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The Legend of the Sea Serpent

A Fantacy story

By C.S LEWISPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
The Legend of the Sea Serpent
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

In a small coastal town, surrounded by the vast and mysterious ocean, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily was a curious and adventurous child, always eager to explore the world around her and learn about its many secrets. She loved to play along the shoreline, collecting shells and watching the waves crash against the sand.

One day, while playing on the beach, Lily came across an old fisherman who was mending his nets. She approached him and asked if he had any interesting stories to tell. The fisherman smiled and leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes as he remembered all of the adventures he had experienced on the high seas.

"Well, child," he said, "I have many tales to tell, but there is one that stands out above all the rest. It is the legend of the sea serpent, a creature that has been feared and revered by sailors for centuries."

Lily's eyes widened with excitement. She had never heard of the sea serpent before and was eager to learn more. The fisherman continued his story, telling Lily about the many tales of this mysterious creature that lived in the deep ocean. According to legend, the sea serpent was a massive and powerful creature, capable of sinking ships with a single swipe of its tail. Its body was said to be covered in scales as black as night and its eyes glowed with an otherworldly light.

Despite the fear that the sea serpent instilled in the hearts of sailors, there were also tales of its incredible beauty and grace. It was said that those who encountered the sea serpent in the depths of the ocean would never forget the experience, for it was like nothing they had ever seen before.

Lily was fascinated by the fisherman's story and asked him if he had ever seen the sea serpent himself. The fisherman chuckled and leaned forward in his chair. "I have indeed seen the sea serpent, child," he said. "And let me tell you, it is a sight that will stay with you for the rest of your life."

The fisherman went on to tell Lily about a time when he was out at sea and encountered the sea serpent. He and his crew had been on a long voyage, and the seas were rough and choppy. Suddenly, the ship was lifted out of the water and the crew was thrown into the air. When they landed back on the deck, they saw the sea serpent rise up from the depths of the ocean, its massive body coiled around the ship. The crew was frozen with fear, but the sea serpent simply looked at them with its glowing eyes before sinking back into the depths of the ocean, leaving the ship unscathed.

Lily was in awe of the fisherman's story and asked if he believed that the sea serpent was real. The fisherman smiled and said, "Child, I have seen many things in my lifetime, but the sea serpent is the one creature that I cannot explain. Some say it is a monster, a creature of the deep that should be feared. Others believe it is a symbol of good luck and prosperity, bringing good fortune to those who encounter it. Whatever it may be, the sea serpent remains a mystery, a legend that will be told for generations to come."

Years went by, and Lily grew up to be a successful fisherman, just like the old man who had told her the tale of the sea serpent. She often thought about the sea serpent and the mystery that surrounded it, and she dreamed of encountering it for herself one day.

And then, one day, while out at sea, she saw it. The sea serpent rose up from the depths of the ocean, its massive body coiled around her ship. She was filled with both


About the Creator


I presently think positively. Railing and censuring just destroy. Confirmed speculation develops. I currently take a gander at the daily routine that I experience and confirm, "It is Great." I love and favor the Ideal Power inside me

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  • Test8 months ago


  • Safia Adil8 months ago

    Add Lily by Alan Walker, Emelie Hollow, and K-391 as background music. I like the story. What happened next?

  • Afrolite8 months ago

    Nice one, Good job

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