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The Mysterious Messenger

Remember Humility

By Mr. RogersPublished about a year ago 8 min read
He Came Only When Someone Thought About Him

Chapter 1: The Arrival

It was the summer of 1942 when the mysterious man first arrived. His appearance was sudden, unexpected, and eerie. He appeared out of nowhere, in the middle of a crowded street in downtown Manhattan, and caused quite a stir among the people who witnessed his arrival.

He was a tall, thin man, with pale skin and dark hair that was slicked back neatly. He wore a black suit that looked like it had been tailored to fit him perfectly, and a pair of shiny black shoes that reflected the light from the street lamps. He carried with him a small, leather-bound book, which he clutched tightly in his hands.

As people began to notice him, they stopped in their tracks, staring at him with curiosity and suspicion. He seemed to sense their unease, and a small smile crept onto his face.

He began to walk slowly down the street, his eyes fixed on the people around him. It was as though he was searching for something, or someone.

And then, as if he had found what he was looking for, he stopped in front of a young woman who was walking towards him. She was dressed in a stylish red dress, with high heels and a matching clutch bag. She had a confident air about her, and seemed to be in a hurry.

The man looked at her for a moment, then spoke in a voice that was quiet but commanding.

"Excuse me, miss," he said. "May I speak with you for a moment?"

The woman looked at him with a mix of annoyance and curiosity. She hesitated for a moment, then said, "What do you want?"

The man opened his small leather-bound book and began to read. The words he spoke were in a language that the woman didn't understand, but as he continued to read, she began to feel uneasy.

Suddenly, her red dress began to disintegrate before her eyes, falling apart in shreds until she was standing there in her underwear. Her high heels vanished, and her clutch bag disappeared. She was left standing in the middle of the street, humiliated and vulnerable.

The man closed his book, gave her a small smile, and then vanished into thin air.

Chapter 2: The Legend Grows

News of the mysterious man spread quickly throughout the city. People began to talk about him in hushed tones, wondering who he was and what his purpose was.

Some believed he was a demon, sent from the depths of hell to punish the sinful. Others thought he was a messenger from God, sent to remind people of their place in the world.

Rumors began to circulate that the man would only appear when someone was thinking too highly of themselves, or when they were being arrogant or boastful.

People began to fear him, and many avoided speaking about their accomplishments or bragging about their successes, for fear of attracting his attention.

But despite the fear that he caused, there were those who were curious about him. Some went looking for him, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious man and find out more about him.

But he remained elusive, appearing only when he chose to, and disappearing just as quickly.

Chapter 3: The Book

It wasn't until several months after the man's arrival that someone finally discovered the truth about his small, leather-bound book.

A young journalist named John Williams had become obsessed with the mysterious man, and had spent countless hours researching everything he could about him.

One day, while walking down a quiet side street, John saw the man in the distance, standing at the end of the road. He began to run towards him, hoping to finally get some answers.

But as he got closer, the man disappeared, leaving behind only his small, leather-bound book.

John picked up the book, feeling its weight in his hands. It was old, and the leather cover was worn and faded. He opened it, expecting to find pages filled with mysterious writing, but to his surprise, the pages were blank.

Confused, John flipped through the pages, searching for any sign of writing, but there was nothing.

He was about to give up when he noticed that the pages seemed to be changing. The blank pages were slowly filling up with words, but as soon as he tried to read them, they would vanish, replaced by more blank pages.

John was intrigued. He knew that this book held some sort of power, but he wasn't sure what it was or how to use it.

Chapter 4 Legend

For weeks, he carried the book with him everywhere he went, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious writing that seemed to appear and disappear at will. But no matter how hard he tried, the words remained elusive, appearing only for a moment before vanishing once again.

It wasn't until he stumbled upon an old legend that he began to understand the true power of the book.

According to the legend, the book was said to hold the secrets of the universe, written in a language that only the truly humble could understand. It was said that those who were too proud or arrogant to see the truth would be unable to read the words on its pages, and would be cursed to lose everything they held dear.

John was skeptical, but he couldn't ignore the strange power that the book seemed to hold. He became obsessed with unlocking its secrets, spending hours poring over old texts and researching the legends surrounding the book.

Finally, after months of searching, he found a clue. Hidden deep within an old manuscript, he discovered a passage that hinted at the true nature of the book's power.

It read:

"The book is a mirror, reflecting the true nature of the reader. Those who are humble and pure of heart will see the truth within its pages, but those who are arrogant and prideful will be blinded by their own reflection, cursed to lose everything they hold dear."

