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The Pear Tree

Good omen

By Chris PurdomPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
The Pear Tree
Photo by Joanna Stołowicz on Unsplash

I sat on the fence separating the cows from Henry the bull. Henry had finally come to tolerate me after many months. It was a quiet, early spring evening. The past few months seem unreal. My partner, John, passed away after falling through the frozen lake over the winter. It was just a couple of weeks ago that the lake finally melted and we could recover his body and bury him at the old barn. I had moved in with Joanne after John perished. The move really disturbed Henry at the beginning. Joanne and I were living as a couple, married by Pete and witnessed by Alice. After John’s death, I inherited the entirety of the gold we found. I was technically one of the richest people on earth but couldn’t spend much of it or we’d attract marauders and thieves. Joanne and I did move a sizable amount to our island from the old barn. Alice, Pete, myself and Joanne wouldn’t have to worry about supplies. Our baby, Joanne is expecting in May, would never have to live the life I did. He…or she, scary thought. What if it is a daughter? How would I even handle that? I can’t do this! I can’t do it….what am I talking about? I have to do it. Joanne is going to need me to help her and our child. What was I thinking about? Oh yeah, our child would never have to live like we lived and would be secure from those that would attempt to enslave or participate in involuntary inscription by the survivalists and warlords. I had made some purchases with the gold to help protect our little community. An army of automated security robots protected us now. I still had my mech suit if I was needed in a fight but those robots would give us a fighting chance and early warning. Ok, I need to stop thinking about this. I’m getting too much in my head. Henry is helping. For some reason he is banging on the fence again. “What’s your problem big guy? You worried about Joanne? Don’t worry too much. Just realize that there is going to be another human in your area and your mistress is going to be spending a lot of time with them. We’re going to need you to help protect all of us and I guarantee we’ll let you have fun with a cow or two. Do you like that?” I’m talking to a bull like he’s a human. I am losing it. As a cow walked by, Henry started pawing the ground and snorting. “Ah, you want to play with her do you? Well, I’ll ask Joanne and maybe tomorrow you can play.” The sun was going down over the mountains giving the entire valley a golden glow. The pear tree we planted was flowering and was especially beautiful as the golden rays lit up each petal. They say pear trees are good omens. If it is true, this tree is being spectacular.

“Hey Honey.” Joanne whispered in my ear. I nearly jumped a mile into the sky.

“Oh, hi. You scared me. I didn’t know you were there.”

“I know. You were lost in thought.” Joanne stated.

“Yeah, I was thinking about…well, everything.”

“Stop worrying. The baby will be fine. We’ve got plenty of security and with you and Pete in command, no one would dare hurt anyone. We have more than enough resources and the baby is gong to be wonderful. You’ll see.”

“Yeah. I know…or at least hope.”

“You see that pear tree all lit up in the evening sun?” Joanne asked, “That pear tree is a promise of future happiness, prosperity, and health. We are gong to be blessed and this whole community is going to be blessed. We are going to have a wonderful life together.”

“I know. But I do worry about somethings. It’s just my nature to be careful with those I care about.”

“Well, I am glad you care about me.” Joanne said as she gave me a kiss.

“Oh, by the way, Henry wants to play with that cow. If he could, I think he would have dug under the fence to get to her.” I informed her and winked at Henry.

“Oh, okay. We can put them together in the breeding pasture. Another sign of prosperity. A new calf would increase our little herd and give us even more resources.”

“You’re right. Hey, Henry! You hear that? Momma is going to let you have fun tomorrow!’ I am not sure if he understood me but as he trotted off, he seemed a little happier. I held Joanne in my arms as we watched the sun disappear over the mountains. The last rays lit the treetops as if they were giant candles. I looked at the pear tree again and smiled. My heart and head felt better.


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    CPWritten by Chris Purdom

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