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"The Dead"

Surviving the Unthinkable: A Tale of the Living and the Dead in Ashwood.

By leon felixPublished about a year ago 3 min read
"The Dead"
Photo by Mathew MacQuarrie on Unsplash

The town of Ashwood had always been a quiet and peaceful place, nestled in the heart of the forest. But that all changed when the dead started to rise.

At first, it was just one or two corpses, clawing their way out of their graves and shambling through the streets. But soon, it became clear that this was no isolated incident. The dead were rising all over the town, their cold, lifeless eyes fixed on nothing as they staggered through the streets.

The people of Ashwood were terrified. They barricaded themselves in their homes and businesses, hoping to ride out the storm until help could arrive. But help never came. The phone lines were down, and the roads leading in and out of town were blocked by abandoned cars and fallen trees.

As the days stretched on, the people of Ashwood began to realize that they were on their own. They had to band together if they wanted to survive. And so, they did. They formed groups, patrolling the streets with makeshift weapons and fortifying their homes against the onslaught of the dead.

At first, it seemed like they might stand a chance. The dead were slow and clumsy, easy to outrun and avoid. But as the days turned into weeks, the people of Ashwood began to realize that this was no temporary situation. The dead were here to stay.

Food and water were running low. The dead were closing in, swarming around the town's perimeter and bashing against the barricades with increasing frequency. And worst of all, the living were starting to turn on each other.

Tempers were frayed, nerves were shot. People were hoarding supplies and accusing each other of stealing. The once-united front of Ashwood was starting to crumble.

It was in the midst of this chaos that Sarah appeared. She was a scientist, with a background in microbiology and infectious diseases. She had been traveling through the forest when she stumbled upon Ashwood, and she had been watching from the sidelines ever since.

Sarah knew what was causing the dead to rise. It was a virus, one that had been lying dormant in the soil for decades, waiting for the right conditions to come to life. And now, it had.

Sarah tried to share her knowledge with the people of Ashwood, but they were skeptical. They had already lost so much, and they didn't want to hear that there was no hope for a cure. But Sarah didn't give up. She knew that there was only one way to beat this virus, and it involved getting up close and personal with the dead.

It was risky, but Sarah was willing to take the chance. She convinced a small group of the bravest survivors to accompany her into the heart of the dead zone. They armed themselves with makeshift flamethrowers and chemical sprays, and they set off into the forest.

The dead were waiting for them, their empty eyes fixed on nothing as they shambled forward. The survivors fought back, dousing the corpses with chemicals and lighting them up with flames. It was brutal, it was messy, but it was the only way.

They worked their way deeper and deeper into the forest, until they came to a clearing. In the center of the clearing was a massive crater, the source of the virus. Sarah knew what she had to do.

She had brought with her a small, specialized drone, equipped with a payload of chemicals designed to neutralize the virus. She piloted the drone into the crater, dodging the grasping hands of the dead as she went.

It was a tense moment, but then it happened. The drone released its payload, and the chemicals spread out across the ground, neutralizing the virus and rendering the dead truly dead once more.


About the Creator

leon felix

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