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The Reign of General Evangeline

An Unholy Army Bound by Leather and Control

By ME GustaPublished about a year ago 3 min read
General Evangeline with the special belt device just below her waist

In the depths of an underground lair, the evil General Evangeline plotted her nefarious scheme. Determined to create an army of lifeless soldiers under her command, she embarked on a twisted experiment. Her vision took shape in the form of a group of female soldiers, each one crafted to serve her dark purposes.

The lifeless soldiers were motionless, their eyes devoid of any spark of humanity. Their faces were expressionless, almost mask-like, as if frozen in an eternal state of obedience. Their movements were precise but lacked any natural fluidity, as if they were mere automatons following a predetermined set of instructions. Their voices were flat and monotone, devoid of emotion or inflection. Despite their bodies clad in tight green leather uniforms that accentuated their every curve, there was an eerie absence of life within them, as if their souls had been extinguished, leaving only empty vessels. Completing the uniform, a golden belt adorned their waists, a symbol of authority and control.

Army of lifeless soldiers

As their black boots, polished to a gleaming shine, clicked against the cold concrete floor as they marched in perfect unison. These soldiers were the embodiment of obedience, their movements precise and devoid of any human emotion. They were merely puppets, awaiting their puppet master's commands.

The soldiers' unyielding loyalty extended to anyone who possessed the special belt with a white device. The black belt, adorned with a white device positioned just below the General's waist. The device emitted a faint, pulsating light, almost as if it held some sort of hidden power. When someone possessed this belt with the white device, the soldiers would respond to their commands without question, their lifeless eyes suddenly alight with a spark of obedience. It was a key that unlocked the soldiers' programmed responses, as if connecting them directly to the will of General Evangeline herself. Only those who possessed this special belt could truly control the army of lifeless soldiers and bend them to their desires. With a mere glance, the soldiers would spring into action, ready to carry out orders without question or hesitation.

General Evangeline was the epitome of ruthless authority. Her presence commanded attention, her gaze piercing through the souls of those who dared to meet her eyes. Her dark green leather uniform dress, adorned with intricate detailing, exuded an air of power and dominance. The leather black jacket she wore over it only added to her formidable image, emphasizing her control over both her soldiers and the dark forces she commanded. Her long black hair cascaded down her back, framing a face that seemed to embody both beauty and malevolence. Her voice carried a chilling tone, commanding obedience and instilling fear in the hearts of those who heard it. She stood tall and imposing, her presence demanding respect and fear. Her attire reflected her authority, emphasizing her power and dominance.

Her piercing gaze scanned the rows of her lifeless soldiers, a twisted satisfaction evident in her eyes. To her, they were nothing more than tools, devoid of free will or independent thought. Their purpose was singular—to serve her dark ambitions and execute her every command without question.

As General Evangeline surveyed her creations, a malevolent smile curved her lips. She reveled in the control she wielded over her army of lifeless soldiers, knowing that she held their strings, manipulating them to do her bidding. The world trembled in anticipation of the havoc they would wreak under her command.

Little did anyone suspect the true depths of her malevolence and the sinister plans she had in store. General Evangeline's army of lifeless soldiers, clad in their tight green leather uniforms, awaited their marching orders, ready to bring chaos and destruction to all who stood in their path.

Young AdultShort StoryFantasy

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    MGWritten by ME Gusta

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