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The Misfits Ch's. 1 & 2

Carter Collins is a retired super hero... well until a superhero serial killer brought him out of it.

By Carlos GuerraPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

(Chapter 1)

On an early New York City morning, a man finds himself on the outside of a door to one of Manhattans luxurious pent house sweets. Lifting his hand, he knocks on the door 3 times with authority.

"Carter it's me, you better be dressed and ready to go or I swear to god I'll-"

Before he could finish his threat, the door swung open revealing a sharply dressed young gentleman who couldn't be a year older than 27.

"On time as always Max, lord knows I can always count on you for that. Come, come inside have a drink or a coffee, whatever you'd like."

"I'm afraid we have no time for any drinks old friend, we need to get going right away, the council has requested to see us."

"The Council? Aren't they aware that I'm retired?"

"Indeed they do.., but for reasons unknown to myself they have requested to have an audience with you this morning nonetheless. They've even expressed it to be extremely urgent."

Carter stopped for a second, as if he needed a moment to process this information.

"We'll then old friend, looks like we should get going then, doesn't it?"

Without another word, Carter picked up his brief case and headed out the front door of his home. Not being able to do much more than grin at his friend, Max quickly followed right behind them.

The pair took the buildings elevator all the way to the ground floor but neither said a word throughout the short ride. Then as they reached the ground floor, the doors dinged open and they proceeded to walk out into the lobby. Carter noticed the lobby manager waving at him.

"Good morning Benjamin, how's the wife?"

"Same old, same old Mr.Collins, I'm pretty sure she's trying to kill me."

"They always do old man, they always do."

Carter and Max made their way to the buildings front exit but as they open the doors, they were surprised to see three men standing right in front of the exit. Almost as if they were purposely blocking their path. A jolt ran down Carters spine and he knew these men were standing in the rain because they had no intentions of entering the building. Without a single word, one of them cocked back their fist, attempting to strike Carter in the rib cage. However, this was all too predictable and so Carter lifted his brief case and used it to block the assaulter's punch. His hand drove straight into the case and both men could hear the sound of the mans bones shattering into dozens of pieces.

To his left, Carter noticed a second man was raising his weapon in his direction. In the blink of an eye he pulled out a small blade, grabbed the arm the man was holding the gun with and quickly stabbed it three times, while simultaneously apprehending the firearm. Then he turned his attention back to the first assaulter and shot him once in each of his knees causing him to fall back down into the street.

Finally, Carter turned his attention to the third attacker. Before he could do anything he couldn't help but notice that he was just a young man, no older than 19. He lowered his weapon.

"Kid... You really want to end up like those two?"

The kid looking, who looked terrified beyond belief, simply just shook his head no.

"Well good, then drop your gun and you won't."

The young man quickly placed his weapon on the ground and raised his hands in the air.

"Atta boy," Carter then lowered the weapon he held towards the kids feet and let off a round striking him in the foot. The young man fell to the floor hollering in pain, while holding his foot as tight as he could. "Ahh, suck it up kid, there's a valuable lesson in all of this... Don't hang with scum bags or you'll be treated like one, throw some ice on that and I'm going to have my door man tell the cops you were just an innocent bystander. Deal?"

Still groaning in pain, the kid managed to nod his head in agreement.

"That's what I thought." Carter said, patting the kid on the head.

Max, who'd been there the whole time, couldn't help but chuckle.

"What the hell are you laughing at?" Carter asked amused.

"Oh nothing... Just another morning with Carter Collins is all."

At that both men continued to laugh even louder now while they continued with their day as if nothing had happened.

(Chapter 2)

Carter and Max walked several blocks before arriving at another Manhattan building that stood over a hundred stories high. The council would be meeting them on one of the floors near the top which seemed to annoy Max, as he hated both long elevator rides and tremendous heights. The two gentleman made their way through the lobby and into the elevator. Max pressed on the button labeled 87 and the two men silently stood there as they waited to arrive on their floor.

Several moments later the elevator came to a stop and made a "Ding" sound as the doors slid open. Immediately in front of the two men were two golden double doors.

"Subtle as always." Carter said rolling his eyes.

The two of them proceeded through the golden entrance to find a long table surrounded by about a half a dozen men sitting around it. The gentleman at the far end of the table looked up at the sound of Carter and Max entering and smiled.

"Mr.Collins, Mr.Shepard, so happy for the two of you to join us this morning."

"Wish I could say the same Jasper.., but we both know I'm retired. Why am I here?" Carter asked getting straight to the point.

"Indeed... It has come to our attention that you were attacked this morning, is that right?"

"You guys spying on me now?"

"We have eyes and ears everywhere Carter, you should know that better than anyone. Now please, answer the question."

"Yeah I was attacked, if that's what you want to call three rookies that took me all but 3 seconds to deal with."

"I'm sure you disposed of them without difficulty. However, there seems to be a pattern of such attacks taking place through out the city."

One of the gentlemen to Carters left stood up holding a file, he opened it and spread several photos across the table in front of him. Each of the photos contained heroes all of whom appear to have been executed in one way or another.

"So someone is murdering off Capes... is that why you guys called me in here today to warn me?"

"Well yes... both to warn you and to ask you for you assistance in finding out who is behind such horrifying acts of violence.

"Why me? Wouldn't this be a better job for Captain Fuck Face?"

"Captain Fantastic is already aware of the situation and working with us to solve it but we need all the help we can get before any one else dies."

"I'll help how I can old man but I'm not working with anyone, is that clear?"

"We figured as much, thank you for agreeing to help nonetheless."

"Is that all?"

"Yes, you may go, we'll be in touch."

"Oh, I count on it." Carter answered with a smirk.

With that both him and Max stood up and walked out of the room. They entered the elevators without saying a word. Both of them seemed to be staring miles away at something that wasn't there. Finally Max found the words to break the silence.

"Someone is killing Heroes..? Who could be so bold?"

"It doesn't matter, all that matters is that we put a stop to it brother."

Max just nodded his head in agreement. Nothing else needed to be said beyond that.

Young Adult

About the Creator

Carlos Guerra

Born on 09-07-95 in Miami, Florida.

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    Carlos GuerraWritten by Carlos Guerra

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