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The Pearl Kingdom Mission

The search for 'A Heart Shaped Pearl' in a world of disorder. Trumpet the space dog Is on A Mission.

By Black Dog ProductionsPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
The Pearl Kingdom Mission
Photo by Stephen Leonardi on Unsplash

Note to all good godly humans ;- 'I am Petra an extra terrestrial Queen. In this picture herewith, I am pictured with Trumpet the space dog. This post is of confidential nature. Seen only by humans we trust. If you see it you have been selected as one of our trusted one's. You are to maintain secrecy on it's contents, for you are within the safe clam we are rescuing'.

'Trumpet, please listen to me'. 'I regret to give you this mission, but you are the only one who can do this for us'.

'Planet earth is in disarray and chaos. We must save the good humans'. 'As you know my team of extra-terrestrial species and I have been trying to land on earth, but the humans in Washington DC think we are Russian spies'. 'Our crafts cannot find a suitable entrance, for earth is advancing in technological knowledge to spot our vessels'. 'Therefore, I must send you on a mission to find the heart shaped pearl'. 'All links to earths planetary codes lie within the pearl shaped heart'. 'Upon finding the pearl, you are to return to me. My team and I can then get to work to save earth'.

' These are your instructions'.

' Trumpet look into my eyes this is what you must do. You are to find Lady Laura and black dog. They have secret powers. Her black dog is one of us'.

'Black Dog', was sent to her by us, to protect her from the evil humans. They're after her soul. You remember those palm tree filled islands lying south of United states of America? Caribbean islands ?Be careful there. One or two, not all, are filled with devil worshipers. They happen to be of female human forms of disguise. they found it quite hard to be kind, which is why those females are from devils enterprises. The devil selected the female set in order to trap the males. That is where you must land our ship. 'Lady Laura' was trapped there before we sent her 'Black Dog'. She was there for a while by a pirate king she loved. Once you connect to Lady Laura and her black dog, they will take you to pearl kingdom. It's our secret hideaway. 'Lady Laura' knows where it is situated. You must return to me, with the item we need to save earth from those evil one's. The artificial virus and all other formations used to destroy the humans will then be released to new found freedom. Earth will heal from evil humans destructive forces. You do not have much time. You will be rewarded on your return. You must avoid politicians. They are in bat land working with devils forces in the Caribbean island where they hide gold. The little one where evil pirates sit. Camouflaged by tourism. The bats were used as a force with a veil of disguise by Chinese who suck money.

I have given you a special ingredient to back them off. You must complete your mission. Good luck. My powers are with you, as will black dog and 'Lady Laura' be when you reach earth.' The secret code is inside the pearl. God is with you. Good boy Trumpet and good luck'.

The space vessel is prepared for ;- 'Trumpets planetary earth expedition'.

This time, we have made it impossible for the humans to think we are Russian spies. We have more advanced technology than them. We have therefore, made our space vessel invisible. The only thing they may have to endure from our helping hands we are giving the human species, is ;- changes in earths weather.

They, of-course, think is an offset from global warming. They have this problem to endure, for they let politicians plus selfish men wreck planet earth. It's for real. Trumpet our space dog will attend to matters. Let's go check out our space vessel has the necessary equipment for ' Heart-Pearl Mission'.

'Trumpet come here, so I can show you some new controls on ship'. Space dog. Action within lines now hereby send space-dog Trumpet to below ship entering upwards with his paws from a lower cabin entrance.

I Petra meet Trumpet inside vessel.

Our text has now changed within this dialogue to the chosen humans, for 'Trumpet' now inside the space vessel begins his mission. Once 'Trumpet' is safely strapped up and off to earth. I leave vessel to return to my clan of other extra-terrestrials to alert them we have begun 'Heart Pearl mission'.

Trumpet is no ordinary dog. He has special powers. They begin to unveil during the course of his mission. First and foremost he flies to London to meet 'Lady Laura' and 'Black Dog'. 'Lady Laura' has just arrived in London specifically to meet 'Trumpet' from her northern castle. Be it, she has had to connect to the other world the humans call dead for they summoned her a few days ago. In-fact, as we know death does not exist. Most humans have not reached this understanding yet. Some who have advanced minds already are living in the fifth dimension.

I, 'Petra Queen' of extra -terrestrials, from planet 'Sicca-ma-bae' now depart. Good luck 'Trumpet'. See you on your return.

'Trumpet' Fastens his seat-belt'. The space vessel departs as 'Petra' vanishes within a blue light. A large flash of translucent light appears within space. Invisible to the human-eye. 'Trumpet' the space dog lands on planet earth at the City of London head-quarters. He, is now close to where he must meet 'Lady Laura' and 'Black Dog' to begin his hunt for a pearl shaped device hiding within 'Heart Pearl Kingdom'.

Space time extends the altitude of human time zones. We use different kinds of clocks.' Time being of the essence'. Is therefore, of no comprehension to human mortals inscribed due to your trust upon-us you empowered, to read our mission notes attached herewith.

Within our line of extra-terrestrial duty we have to work within our own time-field. We, of outer space territories, are certain you will be able to unwind your time-zone, to rotate within ours. In good time of-course.

  1. 'Space-dog Trumpet', upon a smooth flight from outer space. Parks space vessel code-word for vessel 'SMB', in an appropriate place of disguise within London city. He makes his observant space-dog analysation of London city reporting back that all banks are still in-tact. The money crumbling issues, due to the withstanding evil virus's floating. Most fortunately has not fully crumbled the present monetary system completely. There are a few cracks within it's walls.

