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The power of bonding

A tale of Nelly, the brave border collie

By Anna Published 2 months ago Updated 22 days ago 7 min read
The illustrations are my own drawings :)

"Sam! It's time to sleep! You have school tomorrow!"

"But Dad, I don't wanna go to school!"

"Okay, then what do you want?" – her father asked kindly. "You want me to tell a story?"

"Yeeees!" Sam giggled.

"Alright. Once in a farm lived a friendly and smart dog. Her name was Nelly. She had many friends... and yet nobody..."

"But how is that possible?" – Sam wondered.

"It is... Nelly got on well with every single animal in the farm. She loved to play with the cats, or nap with the cows. Or just simply spend time with the piglets and little ducks. However when Nelly saw the cats playing together, the cows napping in groups, the ducks swimming happily in the pond and the pigs wallowing in puddles without her, she felt useless. Nobody needed or missed the playful border collie. That made Nelly lose her happiness slowly. She didn't felt comfortable and homey in the farm anymore.

One day, she decided to leave before the sun rose above the horizon. But where did she go?

Not far away from the farm, there was a beautiful dense forest. Nelly always wanted to discover and find out what it looked like inside, so she didn't think much and entered the mystheriously rustling, green trees. She's been walking for a while and noticed that all she could hear was the birds' infinite song and the soft babble of water. Nelly experienced balance and peace the first time in her life. This magical side of the nature completely bewitched her. The kind happiness immediately returned into the border collie replacing the lonelyness and healing her heart. She could dance all day long... But the night came quickly and Nelly had to find a place to sleep. Her choice was a pile of letters. It was so soft that the little dog fell asleep right away.

In the middle of the night Nelly woke up and felt something strange in her whole body. She looked around but saw and hear nobody. The birds retreated to their nests for the night, and the forest became deathly silent. Suddenly from nowhere wind blew through the trees calling the dog's name. "Nelly! You're friends need you..."

"What kind of joke is this?" – barked Nelly waking up from her warm bed. "I know my friends, they're perfectly fine without me" – her voice shaked, as she tried to bottle up her tears. Nelly freaked out and jumped high when the old tree, under wich she spent the whole night unexpectedly started to talk. "Hurry up, every minute counts!"

The shocked dog noticed, that every tree in the forest grew arms and opened their eyes. They were all waiting for her to move. Nelly ran through dark paths, out of the forest, and couldn't imagine what happened. When she saw the house's lights in the dark, she first thought that everything was alright and all of the animals in the farm were sleeping calmly. Then she heared the scared shouting that came from the back of the garden. It was the farmer's voice. As she was approaching, she could understand the situation more and more. "Somenone attacked us, no one's safe here..." – Nelly slowed down her steps, and continued to sneak near the area, where she saw her owner tugging a torch defensively and violently. His wife was standing thightly behind him. Around them three bloodthirsty wolves were circulating, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Nelly didn't waste a second. She started to run while barking agressively at the enemy. The wolves seeing the reinforcement backed up a bit, widening their circle.

The brave collie got all the attention.

"Nelly!" – the farmer's eyes were sparkling in his relief. After a few unsuccessful attack the wolves noticed the superiority. The best thing they could do was moving and looking for an easier prey.

From that night Nelly was the hero of the house. Everyone was proud of her and she never felt useless again. She was a real guardian after all.

The loyal dog was grateful to the forest for warning her about the danger, and from then she visited the magical woods every day. Even the cats got interested and went with Nelly.

The old tree, which gave the little dog shelter on that special night, was Branchie. As it turned out later, he loved telling stories. Branchie was over the moon, after finding out that finally he would have more audience than his tree friends. Because Nelly and the cats listened to a tale every day, and they lived happily ever after..." – the father smiled and kissed Sam's forehead. The little girl was already sleeping.

"Good night!" – he whispered and turned off the glimmering night light.

20 years later:

"Remember that story about Nelly you used to tell me when I was little?" – asked Sam with barely visible tears in his eyes.

"I remember... I do..." – the old man replied. Sam's dad had been diagnosed with cancer and he had been lying in the hospital for weeks.

"Well I was wondering what happened with the enthusiastic doggy... She probably grew up and had puppies."

"Did she have a husband?" There was a light of curiosity in the eyes of the father.

"No, she was taking care of her kids with the cats." – Sam responded and laughed. "And with Branchie of course" – she added. Sam wasn't a little girl anymore, but a beautiful grown up woman. However as her father looked at her, he saw the same playful child Sam was many years ago.

