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The romantic poet

The lone romantic

By Sara KlinePublished 3 years ago 5 min read
the rose of red that symbolizes the color of love.

The lone romantic poet sat under the light of the full moon and wrote a deep poem filled with passion and heart. But the people around him only laughed at his words. He never felt so alone amongst the people as did when he was amongst them. The only time he felt whole and not alone was when he was writing his poetry.

It held such deep soulful words that uttered passion when you read them. One young woman picked up a piece of his poetry and read the words and shed tears because she never felt so touched by what someone could put onto paper.

The young woman grabbed a pen and paper and wrote from the soul and sent it to the lone poet and he never felt so understand by someone elses words as did by the young woman's words. The end. But the woman did not know the end was just the beginging of something so unique an unseen by the naked eye.

The poet searched for this young woman an one day he walked into a coffee shop 10 blocks from his house. The young woman was sitting and writing a poem with deep words that came from the heart. His eyes widened and he asked her the seat in front of her was taken and she replied not for a lone romantic poet like yourself.

They read over eachothers poems and smiled and cried tears of pure understanding. The love between papers grew into something so pure and so deep and meaningful but full of passion between 2 souls who had and unbelieveable connection that no one could ever fully understand.

Thats is what made the poetry they wrote so unbelieveably good. The demand for it was higher than anyone could imagine and everyone wanted there hands on the poetry from the love of 2 pure and passionate souls. I want to be just like the romantic poets. There love is like nothing you could ever imagine and I want that kind of love its powerful. The poets words are like magic they breathe love into the life of your heart and soul. How could words be so powerful and yet so deep and meaningful.

The poets poetry inspired so many other couples to explore there souls and find the passion that lies within. Cause so many souls longed to be like the poets. Thus was the reason the poets wrote the lone romantic because the world had so many lone romantics in it that longed for a love like no other. The poets who wrote the poetry fell in love a deep powerful and meaningful love that not only transformed 2 souls into writers but long time lovers.

Hopefully the begining of the love story between poets starts a transformation with love amongst the world and creates a wave of passion amongst everyone. Do not be afraid to pursue your dreams and follow your heart always never give up on love no matter how long a road it may be. No matter how hard it can be always stick by your partner no matter what happens. Love will conquer all turmoil, you have to believe in your love and know how deep it runs.

Thats how love survives years and years, it takes sacrifice and finding the give and take between eachother and if you can build your bond between each other your love will conquer through it all. When you understand love and how it works then you can understand partner. I talked to her and learned about how to fill her love tank and make her smile and feel loved all the same time.

Love is such an intriguing emotion and understanding how deep it can be and the amazing things to understand of it. Love may come off as complicated but it truly is not you need to understand your heart if you don't know your heart you don't know how you want to be loved.

We look at couples in love and think we know to a full understanding of what we want whom we want and how we want to have love shown to us. The reality of that is we don't and if we don't know then we can not give back or show someone what they need in return from us.

let love conquer your journey with a brand new understanding of how to be loved and how to love someone else. Because love is all you need. Thats what the romantic poet wants you to understand and know. Because your heart and soul know what you need and an how your to be loved and how you are to show your love. Because love is language and we should be able to speak it clearly and fluently like no other language spoken before.

Our language of love is unique and it has to be spoken the way you want to be loved and how the person your with wants to be loved as well. You learn so much about how you want to recieve love and how you want to give love to someone in return. Our first impression is from our parents and sometimes even they do not realize there missing the ques from there partner on how to love eachother properly they way they wish and yearn to be loved.

We only hope to achieve the dream and full understanding of love and the language it speaks to us all. May we all gain a bit of understanding to look deep within our hearts and souls to understand our own individual love language and know how we want to be loved and need to be loved by our partners. we need to be all we can be inside and out. The end.


About the Creator

Sara Kline

My name is Sara I live in the country in a small town in pennsylvania called St thomas. I enjoy writing and craft making but I do this in the comfort of my home. I enjoy making my own hours and bossing me around. let me create your design

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