Trumpet does a high speed check with his dynamic power filled fangs. full of space beam power. Upon completing check-out on 'London Cities' banks, he turns his head diverting fast, by yet another control panel within his paws. Heading direct to Lady Laura's Black Dog quarters.

The entrance to 'Lady Laura's' quarters was of perfection, in no other than space age terms of efficiency. 'Lady Laura' was well prepared for 'Trumpet's' arrival. She had received a message already from 'Petra'. 'Black-dog' being equally alert to the new guests arrival from space.

'Trumpet', space- dog connected to planet earths 'Black Dog'. Incidentally holding the name of 'Beetroot B D' .Within space-time author worlds. Now in hand. 'Black -dog'. Earths dog and guardian angel name, has been shortened to 'B-B-D' to make matters for the human audience more of language ease.

A table of roundish components, which has outer-forces to connect to good- hearted extra-terrestrials. Being of magical types. One new device will be revealed to the humans in good time. It will enable eliminations of viruses, even more so, within public-spaces. This table creation will be revealed after 'Trumpet' and 'BBD'. Both being super-powered dogs who are safe from Spies corridors on earth. One from space. One from planet earth. Now the two dogs have adjoined. They will now seek to locate the 'Heart Pearl', hidden within Palm tree lands. Close by 'Lady Laura's' former pirate Kings kingdom. Close, just beneath 'The United Sates of America'. Then,' Trumpet' will return to space to 'Queen Petra's' Kingdom so she and her extra-terrestrial team can get to work.

'Lady Laura' dressed in gold-lined snake robes to meet ' Trumpet' her guest from space. Possessing an appearance of natures female snake. That of an Egyptian -god some-what. She sat with both animals by her side. The one from 'Queen Petra's' quarters in space. The other one' BBD', from her earthly base. Wrapped her long snake-like never-ending robes around the two dogs. Added to that her fingers seemed to be claw-like. Diamonds tipped the tip of her finger-nails. Smothering herself with her deep love for both animals. Continued to wrap herself around them both, whilst whispering top secrets into their ear-lobes.

On embracing these creatures, for, they are sources from chambers of high-end invisible palaces. Set in places we do not reveal yet herewith. We now must travel through time-beds of rushed procedures.

'Lady Laura', on seating with her animal - guest, 'Trumpet'. Plus her usual soul-mate. The beast 'BBD'. Preparing to speak to her force of animals in other linguistic forces of a new kind of earthly-galactic language. Comprising of a mix of space language with human language combined.

Ensuring all instructions are well assembled to move forwards to locate, retrieve. To bring the heart shaped pearl back to her London fortress. Then forgoing on an onward space journey. Returning to Queen Petra's planetary domains. All matters to be dealt with by space time. We step-forth.

The space transportation presently located inside a top-secret parking lot. This would be the vessel to be used. Flying to Caribbean quarters. 'Search for hidden 'Heart -Pearl' is on track. Both dogs are up to mark. They both know exactly where to hunt, upon landing in Caribbean land. 'Lady Laura' produces a map for male beast 'BBD'. 'Trumpet', would be second Captain. To follow onwards, with strong obedience to Captain 'BBD's orders. Canine beasts possessing hounds noses. Well equipped for digging out scents disguised under palm trees. Any forthcoming hurricanes, won't throw out things that these two giant male dogs with fangs cannot counteract. Including enemy pirates landings. Be ready for the ride.

Lady Laura stands up from the round magic table. Sweeping her golden robes behind her back. Lifts her arms up high commanding the dogs to fly. The dogs lift off into the surrounds. Targeting themselves towards the space vessels parking spot. Now they are in the sky flying back over to the city of London's secret space-ship vessels parking spot. The vessels doors open upon it's masters arrival. 'All Aboard'. The map from 'Lady Laura' is positioned at the front of the vessel. The dogs fasten their seatbelts. The spacecraft lifts into the sky on track to destination Caribbean. Journey time five minutes flat.

The dogs 'Trumpet' and 'BBD'. take a quick look at the map 'Lady Laura' had given them. Ensuring they were heading to the correct palm tree where the pearl to save the human race hides. All on track. The space-vessel is about to land in destination 'Palm Tree'.

A successful Landing is achieved. The map given to the dogs by 'Lady Laura' is unique in itself. Comprised of light with notes. Plays wrong notes in musical parameters, upon any wrong steps taken toward 'Heart- Pearls' hideout. The two Captain's dogs are on a mission. Following by both sound and scent to the right tree. They will understand they have located the right tree, upon the music changing tune. Moving onto an intensely new earth sound. They realise they are getting closer to the pearl shaped heart. Lady Laura had been precise. Accurately conversed her tall orders. To the point. On the maps instructions. Using new Avant-guard dimensional musical precision instructions to both dogs.

The table Lady Laura sits upon turns. A magical pivot occurred; three hundred and sixty degrees. Turning on high-speed indicators with flashing lights. She was watching the dogs from London city through her beady eyes. Once more, just 'Trumpet' and 'BBD' on her mind. The two Captain dogs were very close to palm tree nesting the pearl heart required to transport back to Queen Petra to save planet earth.

The mission was just about complete, when out of the blue two bands of pirates from Lady Laura's old King she dumped over a love battle arrive.

War is about to begin between the pirates and dogs.

The dogs 'Trumpet' and 'BBD' have nearly reached the end of their mission.

'Heart-Pearl station, palm tree stop'.

'We must not drop when the going gets tough'

'We must wage war to obtain the heart shaped- pearl. The dogs converse in language of their own.

Suddenly their fangs light up the night .

Delila Reddit

Yvette Louise Melech

copyright author/vocal media

Sci Fi

About the Creator

Black Dog Productions

My background is Art In all it's diversities.

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