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The New Threat to Camelot

the legacy of King Arthur

By Amy JamesPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
The New Threat to Camelot
Photo by Benjamin Suter on Unsplash

Chapter 1 The New King

There weren’t always dragons in the Valley, the teenage son of Arthur and Guinevere thought to himself. His first knight hurried into the court to report his findings of the latest threat to the kingdom of Camelot. Romao, King Chancellor's first knight, reported that the prince of Amsterland has been taking over all the small kingdom’s surrounding Camelot with his greatest victory looming overhead. Prince Alexander of Amsterland has his sights set on Camelot with hopes of defeating the new ruler and his prize wizard, Merlin. The prince has found one of his greatest assets in his defeat of a small kingdom surrounding Camelot. Who would have thought that he would have just happened upon this wizard trying to perfect his new craft as he defeated their kingdom? Prince Alexander’s guards found this wizard as he was conjuring dragons and gargoyles as soldiers in Balize were falling one by one to the prince’s indestructible army. His magic was unbelievable and powerful! The prince lost a lot of men to this magic as they pressed through the main gate and into the castle’s walls. As they continued through the kingdom killing soldiers and everything in their path, they finally found the source of the magic. This young wizard tried everything his mentor had taught him, but he was unsuccessful in defeating this indestructible army of men. They captured his brother and in exchange for his brother’s life, the wizard agreed to serve Prince Alexander.

Romao reported his news to King Chancellor. Now the knights of the round table had to produce a plan to defend their greatest treasure, Camelot. When King Chancellor’s father died, he handed the kingdom over to his son and only heir. Chancellor has the obligation to rule Camelot and to keep his father’s kingdom safe. He wondered if he would ever be the king that his father was and would he be able to keep his father’s legacy alive. King Chancellor accepted his legacy with the hope that he would even surpass his father’s leadership. However, he knows that he needs the advice of Camelot’s best advisor, Merlin. He summoned for his wizard and his father’s most trusted counselor. Romao and two of the other knights left the court in search of Merlin. Hopefully, they would find Merlin soon enough to help the king.

Merlin was out of the castle and near the pond where the Lady of the Lake resides. They were friends and both advisors to King Chancellor. At times, Merlin and the Lady of the Lake known as Crystal would hold friendly magical competitions to assess each other’s magic. They were holding one of their competitions as Romao and the knights approached. Bubbles of pond water and raining toads and frogs were in their path as they approached these two magical competitors. The dark clouds overhead suddenly cleared, and the magic disappeared. Romao told Merlin that he was needed in King Chancellor’s chambers immediately and there was a new threat to Camelot. He politely excused himself and listened to the knights’ declaration from the king. Merlin rubbed his hands together and along with a chant, created a portal that would lead him and the others to the king.

The king was relieved to see Merlin and his men. Merlin had already been informed of Prince Alexander’s threat to their kingdom, but he wanted to find out how he could spy on the new wizard. He was unsure of the wizard’s abilities and the power of his magic. Merlin created a phoenix to fly into the prince’s kingdom to spy on him and his wizard. He needed to know their plans to counteract them and save Camelot. Poof! The phoenix appeared out of a small red cloud and flew to Merlin’s arm. Merlin told him to fly to the kingdom of Amsterland and to learn things to help him find out what Prince Alexander had planned and then to report his findings to him as soon as possible. Time was of the essence. It was only a two-day trip on horseback from Amsterland to Camelot. On a dragon or gargoyle, it would only take a couple of hours for guards from Amsterland to reach Camelot. If this new wizard were powerful, he might be able to figure out how to create a portal that would immediately take the guards to Camelot. Without the information Merlin needed, he would not be able to properly protect Camelot. He was not about the let the new king suffer at the hands of a methodical, radical prince who was determined to defeat the indestructible Camelot. The older, more experienced wizard assured King Chancellor that Camelot would always be safe and always prosper. He would never let anything happen to their greatest treasure and King Arthur’s legacy.

