ageless map showing where to go and the route to take. The map was given to him by his father as if he knew a time like this would come.

"This a map given to me by my father and this is how we would go. I ensure the protection of your son and the end of the dark lord. I plan to transform into a servant with a son and i would smuggle myself into the dark lord's kingdom and get the locket. It is not an easy task i know, but remember i am the greatest magician ever after the earth was wiped out by the dark lord."

"I believe in you and your mission and I trust you with my son, our son will be saved with you. Emilia, get Julio's bag ready he has some work to do."

"Thank you for the trust, Bruno."

With a burdened heart Emilia and Bruno bid Julio bye. Julio with tears reluctantly followed Zedicus. Along the way, he got him some sweets through magic and they became good friends. Zedicus transformed himself as said and he found his way into the dark lord's kingdom. He proved his loyalty and he was assigned to the Grand patron of the dark side who unknowingly to the dark lord was his mom.

She was old and couldn't see has her youth. She loved the way Zedicus and his son treats her and gave them access to her inner chambers.

Zedicus watched as the grand patron took off the heart-shaped locket and put it in her safe. He stealthily walked towards the necklace and the grand patron rose. There was a power toggle between the patron and Zedicus but at some point she became weak and Zedicus had in his possession the necklace.

He escaped in the middle of the cold night with his son and got to the boundaries the dark lord had created. He gave his son the heart-shaped locket and as he lifts it up the boundaries broke and all slowly came back to normal. The dark lord, however, had sharp chest pain and fell on the magic dagger he was holding.

Bruno and Emilia noticed the change and they knew there had been a transition. Zedicus returned back with Julio and appreciated all they had done for his son. He then promised to keep a constant check on his son as the earth remains.

With a hug, they bid themselves bye.


About the Creator

Olalekan Adeeko

Olalekan Adeeko is an author, podcaster, public speaker, and he advocates for gender equality.

He loves traveling, and meeting people.

He is the author of the best-selling book "Success is free; only if you are ready to pay the price."

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    Olalekan AdeekoWritten by Olalekan Adeeko

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