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The Querent

Are you ready to know?

By Bonnie MishaPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 4 min read

So what’s a Positive?

You are or you wouldn’t be here

Yes I know that but tell me again, what was different about us?

Positives have heart connection. Negatives did not

Did Negatives know this?

Yes, they were born with that knowing

What did they do about it?

Compensate, build facades, become actors

So they couldn’t feel?

No, they could feel plenty

But only negative stuff?


But what about love or even liking

Mostly no but they could be trained to act like they did

What do you mean, mostly? Were some Negatives different?

Only different in a programmed way. All liking had to first serve their needs

So they weren’t kind or generous?

Only if it suited their facades

So how could you tell the actors from the genuines?

Good question. We couldn’t


Sometimes we’d work things out if they glitched?

What do you mean glitched?

Pushed things too far, cruel, detached or lazy in covering their tracks

So Negatives had to work hard at their facades?

Yes to build them, but they were about the long game

So what if they were challenged or their facade fell apart?

They would build another facade, just a change of window dressing

So what was the main difference between Positives and Negatives?

Good question finally

What do you mean finally?

I’ve been patient

Hey I’m trying here

Negatives needed to steal life force

From Positives?



They didn’t make any themselves

Did this drive their behaviour?

Yes, it was their design

So Positives made life force and Negatives stole it?


What happened if they couldn’t steal it?

They would diminish

What do you mean?

They would become desperate, sick, do anything to survive or die

Did this apply to Positives?



Positives make their own endless supply. It’s our design

So Negatives were always in search of life force?

Not if they’d secured it

You mean by marriage and friendship?

Yes and other ways. It was about life or death. It was the design of everything

So were all Negatives born with a negative mindset?

Yes, all were born deceptive, covert and strategic

Also resourceful?

Yes but only when forced to change their facades

Were some Negatives worse than others?

Yes all had different numbers of intensity and some also escalated


Life challenges and personalities. They had choices

What about the worst Negatives?

The 8-10’s were capable of anything

So were all murderers and criminals Negatives?

Yes but occasionally Positives 1-3’s could be programmed to act as negatives

Did they ever realise this?

Yes but it didn’t end well

Did Positives know any of this?


How would you describe it all?

We were all players in a great cosmic contest. There were rules, cheat codes, levels, challenges, fails and prizes

How was it a contest if no one knew anything?

Every day was a contest, a silent game of take and lose

Can you explain that?

Yes, it was simple. Negatives were programmed to take

Positives were programmed to lose

So did Positives win anything?

Yes, intangible things

Can you explain that?

Yes, some rewards are feelings. They cannot be taken from you


When did you learn all this?

After the re-set

So you didn’t know anything before?

I suspected

So how did you find out about everything?

When you’re ready to know, you just do

Do you tell others?

Only when they ask

Why only when they ask?

They must be ready to know

So I’m ready to know?


So are there any Negatives left?

Yes, all the 1-3’s

Why did they stay?

To keep us challenged

Do they know they’re Negative?

Yes, but many are staying asleep

Are they going to become dangerous?

They might

Is there anything we can do about that?

Each case will be different

Am I a Positive?


Do I have a number?

Yes, 7

Is that good?

Every Positive is good

So are you a Positive?

That’s a curious question


Because I assumed you’d assume I am

But I want to hear it from you

Well if I am a Negative 1-3, I would lie to you. So my answer would be yes despite

So does that apply to me too? Might you be lying?

I might

So is there a way to test or find out?


So can you tell me



Because then you’d use it against the Negative 1-3’s


Is there a new game now, after the reset?

Of course

Without most of the Negatives?


So is it Positives against Positives?


So it’s not about take and lose anymore?

Don’t assume that

So who’s going to do the taking?

That’s the challenge

You mean, will Positives act out of character?

Smart question

Then she was gone, leaving behind a small box

I tried to open it. No openings

Tried to shake it. No sound

I could see the outline of something inside

I held it to the light. It was shaped like a heart

I turned the box slowly. It was some kind of locket

Then the truth hit me

She was showing me my disconnection

I can’t get to the heart. I’m one of them, I’m a Negative.

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Bonnie Misha

children’s author/designer - books, games, toys

little aussie battler series

children’s fantasy - faerie & elementals series

animation - bicky and boo - series

historic manuscripts - WW2 - s w pacific command

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