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The monster

The hooded strangers....

By insha khanPublished about a year ago 5 min read
The monster
Photo by Nathan Wright on Unsplash

I went hiking with my friends on a Sunday evening. We went into the forest, it was very scary as it was covered with big trees and the sun was starting to set, casting eerie shadows and making it difficult to see. We had packed some snacks and were looking forward to finding a nice spot to enjoy them, but the forest was so dense that we couldn't find a suitable place to settle down.

Just as we were about to turn back, we heard a rustling in the bushes. We froze, not sure what to expect, but soon saw a group of people emerging from the trees. They were all dressed in strange, hooded robes and carrying large, heavy bags.We tried to back away, but they saw us and started running towards us. We panicked, not sure what to do, and ran in the opposite direction. We could hear them getting closer and closer, and our hearts were pounding in our chests.

Finally, we saw a small clearing up ahead and dashed towards it. It was a relief to see that the group of people had stopped following us, but we were still shaken up from the encounter.

quickly sat down on the ground, catching our breaths and trying to calm down.

As we looked around the clearing, we noticed that there was a small, abandoned cabin in the distance. It was old and rundown, but we figured it would be a safer place to stay for the night than being out in the open with those hooded strangers lurking around.

We cautiously made our way towards the cabin, checking to make sure that it was safe before entering. Inside, it was dark, damp, and smelled of mildew. We didn't have much choice, so we decided to make the best of it and settle in for the night.

We huddled together in the corner of the cabin, trying to keep warm as the night grew colder. We had nothing to eat except for the few snacks we had packed earlier, so we rationed them out carefully. Our thoughts were consumed with the hooded strangers, wondering who they were and what they were doing in the forest.

As the night wore on, we could hear strange noises outside the cabin. At first, it sounded like animals prowling, but then we heard whispers and creaking footsteps. Our fear grew with each passing moment, and we were too afraid to leave the safety of the cabin.

Suddenly, we heard a loud bang on the door. We all jumped and held our breath, not daring to move. Another bang followed, and then another. It sounded like someone was trying to break down the door. We could hear muffled voices on the other side, but we couldn't make out what they were saying.

Our hearts pounding in our chests, we knew that

As we were setting up our sleeping bags, we heard a strange noise coming from one of the corners of the cabin. It sounded like a faint whispering, but we couldn't quite make out what was being said. We tried to ignore it and fall asleep, but the noise continued throughout the night, growing louder and more persistent.

Finally, in

We huddled together in the corner of the cabin, trying to keep warm as the night grew colder. We had nothing to eat except for the few snacks we had packed earlier, so we rationed them out carefully. Our thoughts were consumed with the hooded strangers, wondering who they were and what they were doing in the forest.

As the night wore on, we could hear strange noises outside the cabin. At first, it sounded like animals prowling, but then we heard whispers and creaking footsteps. Our fear grew with each passing moment, and we were too afraid to leave the safety of the cabin.

Suddenly, we heard a loud bang on the door. We all jumped and held our breath, not daring to move. Another bang followed, and then another. It sounded like

someone was trying to break down the door. We could hear muffled voices on the other side, but we couldn't make out what they were saying.

My heart was racing as I tried to keep my friends calm. I knew we were in a dangerous situation, but I didn't know how to protect them from whoever was outside. We had no weapons, no way to defend ourselves.

Then, just as suddenly as it had started, the banging stopped. There was a moment of eerie silence before the whispering started again. This time, it was louder and clearer. We could hear the voices of the hooded strangers, and what they were saying chilled us to the bone.

"We know you're in there," one of them said. "We can smell your fear. Come out and join us. You'll be safe with us."

But I knew that wasn't true. There was something sinister about these people, something that made my skin crawl. I couldn't let my friends fall into

someone was trying to break down the door. We could hear muffled voices on the other side, but we couldn't make out what they were saying.

Our hearts pounding in our chests, we knew that.

we had to come up with a plan. I whispered to my friends to stay quiet and keep low, while I looked for anything in the cabin that we could use to defend ourselves. I noticed a rusted iron rod next to the fireplace. It was heavy and could do some damage if needed.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly crept towards the door. The whispers outside grew louder, and I could feel my heart beating in my ears. I gripped the iron rod tightly and flung the door open, ready to protect myself and my friends.

But to my surprise, there was no one there. The moonlight shone into the clearing, casting an eerie glow on the forest. I could see the dense trees swaying in the wind, but there was no sign of the hooded strangers.

We cautiously stepped out of the cabin, looking around for any signs of danger. But it seemed as though the strangers had vanished as quickly as they had appeared. We decided to leave the

forest as soon as possible, not wanting to risk encountering them again.

As we made our way back to civilization, we couldn't help but wonder who those hooded strangers were and what they were doing in the forest. It was a mystery that we would never solve, but one that would haunt us for a long time...


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    IKWritten by insha khan

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