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The Jarl

Clan Odinson

By Moon Willo's NotebookPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

“All the way back in the year 2022 the entire world was unimaginably different. My darling you have never seen anything like it. Back then our little village didn’t even exist. Everything was so very different from now, the sky was blue and there was grass everywhere. The people were allowed to go and do whatever they wanted and even worship how they wanted. We didn’t even have enforcers. Everything changed so quickly, no one had time to prepare. On a boring day that seemed too normal to be true the skies opened up and the wrath of the gods rained down upon us all. Tsunamis and hurricanes ripped across the great seas, and tornadoes and blizzards devastated the land. Several areas remain uninhabitable to this day. Those were the worst of the miscreants. You see my love, we hadn’t honored the land as the Gods wanted us to and they punished us for it. Millions of people were killed and nearly everyone was left homeless. Our people fled the ruins of our city and found this land. We called it Horga and began to build our new lives, using the wreckage to build our new homes. Once again honoring the gods we lived a life filled with abundance. Until the Odinson’s took over, that is." I said somberly while clutching the small golden locket that I always wore, to my chest. “Thats silly Nanna this is the way it has always been and always will be, everyone knows that. That was also like eighty years ago.” Helka said like the confident girl she had always been. Truthfully it had only been 40 years but I wasn’t going to argue. Helka blurted out, “Besides there is only one god and that is Odin, Jarl Dagfinn wouldn’t lie about that.” Helka was excitedly waving her arm around as she spoke, I noticed the K branded into her right wrist. “My poor darling” I thought to myself and nodded at her “You get some rest Helka dear, Nanna has to get home before curfew takes effect. '' Helka nodded and wished me good night. Taking my leave I wished my darlings Effie and Bjorn a good night and went on my way. Walking the dim, dreary streets I fiddled with the sleeve of my dress, anxious about what could be around any corner, I walked quickly to my small shack. When I arrived I noticed something was off, the usual darkness seemed more sinister tonight. “Dagny Solveig... “ a voice said as someone rapidly came up from behind me covering my mouth and wrapping a strong arm around me. “We are here by order of the Jarl to deal with your treachery. We are well aware of the false gods you have been worshiping.” I tried to pull away my sleeve ripping in the process. The enforcers noticed my wrist, which was branded with a T and chuckled “Not that we would expect anything less from a sniveling Thrall like you. ” The enforcers waiting in the shadows then emerged laughing maniacally as they surrounded us. I could no longer see anything more than this wall of bodies. I tried to fight the guards for my freedom but the struggle was cut short as I felt a sharp pain rip through my side. The world started to fade from my vision and I could feel myself fading fast.

I heard the Commotion as I snuck around the back of my family's small shack. Hiding behind the patchy bushes that grew near the door, I watched as the enforcers crowded around this poor lady, and almost as fast as it happened they dragged her off. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I had heard of the guards kidnapping people but I never thought I’d see it in my own back yard, literally. In the dim pale moonlight I noticed something glimmering in the dirt. I had to know what it was. Quickly and quietly I ran over to it and picked up the small pendant and chain. “Sigrid! Get back inside right now or else you will end up like that helpless Dagny…” As my mother said this my heart sank. Dagny had been like a grandmother to me. She had taught me so much. She was the one who introduced me to the old gods. They were the true gods as far as I was concerned. I walked back to the house feeling the weight of what I had witnessed. Sitting at the table with my family and we ate the scraps we called rations. Just as I was finishing heavy knocking was heard at the door. My father obediently answered it and two enforcers barged into the house ripping the door clean off the hinges. Shoving my father out of the way they came towards me quickly. “We know you were out after curfew” He grabbed me hitting me several times with a switch. The red welts marking my back and shoulders hurt worse than any sunburn I had ever gotten. “Next time you’d better be nice and safe inside your trash shack well before curfew or else” The enforcers laughed as they left our house. Silently I went to my room and cried myself to sleep. No use in talking about it anyway. I woke up holding the small pendant. I examined it thoroughly. It was a small gold locket. The delicate gold chain had been broken in the struggle but the heart shaped pendant was unscathed. Stamped into the outside of this locket were the words “This too shall pass” These words brought me little comfort....