John was stunned. It all made sense now. The book wasn't just a collection of words, it was a test of character. Only those who were truly humble and selfless could unlock its secrets.

But he still had one question: who was the mysterious man who carried the book, and what was his connection to its power?

Chapter 5: Years Of Searching

It wasn't until years later, long after the war had ended, that John finally got his answer.

He had spent years searching for the mysterious man, but had never been able to track him down. It wasn't until he received a letter in the mail, sent from an unknown address, that he finally got the information he had been seeking.

The letter was short and to the point:

"Meet me at the old bookstore on 5th Avenue, tomorrow at midnight. Come alone."

John was hesitant, but he couldn't resist the chance to finally uncover the truth about the mysterious man and the book he carried.

He arrived at the bookstore just before midnight, his heart racing with excitement and fear. The store was dark, and he could hear nothing but the sound of his own breathing.

Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him.

"Hello, John."

He turned to see the mysterious man, standing just a few feet away. He was older now, his face lined with age and wisdom.

"Who are you?" John asked, his voice trembling.

The man gave him a small smile. "I am the keeper of the book," he said. "And you, John, are the one who was chosen to uncover its secrets."

John was stunned. "Chosen?" he repeated. "By whom?"

"By Whom" he said.

Chapter 6 Awaited Answers

The mysterious man's eyes seemed to twinkle in the dim light of the bookstore. "Chosen by fate, perhaps," he said. "Or by the book itself. You were always searching, John. Always looking for something more. And that's why you were chosen."

John felt a chill run down his spine. "Chosen for what?" he asked.

The man's smile faded. "Chosen to protect the book," he said. "And to use its power wisely."

John was confused. "Use its power for what?"

The man gestured towards the book. "For good, John," he said. "The book has the power to change lives, to reveal the truth about ourselves and the world around us. But that power must be wielded carefully, by those who are pure of heart and humble in spirit."

John felt a surge of fear and excitement. He had always been drawn to the mysteries of the universe, but he had never imagined that he would be chosen to play such a pivotal role in its fate.

"But why me?" he asked again. "Why not someone else?"

The man's eyes seemed to twinkle with a hint of amusement. "Because, John, you are a true seeker," he said. "You have always been drawn to the unknown, to the mysteries of the universe. And that is why the book chose you."

John felt a sense of awe and reverence wash over him. He had always believed that there was something more to the world than what met the eye, and now, he was face to face with the truth.

The man gestured towards the book once more. "Take it, John," he said. "Use its power wisely, and never forget the lessons it teaches."

John reached out and took the book, feeling its weight in his hands. He knew that he had been given a great responsibility, but he was ready to accept it.

And with that, the mysterious man disappeared into the shadows, leaving John alone with the book and the weight of his newfound destiny.

Chapter 7: The Power of the Book

For years, John carried the book with him wherever he went, using its power to unlock the mysteries of the universe and to reveal the truths about himself and the world around him.

He discovered secrets that had been hidden for centuries, and he used his newfound knowledge to help others and to make the world a better place.

But he never forgot the lessons of the book, or the warning that came with it. He knew that its power was not to be taken lightly, and that the consequences of abusing it could be disastrous.

And so he used it with care, always mindful of the words that the mysterious man had spoken so many years ago.

Years turned into decades, and John grew old and wise, but he never forgot the book or the mysterious man who had given it to him.

And when he finally passed on, he left the book to his grandson, with a warning to use its power wisely and never forget the lessons it taught.

For the book was not just a collection of words, but a testament to the power of humility and the importance of seeking the truth.

And as long as there were those who were willing to embrace its power and wield it for good, its message would continue to inspire and change lives for generations to come.

ScriptYoung AdultShort StorySci FiSatireMysteryLoveHistoricalFantasyFan FictionFableAdventure

About the Creator

Mr. Rogers

Mr. Rogers is an author, and business owners, helping them to reach their full potential and achieve success. He specializes in personal development, teaching his clients how to develop the right mindset and attitude for success.

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  • aly suhailabout a year ago

    That's a great story Mr.Rogers.

  • Mr. Rogers (Author)about a year ago

    I just wanted to say welcome and thank you! I am excited to bring more stories such as this that will peak your curiosity while bringing a sense of adventure to your reading time. I have been writing quietly for years and stumbled upon this platform and quickly had to share from my portfolio of short stories. Thanks again for your continued support, and I hope you enjoy the read.

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