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The Hunger of Sea Glass

Breaking the Curse.

By leon felixPublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Hunger of Sea Glass
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Arianna was a young girl who loved nothing more than spending her days on the beach, collecting sea glass. She would spend hours searching for the perfect pieces, admiring their smooth edges and vibrant colors. She had a special jar where she kept all of her sea glass, and she would often spend her evenings arranging them by size, shape, and color.

One day, as Arianna was walking along the beach, she came across a beautiful piece of sea glass unlike any she had ever seen before. It was a deep shade of blue, with an intricate pattern etched into its surface. Arianna picked it up and held it up to the sunlight, marveling at its beauty.

As she held the sea glass in her hand, she felt a strange sensation. It was as if the sea glass was alive, and it was hungering for something. Arianna didn't know what to do, so she put the sea glass in her pocket and continued on her walk.

But as the day went on, Arianna couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. She felt restless and anxious, and she couldn't stop thinking about the sea glass in her pocket. As the sun began to set, she decided to head back home.

That night, Arianna couldn't sleep. She kept thinking about the sea glass and the strange hunger she had felt. She got out of bed and retrieved the sea glass from her pocket. As soon as she held it in her hand, she felt the hunger again. But this time, it was stronger.

Arianna knew she had to do something. She couldn't let the sea glass consume her. She remembered a story her grandmother had told her about a powerful mermaid who lived deep in the ocean. The mermaid was said to have the ability to control the sea, and she could calm even the fiercest storms.

Arianna decided to seek out the mermaid's help. She packed a bag with some supplies and set out on a journey to find the mermaid's cave.

The journey was long and treacherous. Arianna had to cross rocky terrain, climb steep cliffs, and swim through treacherous waters. But she never gave up. She was determined to save herself from the hunger of the sea glass.

Finally, after many days of travel, Arianna reached the mermaid's cave. She knocked on the door and waited. After a few moments, the door opened, and there stood the mermaid.

Arianna explained her situation to the mermaid, and the mermaid listened carefully. She then took the sea glass from Arianna's hand and examined it closely. "This sea glass is cursed," the mermaid said. "It has the power to consume those who hold it for too long. But there is a way to break the curse."

The mermaid told Arianna that she must return the sea glass to the sea. But not just any part of the sea - it had to be returned to the exact spot where it was found. Once the sea glass was returned, the curse would be broken, and Arianna would be free.

Arianna thanked the mermaid for her help and set out to return the sea glass to the sea. When she arrived at the spot where she had found it, she held the sea glass in her hand one last time. She felt the hunger again, but this time, it was weaker. She took a deep breath and threw the sea glass back into the sea.

As soon as the sea glass hit the water, it shattered into a million tiny pieces. Arianna watched as the pieces floated away, carried by the current. She felt a weight lift off her shoulders, and she knew that the curse had been broken.

From that day on, Arianna continued to


About the Creator

leon felix

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