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The Illimitable Beast

A Thing That Is Beyond Compheresion

By Lonel StanriPublished 11 months ago 2 min read

It was a cold night that day, a day so incongruous that it is forever planted in my memory, an unforgettable one, the fact I'm still here is astonishing.

A few years ago, I was driving on a rural road beside a glade on the left of me and the calm, exquisite sea on the right with the moon floating and illuminating the endless sea below it.

The dark sky was filled with small crowds of clouds that pervade through the unbounded shades.

As I drive through the isolated road with the endless mist above me, I could feel something that slowly penetrated the calm, nonchalant atmosphere..

I could feel the presence of something vast..

Something that's innumerably large..

I look around the windows of my car to see where this sudden aura came from..

As I glanced outside to see if there's anything, my eyes caught it.

On a crowd of clouds far far away, lies an enormous shape, with ocean-like eyes in untold amounts, with large icicles formed around it's gigantic body with skin bearing a resemblance to kimberlite filled with water-like holes on it's front portions

My body was flooded with inconceivable fear, the notion of driving ran away from my mind as I mindlessly gaze at the shape while my feet stomped on the car pedal with little motion kicking in.

Paralyzed in horror, I gaze at the shape in a virtually halt state with heartbeat racing faster than ever, getting closer and closer to the shape as the clouds slowly fades away and the thing tearing the night sky with it's tremendous size.

The scope of it slowly gets near as silence ripped through the boundless skies and seas.

I could feel it getting colder and colder as I'm getting nigh, it felt like I was slowly walking through a land of pure cold and ice that would freeze even the hottest fires, it was inconceivably cold, no way to truly describe the sheer coldness of what I experienced that night.

My legs begin to shake from the piercing cold that penetrated the night, then my instincts kicked in and using every inch of my strength, I drive the car backwards as hard as I can, the pressure makes it incredibly tough but my adrenaline managed to overwhelm the pressuring cold by a inch, I could see the thing staring at me directly as I slowly flee away..

I could feel the thing seemingly moving and getting closer to me.

So I try even harder to flee, after agonizing and everlasting seconds, a burst of fogs came and the thing slowly disappeared with it, the incredibly freezing temperature started to fade away and the unfathomable fear diminish slowly.

Both of my legs and hands has been cracked verbally from the sheer cold but my adrenaline overwhelmed the pains.

After that incident, I fear I might come across that thing again, I dreaded the very thought of it and I constantly experience nightmares of freezing and cold places with the sight of that thing far away watching me.

I don't know what that thing truly is and maybe, that's for the better...


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    LSWritten by Lonel Stanri

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