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The royal family is finished

The King of Heaven is still not on the account, the old on the high platform to avoid the sound of the noise

By Hasti DaeiPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
 The royal family is finished
Photo by mohammad alizade on Unsplash

The King of Heaven is still not on the account, the old on the high platform to avoid the sound of the noise. I did not expect that one day, the sound of this noise is getting louder and louder, the closer I hear. No way, he had to come down with a red face. Those who came in reported more unlucky than the matter of the account. At the head was the Duke of Western Zhou, followed by a group of ministers. They shouted in a panic, "Oh, no! It's terrible! Qin's army has come to the Western Zhou!" The King of Heaven was so frightened that he almost fainted. He cried and asked the Duke of Western Zhou, "What about the vassals of all the countries? What about the armies of Yan and Chu?" The Duke of Western Zhou said, "The vassals of all countries cannot even take care of themselves. Qin defeated Korea and took Yangcheng [southeast of Dengfeng County in Henan Province] and Negibi [southwest of Dengfeng County], killing more than 40,000 Korean soldiers. Qin also defeated Zhao, capturing more than twenty cities and killing more than 90,000 Zhao soldiers. The armies of Yan and Chu had long since gone back. Now we have no decent army and no food or forage, we are just waiting for death!" King Blushing of Zhou said, "Then flee to San Jin." The Duke of Western Zhou said, "What's the use? If the king of heaven had joined San Jin, then he would go to Qin and destroy San Jin and then join Qin again, then he would suffer once more and see twice. That's not worth it. I think it would be better to surrender to Qin, and perhaps we can still save our position." King Blushing of Zhou was so anxious that he didn't know where to put his hands, rubbing them back and forth. Later, he took his sons, nephews, and ministers to the Imperial Temple and cried to his ancestors. The Duke of Western Zhou went to the Qin camp with his household register and map to surrender, offering only 36 small cities and 30,000 households. The Qin generals sent men to "escort" the Blushing King of Zhou to Xianyang, and at the same time, they went in to take over Western Zhou.good, and he was not a native of Qin, so he wanted to reappoint him. The lords of the kingdoms could only use the noblemen, who were all from large families, with large populations and power, and later the king was in their hands. Qin had always made use of outsiders, whose individual power, though great, could not be organized into a large group to fight against the king, and thus the power of Qin was concentrated on the king. King Zhaoxiang of Qin would never let the nobles take power. He made Cai Ze a guest minister at that time, but forbade Fan Sui to resign. Fan Sui pretended to be sick and took a sick leave. After staying for a few days, he submitted a petition, saying that he was too old and too sick to attend court. Knowing that he was determined to retire, King Zhaoxiang sent him to Yingcheng to retire. Then he worshipped Cai Ze as the prime minister and assumed Fan Suo's position.He had been the king for more than fifty years and was now approaching seventy. After a lifetime of conquering and fighting in the east and west, Qin had become powerful, but China had not been unified. Fan Suo had Cai Ze to replace him, but who would he find to replace him? Although An Guojun was the crown prince, unfortunately, he was not that capable of taking charge of state affairs. What about Wang Sun Zi Chu? He could not be trusted either. Zi Chu's son Zhao Zheng? Still a child, not to mention. He often thought about this. In the fall of 251 B.C., King Zhaoxiang of Qin, a shrewd and strong man who was determined to unify China, died of an illness after several nights of sleeplessness.

Prince An Guojun took the throne and became King Xiaowen of Qin. At this time, King Xiaowen of Qin was already fifty-three years old. He made Zichu [the king's son, Isoren] the crown prince. It is said that King Xiaowen died of "poisoning" after only three days of his reign. Zi Chu became King Zhuangxiang of Qin. King Zhuangxiang installed Lady Huayang as the Queen Mother, Zhao Ji as the Queen Mother, and his son Zhao Zheng as the Crown Prince.

This King Zhuangxiang was the one who was trained by Lu Buwei, so of course, he had to use Lu Buwei again. Cai Ze took sick leave and handed in his seal. King Zhuangxiang made Lu Buwei the prime minister, made him the Marquis of Wenxin, and gave him 100,000 households in Luoyang as his salary. He left Cai Ze as the governor.

Lu Bu Wei said to King Zhuangxiang, "I have recently received reports from all over the world that the Duke of Eastern Zhou has passed two kings one after another for Qin, and he expects that Qin cannot be stabilized. I thought that since we had destroyed the Western Zhou, we could not keep the Eastern Zhou. Don't look at the weak remnant of the Eastern Zhou, he still claims to be the descendant of King Wen and the rightful branch of the Zhou dynasty. He still wants to use this name to incite the world and disrupt the Central Plains. We might as well destroy him too so that the vassals will not use this old hat to oppress us again." King Zhuangxiang then made Lu Buwei his general and took 100,000 troops to fight the Eastern Zhou. The Eastern Zhou Dynasty was already on the verge of extinction, so how could it withstand the storm? From the reign of King Wu (1122 B.C.) to the captivity of the king of the Eastern Zhou (249 B.C.), for a total of 874 years, the Zhou dynasty was finished.

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About the Creator

Hasti Daei

Happy, what happens when it happens, and what happens when it doesn't?

I would rather live in peace

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