The years passed slowly from the time of my childhood to the day marking my eighteenth year. I had been dreading this day for as long as I could remember. Heavy knocking fell on the front door, which was only held in place by a board affixed with two brackets across the center, reluctantly approached and opened it. There stood two enforcers like looming towers in front of me. As was customary I was taken to the Jarl to be placed. Being a Thrall there were few options for me, I would be placed in the fields, or making clothing. The fields were a ghastly place to be put, the hours were agonizingly long and punishment was frequent and severe. I feared the worst. I had become very acquainted with the enforcers over the years, all for minor infractions but I knew that meant the worst on assigning day. The Jarls' long house was grand, intricate carvings in the wooden posts, long tables meant for large gatherings of the villagers to celebrate triumphs, and honoring the Gods. Dust covered most of the room except of course the great throne that sat at the middle of the far wall. The Jarl sat relaxing in his throne as the enforcers dragged me front and center and pushed me to my knees. He leaned forward to look at me and told the enforcers to stand me up so he could “get a better look” he scoffed at me “Such a pity to be a Thrall” He snarled “and be such a handsome woman” I locked eyes with him and said “Folke? You are the Jarl now?” He suddenly rose to his feet and slapped me across the mouth, “How dare you address me by that name…. It is Aurick now, Jarl Aurick Odinson much more fitting for my status. Send her home.” He motioned and I was dragged back to my shack.

In the middle of the night I heard movement in the shack. I hadn’t gotten to sleep because I kept replaying my meeting with the Jarl. I hadn’t been assigned. I heard slow footsteps up the stairs. Something was wrong. Suddenly my door swung open and there stood the Jarl and two men wearing dark cowls. The two men grabbed me, one throwing me over his shoulder. The other held a satchel of herbs under my nose and everything went black. When I awoke I was in a stone room with no windows and I was chained to the wall. That was when I noticed they had taken every valuable piece of jewelry I had been wearing.

Standing outside the cell I saw the poor girl chained to that cold, damp wall and realized this was the time to make my move. I have read the words on that locket at least fifty times now. This too shall pass. Aurick cannot be allowed to continue. “Asgrim?” I heard a sharp voice yell for me “Get up here now.” I hurried out of the corridor. I have to keep up appearances.I went straight to the throne and knelt next to Aurick the terrible as he bellowed orders and thought of new and horrible ways to gain more power. “So I have decided to make an example of the wretch in the cell" Soon the heralds could be heard through the town. Top to bottom they bellowed their orders. “Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Jarl Odinson decrees all citizens to the square, your presence is not optional thank you” These words echoed through the streets. Quickly and quietly the entire village assembled, timidly waiting for whatever gruesome display was about to appear before them. The stage was set with a large oaken podium, on the opposite side of the stage stood a large wooden post. The post stood about eight foot tall and had a large iron ring bolted through it. Around the base of this post there were piles of small sticks and branches. Suddenly a group of enforcers appeared with a figure bound and hooded, the figure struggled against the grasp of the brutes. Jarl Odinson took the stage, coldly addressing the people. “I have always been a fair and forgiving Jarl, yet people still oppose me. I find this peculiar because as I see it you are all just taking advantage of my generosity. Thankfully I have realized that today is the day I remind you who is in charge.” He motioned with his hand and the enforcers dragged the figure to the post, wrapping a rope around a dainty wrist, through the iron ring and tying the other end around the other wrist. Aggressively ripping the hood off her head, Sigrids long auburn hair tumbled out. Sigrid realized what was about to happen…

I couldn’t continue to watch. I racked my brain for anything to stop this horror show. I heard the distinct snap of fingers and that's when I saw Odinson light the sticks. They were burning Sigrid at the stake. I watched in horror but suddenly had an Idea. I ran on to the stage and yelled “How could you do that to her Folke, I thought you were Fair and forgiving.” Jarl Odinson spun around angrily and darted at me “ How dare you address me like that. You will pay for those words” He drew a sword from his hip and ran at me. Dodging his strike, I dashed behind him putting him into a headlock. Sharply he dug his elbow into my side. Staggering back to catch my breath he swung his sword grazing my collar bone. The hot sting of the slice made me wince, and my anger erupted. Running at him I shoved him as hard as I could. Jarl Aurick Odinson stumbled backwards, tripping over a loose board and falling into the fire that had begun to singe Sigrid’s skirt. Aurick hit his head knocking him unconscious. I ran over and started to untie Sigrid, setting her free from the fire. Calmly I walked over to the podium. “Things have gone on this way long enough. Enforcers, take Folke to the cell.” Quickly before the enforcers could grab him Folke threw himself into the fire. “It's time to make some changes, and I intend to be the one to make them. From now on I will be addressed as Jarl Asgrim Bodolf.” The crowd erupted in applause.


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Moon Willo's Notebook

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