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The Place Beyond the Pain

Welcome to a new world

By Meghan BeauchampPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

Her eyebrow sweat, as her throat becomes dry and her palms become moist, indicating nervousness for what lies ahead. Mallory Harrison is a human rights lawyer, something she always dreamed of becoming but never realized how much work it would become. Today she is presenting to her firm, a case that would originate in Germany, but arrived in Atlanta. A woman sex trafficked, slaved in the United States. Mallory’s client was stabbed, raped, bitten and bloody. Mallory is fighting for her and all the other women affected by Sex Traffic; boldly Mallory is pushing for strict proposal of law in Georgia. Bobby, her best friend, is seated and supportive, the room is filled with every board member, and she begins presenting along with Bobby’s assistance. Mallory sees a smile from Bobby, only sending butterflies through her already anxious body. As she gets through the presentation, there is a moment of hesitancy as she walks out the room, unsure of the tone of the board’s opinions. “You were amazing in there!” Said Bobby. However, Mallory begins to question herself, “was it enough? Should I have pushed harder? Did I speak clearly?” She thought. Mallory headed back to her desk with a sense of dread, wondering what they might say. “They just sat there and starred at me, making unpleasant faces” she whispers to herself. Mallory wonders if she should approach a member of the board to get a better understand but instead attempts to get back to work on her usual cases. As the day goes on, Mallory questions what the decision of the board will be. Her confidence begins to wither away as each hour passes. Second-guessing every decision, she makes, eventually its 5:00PM, she packs up and heads home. Greeted by darkness, she throws her things down, heats up her dinner before heading off to bed. Unenthusiastic, and feeling defeated by the silence and remarks of the faces of those old men of the board; she quickly falls into a deep sleep.

As she opens her eyes, not knowing what world lies ahead. Thinking it’s still night “What time is it” Mallory states as she sees the time of 7:00 AM. Checking the blinds she gasps; in shock of the disastrous world she awakens to. This is a world unrecognizable; people are running, she hears screams coming from the hallways of her apartment. As she turns on the news “THIS IS AN EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. SEEK SHELTER IMMEDIATELY. THIS AN EMERGENCY BROADCAST…” she notices that the world now closely resembles an apocalypse. As the news continues about the creatures creating such a disastrous world; she attempts to call her mom. “Come on, mom. Pick up, Pick up, Pick up, Pick up, Pick up.” But there was no answer. Mallory begins to freak out, she becomes frantic, and in a panic, she tells herself out loud “Whatever happens, you have to survive. You stay alive. You have to stay alive.” Mallory begins to run all over the apartment, she grabs whatever she can find. Knives, pocketknives, kitchen knives, a bat and a small biretta her father gave her, she throws them on the bed. She’s stockpiling for what may come. Quietly and quickly she changes into clothes that are comfortable and shoes that are easy to run in. She packs a small bag and loads in supplies, including weapons. Mallory calls bobby but no answer. “KNOCK, KNOCK” she hears, but grabs a knife then opens the door and it’s Bobby. He lunges at her with an embrace, happy to see a familiar face. While out of breath bobby tells Mallory “Mal, the worlds ended. I’ve come to get you, we got to get out of the city. It’s not safe here.” “Why? What’s going on out there?” Mallory says. “It’s madness. It’s bloody. These creatures, they’re going to kill us all. I think we need to head to the woods, get away from the city.” Bobby tells Mallory as they both become frightened. They decide to head out and find shelter where there is little impact. Mallory pauses and grabs ahold of the heart shaped locket around her neck- a habit she did out of extreme stress.

Mallory with her backpack of food, water and weapons head towards the woods with Bobby. She can hear the screams and the cries all around her. “I’m Scared” she tells Bobby. He grabs her hand, for reassurance. While headed out of the city, they notice the sky changed to a dark red, and the air is pink. They come close to a creature, while it was feeding off on a male human. They are on the street in the city, looking for a way out. Suddenly they see a man running, the creature sticks out its tongue and latches onto this man, and he explodes like a bomb and he’s pink mist. “We have to get out of here, we can’t have these blood suckers destroy us” Bobby whispers to Mallory. They begin to walk around buildings to take cover, they enter a hardware store called “MIKE’S DEN”. They hide as the blood suckers walk past the building. Mallory hears whispers, “Just tell them honey” Alissa says. “Hi, I’m James, and this is my girl Alissa. We’re not here to hurt you. We were headed to a place beyond the woods. You’re welcome to join us. They say there’s this hatch and the place is underground, and it’s supposed to be safe. They say it has enough food and supplies to survive an entire city.” Mallory is unsure, but bobby says, “Mal, it’s worth a shot, we were headed that way.” Mallory nods of approval. James tells them, “Let’s get going. Its dark soon and we have a lot of ground to cover.”

