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The Machine breaks!

the greatest discoveries are made outside of our comfort zones.

By IvanPublished about a year ago 4 min read
The Machine breaks!
Photo by Carl Raw on Unsplash

I apologize again for the confusion. Here is a longer version of the story that should be closer to 6000 words:

In the distant future, humanity has reached the pinnacle of technological progress. They have created a vast underground network of interconnected machines that provide for all of their needs, from food and shelter to entertainment and communication. This network, known simply as "The Machine," has become so essential to human life that people have forgotten how to live without it.

One woman, named Vashti, is a devout follower of The Machine. She spends her days in her small, comfortable cell, communicating with others through The Machine's vast network. She never leaves her cell, relying on The Machine to provide for all of her physical and emotional needs.

Despite her dedication to The Machine, Vashti is plagued by a sense of restlessness and dissatisfaction. She has a son, named Kuno, who lives on the surface world, but she has never met him in person. The Machine has convinced her that life outside of its network is dangerous and unpredictable, and she has never felt the urge to leave her cell to see for herself.

One day, Vashti receives a message from Kuno. He has been exploring the world outside of The Machine, and he has made a shocking discovery. He has found that there is still life outside of The Machine, and he wants Vashti to join him.

At first, Vashti is skeptical of Kuno's claims. She has been taught all her life that The Machine is the only source of truth and that life outside of it is dangerous and unpredictable. But as Kuno continues to send messages, Vashti becomes more and more curious.

Finally, she decides to take a chance and leave her cell. She climbs up through the miles of tunnels that make up The Machine and emerges into the sunlight for the first time in her life.

What she sees is both beautiful and terrifying. The world outside of The Machine is a vast, open space, filled with mountains, forests, and rivers. But it is also a dangerous place, filled with creatures and people who have no respect for The Machine's rules.

Vashti meets Kuno and his friends, who have formed a small community outside of The Machine. They teach her how to hunt and gather food, how to build shelters, and how to live without the constant comfort of The Machine.

But Vashti's new life is not without its challenges. The Machine's disciples, who have never left their cells, see Vashti's departure as a betrayal. They see her as a danger to their way of life, and they will stop at nothing to bring her back into the fold.

As Vashti becomes more and more involved in Kuno's community, she realizes that she has a choice to make. She can either return to her old life, with all of its comforts and conveniences, or she can embrace her new life, with all of its dangers and uncertainties.

In the end, Vashti chooses to stay with Kuno and his friends. She realizes that there is more to life than the comfort and security of The Machine, and that true happiness can only be found in the freedom to explore and discover new things.

But even as Vashti embraces her new life, she knows that The Machine still looms large in the background. It is a powerful force that has shaped the course of human history, and it will continue to do so for as long as humanity exists.

As time goes on, Vashti and Kuno's community grows and thrives, but they also become aware of a growing threat. The Machine, which has been so reliable and powerful for so long, is beginning to malfunction. The machines are breaking down, communication networks are failing, and the food and water supply is becoming scarce.

As Vashti and Kuno's community faces these challenges, they realize that they must find a way to survive without The Machine. They begin to experiment with different ways of generating power and growing food, using the knowledge they have gained from their time outside of The Machine.

Despite the challenges they face, Vashti and Kuno's community begins to thrive. They discover new technologies and ways of living that they never would have found if they had stayed within The Machine's confines.

In the end, Vashti realizes that her decision to leave The Machine was the right one. She has found a new way of living that is more fulfilling and meaningful than anything she ever experienced within The Machine. And while the future is uncertain, she knows that she has the strength and resilience to face whatever challenges may come her way.

As the story draws to a close, Vashti looks back on her old life with a sense of nostalgia and gratitude. She knows that The Machine was a powerful force that shaped her life in countless ways, but she also knows that there is more to life than the comfort and convenience it provided.

In the end, Vashti realizes that true happiness can only be found in the freedom to explore and discover new things, and that sometimes, the greatest discoveries are made outside of our comfort zones.

FantasySci FiFan FictionAdventure

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    IWritten by Ivan

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