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The lady in shadow

A mystery

By Bhavik JoshiPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The lady in shadow
Photo by Martino Pietropoli on Unsplash

There was a lady who lived in the shadows. She was always there, lurking in the corners of people's vision, never quite visible but always felt. Some said she was a ghost, others believed her to be a figment of their imagination. But those who knew her knew better. They knew that she was very real.

The lady in the shadows had a mysterious aura about her. No one knew her name, and no one knew where she came from. Some claimed to have seen her in different parts of the city, always dressed in the same black gown and wide-brimmed hat, her face hidden in the shadows.

People were afraid of her, and they avoided her at all costs. They whispered that she was a witch, casting spells on those who crossed her path. But the lady in the shadows did not seem to care about the rumors that swirled around her. She went about her business, quietly observing the world around her.

One day, a young girl named Lily caught a glimpse of the lady in the shadows. Lily was walking home from school when she saw the lady standing in an alleyway. She was so mesmerized by the sight that she couldn't look away.

The lady in the shadows seemed to sense Lily's presence and turned to face her. Lily was struck by the beauty of the lady's face, despite the shadows obscuring it. The lady looked at Lily for a long moment before disappearing into the shadows once again.

From that day on, Lily was obsessed with the lady in the shadows. She would often wander the streets, hoping to catch another glimpse of her. As time went on, Lily became more and more fascinated by the lady's mysterious presence.

One night, Lily decided to follow the lady in the shadows. She watched from a distance as the lady made her way through the city, disappearing and reappearing in the shadows. Finally, the lady stopped in front of a small, rundown house on the outskirts of town.

Lily watched as the lady knocked on the door. A woman opened it, and the two of them disappeared inside. Lily waited outside for a long time, but the lady did not come out again.

Days turned into weeks, and Lily continued to watch the house from a distance. She saw the lady come and go, always shrouded in shadows. Eventually, Lily worked up the courage to approach the lady.

"Who are you?" she asked.

The lady in the shadows looked at Lily for a long moment before replying.

"I am no one," she said softly. "I am a shadow, a whisper in the wind."

Lily was taken aback by the lady's response. She had expected something more concrete, something she could understand.

"But why do you live in the shadows?" she asked.

The lady in the shadows sighed. "It is safer here," she said. "No one can hurt me in the shadows."

Lily could sense the sadness in the lady's voice. She wanted to help her, to bring her out of the shadows and into the light.

"You don't have to live in the shadows," Lily said. "There's so much beauty in the world, so much to see and experience."

The lady in the shadows looked at Lily with a hint of a smile on her lips. "Perhaps you're right," she said. "Perhaps it's time for me to step out of the shadows and into the light."

From that day on, the lady in the shadows began to emerge more and more. She started to wear brighter colors and to smile more often. She even began to make friends, something she had never thought possible before.

Lily was delighted to see the lady in the shadows blossom into a more fully realized person. She realized that everyone has a light within them


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