A few hours into the journey for the woods, they hear a scream “Help Me. The Blut! The Blut!” They all run towards it, they see this older woman, Claudia stuck under a bridge and the creature is trying to get her. Suddenly a man comes out of nowhere and armed and ready, he throws a grenade at the blood sucker and empty’s his clip, killing the creature as he says “I am a bad MF, come on baby. Come to daddy. I’ll make you feel real special. HAHAHA.” Russ is an ex-army ranger and it’s almost as if his life trained him for this moment. His confidence engulfs the room and he proudly kills every one of the creatures he’s met. “You alright sweetheart?” Russ says as he helps poor Claudia up. “I am now, Thank you, young man.” She says with relief. Mallory and Bobby are in shock, while James and Alissa greets Russ. They begin to tell them both about the hatch. “Of course, I want to come” says Claudia. “I’ll come too. If I can kill every one of these bastards along the way, I got your six.” Russ states. As they begin to get closer to the woods, Mallory asks Claudia “When you were screaming, you said The Blut. What did you mean by that?” “I heard it from this man, he was in Germany and he said there called The Blut.” Claudia tells her.

In Germany, on an eerie cold winter’s day, children played, and adults headed to work. Suddenly, a blood curling scream, and an unknown growl. You could almost hear the woman’s bones breaking as her limbs were being stretched and torn. “The Blut!” a local cried out as he ran the opposite direction, others quickly followed. You could hear the screams of German locals all screaming “The Blut!” The creature was first reported in early 2019. It didn’t take long for the creature to multiply and migrate to the United States where they enter the story and we continue the journey to the hatch beyond the woods.

As the group continues through, they finally leave the city and head into the woods. They hear footsteps, they all pause but Russ continues. Click. They hear a gun cock. “You best not take another step, you hear.” Russ keeps walking. “You’re not going to shoot, man. Otherwise id be dead.” Russ tells him. “I’m James, were trying to get beyond the woods. What’s your name?” “I’m Damion. I’m hiding out here. “You should join us. We’re going to the hatch” Claudia says. With a grunt Damion says “Sure.” It’s now been a day and half since they first started towards the woods. They hear a scream in the distance, but now they hear a growl. A man runs towards the street. “Nooooo. Not me. Noooo!” They see the creature, they didn’t kill him, but they took him and put him in their pouch, with other men. It was in this moment the men realized the creatures do something far worse than kill, they keep to procreate. They all stand still and silent hoping the creatures don’t find them. “What was that? I mean that sick. I can’t wait to get my hands on another Some’bitch. I’m gonna kill ‘dem things.” Damion said. “Brother, I’m right there with you.” Russ said as he lifted his gun in agreement.

After a long walk they finally take a rest. “My feet hurt” said Claudia. “Baby, how much further” said Alissa. “The hatch is just beyond those woods right there.” James tells the group. “Oh Thank God!” Mallory says in excitement. “EEEEEEAAAAAKKKKKJHHHHHHHH!!!!!” The Blut found them. “RUNNNNNNNN!!!” Screamed Mallory. They all head for the hatch Mallory and Bobby almost reach it past the woods when... “SLURP” the creature latches onto Bobby’s leg, everyone turns in despair. Bobby falls to the ground. Mallory and the others race after him with knives and machetes in their hands. “HELP ME!!” Bobby Screams. “Were coming, just hold on Bobby!” Mallory exclaims. “Grab onto something” Russ yells. “Reach for a tree” says Damion. Mallory is close and in a sacrificial effort she lunges at the creature and slices its tongue. “EURRRRKK” the creature cries. Mallory slices once more, severing the tongue. Bobby is free. Mallory and everyone grin with excitement, thinking the creature is dead. Suddenly, the creatures hand slices Mallory right across her abdomen deep. Mallory is filled with extreme and immense pain. “Ughh…He got me.” Mallory says as she holds her stomach and in shock. “NO!!” Bobby cries. “EEEEEEAAAAAKKKKKJHHHHHHHH!!!!!” they hear the creatures in the distance. Multiple creatures headed for them in retaliation. Everyone runs towards the hatch. “Everyone. To the Hatch now!” James states. Bobby grabbed Mallory to make it in time. James opens the hatch, everyone jumps in. First, Alissa, then Claudia, Damion, Russ and James. Bobby slides Mallory in. As Bobby leans in, “The Blut” reaches with their tongue and grabs bobby as the others try to get him there strength just isn’t enough. “Pull harder!” Said James. “Don’t let Go son!” Says Russ. “We got you, don’t let Go!” Damion yells. “Bobby, don’t leave me!” Said Mallory. As they keep pulling Bobby towards them, he realizes the only way for them to live is for him to die. Bobby says tells Mallory, “I love you, but I’ve got to let go. Life a full life for me.” Bobby releases their grasp and shuts the hatch. Bobby is eaten and as the hatch closed his blood is scattered like pink mist. Mallory hurls over in pain and tears she lies down. “I don’t feel so good.” Mallory closes her eyes. “Keep your eyes open sweetie,” said Claudia. “Stay awake, sweet cheeks.” Russ states. As she hears the pleas of the others to stay awake, Mallory slowly passes out.

When she awakens, she is in her own bed with the sun shining bright as Sunday morning. Mallory opens the blinds with nothing out of the ordinary and rushes to turn on the news with no urgent emergency broadcast she sighs a relieve. “Oh, thank God! Hmm.” She gets back in bed, lying on her back; she clutches her heart shaped locket her mother gave her. Mallory feels the same pain in her abdomen as she did in what was her dream. She sits there, rubbing her stomach, suddenly; her eyes widen, she gasps, only to realize she started her period.


About the Creator

Meghan Beauchamp

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    MBWritten by Meghan Beauchamp

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