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The mouse dreamed of flying.

By Kindred SoulPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

Once upon a time, there was a mouse who lived in a small hole in the ground. He was a very timid mouse, and he was always afraid of being eaten by a predator. One day, the mouse was out foraging for food when he saw a majestic eagle soaring overhead. The mouse was amazed by the eagle's beauty and strength.

"Oh, how I wish I could fly like that eagle," the mouse sighed. "I would be free from all of my fears."

Suddenly, the eagle swooped down and landed in front of the mouse. The mouse was terrified, but the eagle spoke to him in a gentle voice.

The mouse's heart pounded in his tiny chest as the enormous eagle swooped down from the sky, landing gracefully in front of him. Fear washed over him as he had always been cautious of larger creatures, especially predators like eagles. He cowered, ready to make a desperate dash for safety.

To his astonishment, the eagle didn't display any aggression. Instead, it spoke in a gentle, soothing voice that contrasted sharply with its imposing appearance. "Do not be afraid, little mouse," the eagle said, its tone as soft as a whisper of the wind. "I am not here to harm you. I heard you wishing that you could fly, and I am here to grant your wish."

The mouse's fear gradually faded away, replaced by a mixture of curiosity and wonder. He blinked up at the eagle, his whiskers twitching as he tried to comprehend what was happening. "You... you want to help me fly?" he stammered, still in disbelief.

The eagle nodded gracefully, its wings folded neatly against its powerful body. "Yes, little one. I possess a gift that I can share with you. With my guidance, you will experience the freedom of the skies, just as I do."

The mouse's heart swelled with excitement and the idea of soaring through the air, weightless and unburdened, had always been a dream beyond his reach. Now, it seemed that dream might come true, thanks to this unlikely encounter with a benevolent eagle.

With a mixture of eagerness and trepidation, the mouse took a hesitant step forward. "What must I do?" he asked, his voice trembling with anticipation.

The eagle extended one of its talons, gentle and precise, and touched the mouse's tiny paw. "Close your eyes," it instructed, "and trust in me. Together, we shall take to the skies."

The mouse was overjoyed. "Thank you, wise eagle," he said. "How can I repay you for your kindness?"

"There is no need for repayment," the eagle said. "Simply live your life to the fullest and be grateful for the gift that you have been given."

And with that, the eagle picked up the mouse in its talons and flew high into the sky. The mouse was amazed by the view from above. He could see for miles in every direction. He felt like he was on top of the world.

The eagle carried the mouse to a distant mountaintop. Then, the eagle gently placed the mouse on the ground.

"Now, go and fly, little mouse," the eagle said. "You are free."

The mouse took a deep breath and jumped off the mountaintop. To his amazement, he began to fly. He soared through the air like a bird. He felt the wind in his fur and the sun on his face. He was finally free.


The mouse flew all over the world. He saw many amazing things and met many interesting creatures. He was grateful to the eagle for granting his wish.

One day, the mouse was flying over a forest when he saw a group of animals gathered around a trap. In the trap was a young fox. The fox was crying out for help.

The mouse remembered how the eagle had helped him when he was in need. He knew that he had to help the fox.

By Nathan Anderson on Unsplash

The mouse flew down and landed next to the trap. He carefully untied the rope that was holding the fox captive. The fox was free.

"Thank you for saving my life," the fox said. "How can I repay you for your kindness?"

"There is no need for repayment," the mouse said. "Simply live your life to the fullest and be grateful for the gift that you have been given."

The fox smiled and nodded. Then, he ran off into the forest.

The mouse continued on his journey. He flew all over the world, helping others in need and making new friends along the way. He was a happy and fulfilled mouse, and he was grateful to the eagle for giving him the gift of flight.

The moral of the story is that we should always be grateful for the gifts that we have been given, and we should always be willing to help others in need.


About the Creator

Kindred Soul

I am learning from my experiences and I would love to share the journey that I travel... To inspire, motivate, and to educate.

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