The cats

"But one day Nelly grew old like everyone did. She ran out of her infinite energy, her running turned into slow walking, her sparkling eyes faded during the years.

On a sunny, yet cold winter morning Nelly decided to take one last visit to the magical forest. The old dog wanted to thank Branchie for everything and say goodbye, because she felt like she wasn't able to go for such long walks anymore. She'd rather stay at home and lay on the rug all day doing nothing. But she was determined to go, as she hadn't seen Branchie for a while. "I have to know how's he doing." – Nelly encouraged herself, got up from her comfortable spot and slowly left the house, then the farm. The wind was kindly helping the border collie on her way to the forest.

When Nelly finally reached the destination, she started to look for her old friend. The trees around the dog were tolerating the freezing winter weather quietly, however it seemed like they were a bit cold without their leaves.

After some time Nelly recognised the place, Branchie used to rest, but the tree wasn't anywhere. All that Nelly could see was a lonely bare stump.

"Where did he go?" – she wondered – "I'm just gonna wait for him here..." – she said and settled herself down next to the wooden remains. The trees felt sorry for the old, loyal border collie.

"He won't come back anymore." – one of them broke the silence.

"What?" – Nelly looked up desperately. She couldn't believe his ears.

"They took him" – answered the tree.

"Who?" – another question. Nelly felt more anger than ever. In her eyes vengefulness and hate was emerging.

"Don't you get it?" – the tree asked.

"The wolves! I knew the'd take revenge. I must've torn them into pieces when I had the chance!"

"No, Nelly... it was the farmer..."

"What?" The collie was shocked. All of her feelings were gone for a second. She felt completely empty.

"Why would they do this? I don't get it... I saved his life... They... let me down..." – she whined staring at the spot where her old friend, Branchie used to sit and tell them exciting stories all day." – Sam slowed down finishing the tale.

"Why does it have to end so sad?" – asked her father.

"Who said that it was the end?" – Sam smiled with a slight pain in her voice – "A story never ends until the main character dies"

"True" – agreed her father.

Sam went silent and got lost in her own thoughts for a bit, then added:

"Your story hasn't ended yet either, dad!" – she whispered, but the old man was already sleeping.

"A few months later Nelly got a new wooden doghouse. The farmer wanted to surprise the old collie with a gift he made with his own hands. He was very proud of the little building. The house reminded Nelly of Branchie, that made the dog sad and mad at her owner. However the night came and she had to sleep somewhere, so she finally accepted her new home. The collie laid down and put her head on her paws. She was about to fall asleep, when someone called her name.

"Nelly..., Nelly..." – echoed.

"Branchie?" The dog jumped up fiercely wagging her tail and ran out of her house. But Branchie was nowhere...

"Nelly, I'm here... in your house... I am your house." – the tree explained. Nelly stared at her own place for a bit, then quickly returned inside. She understood. She finally did. The collie was grateful to her owner, that he brought Branchie here. Now they can be together every day! Forever!

"I missed you" – cried Nelly and she laid down again.

"I know, I missed you too" – Branchie replied. – "Wanna hear a great story?"

"Yes!" – the answer came immediately and the old tree began his little tale." – Sam finished the story satisfied.

"And after?" – asked Charlie.

"After what? It's the end." – Sam responded.

"But Mom, a story never ends till the main character is alive..."

"True, but we don't want Nelly to die, do we?" – Sam smiled.

No, we don't" – Charlie agreed – "She still has so many stories to listen to."

"Sure she has. Wanna hear one?"

"Yeees!" – Charlie shouted cheerfully.

"Okay, then let's say goodbye to Grandpa and go home!"

"Bye Grandpa!" Charlie blew a kiss and waved his hand.

"Bye Dad!" – Sam whispered and gently touched the moss covered grave.

After a short prayer she ran to the car where Charlie was waiting for her patiently, and they went straight home.


About the Creator


I love writing poems and stories so I decided to turn my talent into money to help out my family a bit. Please subscribe and tip or pledge if you enjoy my work. Any support is appreciated!🫶

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (5)

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  • Esala Gunathilake21 days ago

    Your drawings are lovely than stories 🤣🤣🤣. Loved it!

  • Zélia Alyieabout a month ago

    Your drawings are really beautiful and give life to the story. You managed to transport the story over the years, like a symbol of love. Heartwarming 💗💗💗

  • ema2 months ago

    Wow, I love your story and I love your drawings!

  • Colleen Walters2 months ago

    What a beautiful beautiful story, Anna… it’s very moving ❤️ Your artwork’s lovely!

  • Andrew Pretzel2 months ago

    great pics!

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