After one night had passed, Merlin heard his magical spy in the sky. His phoenix bird was approaching with hopefully, answers to the many questions nagging at the wizard. Merlin raised his arm as the phoenix landed. The phoenix was speaking a language that could only be understood by the wizard himself. He learned everything of Prince Alexander’s plan for the new wizard, Shanani. This wizard was going to be a problem. He had not learned of the magical portals, but he new how to create mystical creatures and how to call the land and water to help create natural disasters. Merlin had a new magical adversary that was going to be a real problem for Camelot.

Merlin called for King Chancellor immediately to reveal his findings. He met the king and knights of the round table in the court and explained what he had learned. Then the men talked for what seemed like days of how to defend Camelot and they produced strategies to protect their kingdom and its people. Merlin knew he was also going to need help from the Lady of the Lake since her pond was right outside Camelot’s borders. She could use her magic to create a powerful force field to defend Camelot.

Merlin chanted and concentrated until a portal appeared through smoke and mirrors. He floated through the portal to the pond. He called upon the Lady of the Lake to meet him as soon as possible. Crystal appeared and floated on the water until she reached the land where Merlin was standing. He explained the situation and as Crystal listened, she agreed to Merlin’s plan. As soon as they saw evidence of Prince Alexander and his men, she would appear and create a powerful force field. She and Merlin would protect Camelot and King Chancellor no matter what.

Merlin went back to the castle through his portal and consulted his book. He had magical spells and potions in his Mystique Book. He studied his book for hours and wrote spells and chants that would help protect his kingdom. Merlin studied for so long that he began to sweat blood. Camelot had not had such a threat like this in over thirty years. He was not about to let Camelot fall into the hands of a tyrant such as Prince Alexander.

After three large moons, Merlin saw this black cloud appear. This cloud was swelling and getting darker by the minute. Suddenly, Camelot was under attack. Dark purple dragons, gray gargoyles, and large black winged panthers flew out of this cloud with soldiers flying on their backs. They were flying directly toward Camelot. The Lady of the Lake hovered above the pond and a cloudy force field surrounded the kingdom of Camelot. The dragons bounced off the force field and the young wizard flew out of the black cloud. Merlin watched his approach and he transported himself from his portal to meet Shanini. He was the more experienced wizard, but he knew better than to underestimate his worthy opponent. They exchanged chants and red and white magical clouds hit each other in the sky. Shanini had heard of Merlin’s powerful magic but had never experienced it himself. He shot a gargoyle out of his hand, and it hit Merlin and knocked him down. Then Merlin picked himself up and sent a large phoenix bird at Shanini. He was able to detour the bird with a larger hawk and he sent a lightning bolt from the sky at the older wizard. Lightning bolts hit each other and hit objects and men on the ground. King Chancellor kept his knights behind the force field in hopes that he would not send them out unless the force field was broken. Lightning flashed across the sky and the thunder rolled. It was war! Finally, Shanini created an earthquake that shook the older wizard and Merlin flew backwards. Then Shanini bubbled up enough earth to destroy Crystal’s force field. Then the dragons, gargoyles, and panthers flew in the direction of Camelot. Merlin stood up and magically created dragons and flying unicorns that would defend Camelot against the wizard’s dark magic. King Chancellor advanced his knights forward and they were going to fight until the end.

Boom! Poof! Kazaam!............

Knights rode out to face each other on the battlefield. The young king against the young prince and the fate of Camelot was at stake. The king and his wizard would not let it fall ever. King Chancellor and his wizard were at war with Prince Alexander and his wizard and the winner would take all.

Suddenly there was a loud crash as loud as thunder and rogue waves of water from the Lady of the Lake bellowed toward the battlefield. The waves were as large as waves in the ocean. Now Shanini’s magic was up against the magic of the Lady of the Lake.

Meanwhile, King Chancellor pulled out Excalibur and faced Prince Alexander and his katanas. King Chancellor struck the katanas and broke them into pieces.

What happened next would determine the fate of King Chancellor and Camelot.

Chapter 2 The Fate of Camelot


About the Creator

Amy James

I have been an educator in Georgia for 26 years. I am a school counselor and a single mother. I have a son and pets that are my whole world. I am an academic, and I love to read and write.

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Comments (1)

  • Mariann Carroll2 years ago

    Easy to to read and it was enjoyable ❤️Hearted.

Amy JamesWritten by Amy James

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