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The House That Jack Built

Pt 1

By ChronoPastaPublished 3 years ago 15 min read

"It would s,seem that everyone is losing there f,fucking minds nowadays right?, WRONG!, I have p,proof that it's all apart of some d,d,d,delusion that the p,populace has been put under", "S,sorry, I get c,caught up in my thoughts when i m,meet new p,people, The n,names Sam, No last n,names, they might be l,l,listening" "Dont m,mind the damp b,basement, I had to move the C,Command center down h,here to make it seem l,like im not onto t,them, maybe it was s,s,suspicious..." "Oh well no time to d,dawdle on that right now"

The Command Center Which just happens to be a broken lazy boy and a laptop with a mini fridge in the corner.

Sams basement smells alot like a sewer drain if it had been lived in by a pack of rabid clams and one pissed off hampster with a bowel problem. My name is James, Pleased to meet you. Im sure you are wondering how did i end up with Sam in his dingy dim lit basement going over a conspiracy only a lunatic could understand, well...hes been my friend since 2nd grade and has always been, how would i put it, eclectic. You see, Sam is in no way, shape, or form, normal. His parents were practically non existent during his childhood, so i decided to take him under my wing sort of speak. We were the same age after all but not with the same mentality. Sam has always had accute paranoia and it took a while for him to warm up to me, he has always seemed worried someone was always after him.

I made it a point to take notes for him when he had one of his "Breakthroughs", now you see these breakthroughs were more like manic episodes where he goes on a tangent on three to five word phrases that i take a note of for him as he never had remembered after he had pulled out of it. This is how we essentially became best friends, he was never a bad kid, just strange.

I made the decision to bring my cousin Oliver over today, who Sam has met several times but never seems to never remember. "So what your saying Sam, is that the government is controlling us" Oliver said. "Not quite, but did notice that the mayors eye color was different in his last speach" "Eye color doesnt mean shit man, people wear contacts for that" Proclaimed Oliver.

"That may be true, but in the three years he has been in office he has not once had another eye color, why now all of a sudden" "Hold on for a minute guys im trying to write this down" I said. "So what your saying is that Lizard People are taking over?" "Not sure, doubt it honestly that just sounds preposterous" Sam said. "Well I think its time we beat feet back over to aunt Megans, she has dinner going and i dont want to miss out" Oliver said. "Want us to save you a plate sam?" I said, "That would be awesome, your mom always makes amazing food" exclaimed Sam.

Oliver and I had made our way up the stairs to head for the front door "Could you guys be quiet when you guys leave, mom and dad are asleep upstairs and i dont want to bother them" Sam said concerned. We managed to make it outside without making much ruckus. "Now the government is developing mind control, shit just last week he could have sworn that toothpaste rots your teeth, ya know 4 out of 5 dentists agree" "dont be too hard on the guy, remember just last summer when he helped me with my Fairsoft account that got hacked?" "yeah, your right, but damn does he give me the creeps" We had made it to the park which is about half way between our houses. "Are we cutting through" Oliver asked "I dont know man, this pace gets creepy at night" Before you guys think we are going about the whole horror trope of going through a dim lit park at 6PM during fall, your fucking crazy, I always steer clear from that place when its dark out. "Dont be a pussy" Oliver began to walk up to the gates of the park, "Hey James, check this out". There was a vagrant on the bench but he was just sitting there staring into space like he was in some sort of trance. "still want to cut through?" "Nah, lets go around".

We made it home at a quarter to seven and dinner was already put away. Mom was just finishing up in the kitchen. "I saved you both a plate, they're in the fridge, Help yourselves" "James, your father had to leave town tonight on an important business trip so he will be gone for a few days" He was always leaving town at obscure times whenever his job called him.

He was a Financial Manager at some large corporation and he traveled to help out clients. "Dont forget to clean up when you boys finish eating" "will do ma!". During dinner Oliver seemed a little shaken "Do you think that homeless guy needed help?" "I mean he could have been dying for all we know and we just left him" "Your such a softy sometimes" I retorted. "No man there was something off about that guy" "Lets grab Sam tomorrow and check it out when theres some daylight im sure he wont mind" Sam was always up for investigations as he likes to call it. "Yeah sure, lets just make sure he doesnt get too overwhelemed" I said.

We finished dinner and cleaned up as mom asked, once we finished we rushed up to my room to get onto the super nintendo i had as i love the classics. We took turns on Legend of Zelda for a while, as he would take his turn I would start writing in my journal. I had started keeping a journal after 5th grade to kind of go over the events that take place everyday i hang out with Sam, not really as evidence but more as a reminder and a tracker to see how Sam's mental health progressess. I have wanted to work in psychiatric care since i met Sam, I wanted to understand what he had been through that causes his Accute Paranoia, My diagnosis of course because i dont think he has ever been to a doctor.

"What are you writing down now" Oliver Asked. "Just everything that has happened today, I keep everyday i hang out with Sam logged to keep up with him" "you seem obsessed with this guy" "I have been his only friend since the second grade, im honestly concerned" "Whatever you want to call it, youve got a closet full of these things, have you thought about posting these online. Maybe someone could help". "1, I dont have a computer, 2, Thats a lot of journals to go through." "Your birthday is coming up, ask your mom for one"

"I can try" I said. "You died, pass the controller" I said to change the subject. I have never liked to talk about my journals really, thats a lot of personal memories ive had with Sam.

