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The Locket

A Fallen World

By TekrynPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
The Locket
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

“Can somebody please explain to me in their own words how we ended up in the state that we are in now? How our world ended up like it is? I would like it to be in a written format. Thank you.” Once the speaker finishes, I watch as hands fly to the air and some questions start pouring out of people’s mouths.

“What does this teach us?”

“Why is this something you want to know?” Almost all the questions sounding the same and further proving that our society still cannot think for themselves.

Below you will find my statement of how we ended up in our broken world:

The year was 2022. Marking two years since the great panic started and people started getting a mysterious illness that still has never been explained. You would think that would have been the downfall of mankind, but it was not. Instead, it was the falling of the internet. The destruction of the network that we all found ourselves so attached to and that just about every major infrastructure for every major government ran on. A group of hackers decided that it was time to expose all the secrets that were being kept from the people and cause people to wake up. It was through this exposure that it was learned how far gone that most people were. Posted flooded every social media stating:

There is no way that our very own Government did this to us.

This is all made up. Why would anybody want to create lies like this?

Of course, the lists of things started goes on and on and there is the entire other side of it. The people that knew the truth without being told and believed what was being spread and exposed about the people running the world. It came to be that our very own Government created the illness. No information to follow up on that just that it could be proved that it was CREATED. Thanks G-man, we all wanted to get sick and die.

As more and more truths came out the Government tore down social media platforms all of them all the way down to video gaming networks. This information as not going to be spread; it was going to be stopped. The obliteration of social media did not stop the information though. It was just embedded in different formats. Anything from commercials to all the sitcoms that everybody seemed to love so much. Things were all still be uploaded via the underground social medias and dark web. G-man only thought they could stop the Voice, but all they did was make it where the info was being brought to light on a much larger scale; because now even the people that did not use social media were getting it.

G-man was in the limelight and there was nothing that could be done. This triggered G-Man to start making their own propaganda and really start to brain wash people. It was spectacular to see how much somebody could be brain washed. Teenagers and young adults started disappearing off the streets and from their own homes. Somebody could show up for school and by lunch time be gone without a trace; almost as if they never really existed. These were the people that were being taken to classified facilities and being trained by G-man to kill. A special little army was being created to go in and find the group or groups responsible for everything. These are the instruments that were used to figure out how the internet was being used and by the end of 2023 G-Man had destroyed the internet. Instead of owning up to their own truths and faults they started doing everything in their power to hide it even more. For a while they kept a secret network online so that they could still use it to communicate and monitor people. Once that was discovered it became hacked and taken over. All the same groups, people and even more used this secret network to pull out even more of the lies being told by G-man and all their secrets. Same issues a came about though and there was still massive group that did not want to believe that their own Government was the issue.

Eventually one of these hacker groups made their own network and there was nothing that G-man could do to get rid of it. They called themselves the Locket. All their people wore the same necklace. Something that they had custom made for everyone that got one. It is a heart shaped locket. The shape of the locket was picked to express that this group was passionate and was doing everything they could because of the love they had for the people. The locket became a sign of hope for a lot of people but at the same time because a sign of rebellion. Things got so out of hand that all jewelry became illegal to wear; if you were caught wearing any sort of jewelry you were stripped and inspected on the spot. It was much worse if it was found to be one of the lockets; you were hauled away and executed. Assumed executed anyways. Months of tortured probably happened first because all the information that they could get needed to be found. Nobody really knows because if any information was given it had to of been fake info because no secrets were ever revealed about the Locket.

The violence eventually escalated, and people were being slaughtered for just looking at people the wrong way. The Locket brought down G-Man though and that is why we have the safety nets we have now. Of course, this did not happen before it was to late though. Many of people were lost on both sides and even people that did not want to claim a side.

Our world fell only trying to expose the truths and secrets of the very people sworn to protect us. They never were protecting us we were lab rats for them. Another way for them to make a buck.

So, now we live in a broke world where we all must fight to survive, and we do not even know if our own families are alive. We have no way to communicate with them because the postal service was controlled by G-Man.

I end my paper and hand it to the speaker. As I walk away, I notice that she too is wearing what looks like a silver necklace tucked away under her shirt.

Guess we do still have people out here fighting for the ones who cannot fight.

Sci Fi

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    TWritten by Tekryn

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