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The Lonely Baker

A first date with a lonely baker.

By Melanie Baker Published 3 years ago 4 min read
The Lonely Baker
Photo by lindsay Cotter on Unsplash

There’s many small joys in life, for me there’s nothing more joyous than a coffee and a sweet treat. So when Ben invited me on a date at the Revelier Hotel, famous for its decadent cakes and fancy desserts, I was chuffed. I really hoped that this date would go well because I didn’t want it to spoil my memories of the Revelier. I was wearing my doc marten boots and my new pretty summer dress, it was too cold really for a linen dress like this, but I was too excited to wear it! My docs and black denim jacket made it bearable.

Walking down the street, I tried to remember what I could from his profile and our short conversation. His profile said he was 28 but I can’t remember what he did. We had only really talked about what we’d been up to lately, and the latest marvel movie, which we’d both seen recently. I realised I actually didn’t know that much about him, it was just a relief to not have the usual dick pics and terrible “flirting” where they basically just ask you for sex.

I pull out my phone to look at his profile again, he wasn’t my usual type looks wise, he was blonde, strong jaw and very traditionally handsome, like a Ken doll, but sweet looking. I remember now, he was the baker! It would be pretty cool to date a baker. His profile was funny too “I’m in knead of a new partner, someone to loaf around with. I love to spoil a girl with flours and you butter believe I make good dough! Match with me and I might let you see my unbelievably good buns.”

I like bad dad jokes and banter flirting. He seemed like my kinda guy personality wise, and it’s probably good for me to try a different kind of guy. My usual alternative, heavily tattooed men haven’t been very good to me lately. I shudder a little as I think about my ex. As I walk in, I spot him off to the left, in the best spot of the restaurant, in the window overlooking the garden. It was dead romantic.

“Hello!” He stands up to greet me and kisses me on the cheek. “It’s lovely to meet you in person.”

Wow, I thought, he really is sweet. “Hi, Ben, you too.”

We exchange pleasantries for a minute until the waiter comes over for our order. Is it just me or does he wink at Ben? Ben indicates for me to order first.

“A black coffee and a slice of your chocolate cake please!”

“One of the lemon tarts and a latte please” Ben orders.

We talk and laugh as we wait for our order, the whole thing was very nice, he made me feel so comfortable, but still with some flirty banter and a nice level of awkwardness that made me know that I did, in fact like him and That made me think it was perhaps mutual.

As the cakes came out I almost moaned in delight. “Omg!“ I said. “It looks like heaven on a plate. I’m so excited for this, I love the desserts here.” “Oh yeah?” He said, “ what do you think makes them so good?”

“I don’t know, everything is just so perfect but this cake especially is just so moist and rich, but doesn’t leave you feeling super heavy and full after, you know?”

“I have a bit of a confession to make” Ben says sheepishly.

“Oh?” I start feeling a bit anxious. Is he about to tell me he has some weird fetish like smooshing or something?

“I actually work here, I’m the baker.”

“What?!” I practically yell at him. “That’s awesome! You make the best desserts! Wait.. why did you want to come to your work for a date?”

“Well, I finished work about 30min before I date, but I don’t want to get like 3 dates deep before you taste my desserts and then tell me you hate them. Haha I don’t think I could handle dating someone who didn’t like my baking!”

“The good news is that I love your baking. The Revelier has been my favourite place for a coffee and cake for a long time.”’

It felt so easy to talk and to listen to Ben chat away. Before we knew it, the sun had gone down and we’d realised we’d been sat there for hours. A good date is an indescribable feeling. It’s happy and excited and apprehension and hope and hopefully sexual tension. As we said goodbye, with promises to text later, he leant in for the kiss. As our lips met, I parted mine a little, just a small, hesitant invitation for a bit more. He took it and the kiss deepened. I had those feelings deep in my belly and I knew I wanted to see more of Ben.

We soon parted, albeit quite reluctantly. As I walked home I thought about the date and all we spoke about. It was such a blur already, one thing he said that stood out to me, was that he was lonely. Apparently being a baker has weird and long hours. I hope I can help with that.


About the Creator

Melanie Baker

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    MBWritten by Melanie Baker

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