"Hey, Oliver" I said, "What", "Can i tell you something, but you have to promise you wont tell anyone" "Your gay for Sam? I KNEW IT!" "No, Asshole, Swear to me you wont say anyhting" "Yeah man I wont tell anyone" "I, I dont think Sam has any parents" Remember when i said that he has been virtually without parents since i knew him",- "yeah"-, "ive never met them myself. Sam always seemed to make up excuses as to where they were or why they werent around, as if he is hiding something. I usually give him the benafit of the doubt but its concerning.

"What do you mean he doesnt have parents? How else would he be here?" Oliver said sarcasticaly. "I mean, as long as ive known him, I have never met his parents" "Maybe he escaped from the mental institution in the other town" Oliver said with a shit eating grin "He's not crazy man" i snapped back "hes just odd, he goes through phases" "jeez, take a joke, How do you think he's survived for so long?" "I dont know, I bring him some of moms cooking every now and then" I said "yeah whats with that?" " When we were younger he used to come over every now and then and stay the night, he stopped doing that all of a sudden around 7th grade" I said. "seems like Sam is just a shut in" said Oliver. "He has been closed off but he seems cool around me" "Whatever man, its getting late im hitting the hay" Oliver said mid yawn. "Good idea".

I took the floor tonight as i figured i was going to be up and down all night, I havent had a full nights sleep for weeks now. I always seem to get woken up in the middle of the night by random thumps and screams. I dont have any pets, dad would never allow it but something is strange...

The next morning Oliver was already downstairs on shoving heaping spoonfulls of cereal into his gaping maw. " Good mornin" Oliver said with a mouth full of food. "mornin" I say as i reach for the bread. "when are ya wanting to go get Sam?" "Here soon, He doesnt like to be out too long". I sacrf down my toast and rush to get dressed. "Oliver, hurry up we need to get over to Sams" "Im going, im going" We rush out the door and start making our way over to Sams. We decided this time to cut through the park and see if we can spot anything from the night before.

"HEY JAMES!, check this out" Oliver Yelled. "What did you find?" " A pile of clothes...You think??" "Lets not do anything until we get Sam". We make it out of the gate and made it over to Sams. ***Knocking to shave and a shampoo***, Thats our secret code so he knows its us. "H,hey guys, hurry up and g,get in but be q,quiet, my parents h,havent gotten up yet" Sam said in a whisper. we hurry into the basement. Sam seems to be in bad shape. "did you get any sleep last night?" "N,not much, I c,cant sleep when theres b,body snatchers out." "Thats what we came here about, we saw something in the park last night on the way home" I said. "Yeah we wanted to see if you wanted to come investigate the are with us" piped Oliver.

"Th,that means you G,guys believe me?" "sure Sammy, Sure" Sam always liked the little nick name i gave him, i guess it made him feel like family.

"L,let me grab a f,few things" Sam stammered, Sam ran upstairs to get ready. "Should we check on his "Parents" " Oliver said "No, I dont want to cause any more issues for the guy" "But heres your chance to finally find out what happened" Honestly after he said that I contemplated it. "Y,you guys r,ready?" Sam had a military rucksack with a few gadgets sticking out. "Where the hell did you get all of that Sam?" "D,dumpsters mostly, l,lets go".

I check my watch,"its 8 o'clock guys we got an hour til the park service gets there for there daily cleanup routine". We rushed in through the gate. "Over there, a pile of clothes!!" Oliver shouted, "S,stay back, I need to e,e,evaluate the scene". Sam drops his ginormous bag and starts rummaging through it. "what are yo'" i was cut off mid sentence. "g,got it"

Sam seemed to have pulled out a pair of dinosaur grips, the ones that you get at the carnival with the trigger that closes the dino's mouth. "Thats rich" Oliver said with a smirk. Sam Used the grabber to rifle through the clothes seperating them out as if worn. "th,this here, and th,that there" Sam mumbled, He seemed really into whatever he was doing.

Sam all of a sudden went ghost white. "n,no, n,no, no, no, no, no," Sam started going into a breakdown. "Th,that cant be r,right" Sam almost seemed like he was going to burst into tears. "Sammy, You okay?" - "NO, NO, NO, NO!!" I rushed over to him and he collapsed into me. "W,why would Th,they do that t,t,t...." - "Shhhhhh, it's okay sammy" I said reasuringly, Oliver just sat back stunned not saying a word. "th, tha, thats, thats my, my, my" "Your what Sammy?" - "My Dad's Clothes"

Oliver rushed to go pick up the finely laid out clothes. "I think thats enough for right now guys, Sam lets get you home" Oliver said. I was taken back a bit, iv'e never known him to be much of a caring person. I picked up Sams pack and we loafed back to his place.

Once we arrived back to the safety of his house he stopped right outside the threshold of the front doorway and turned to us. " C,c,could you G,guys S,stay t,t,t...tonight" - "Yeah, Sammy, We will stay with you" I had Oliver head down to the payphone down the block to call my mom to let her know Sam needed us tongiht, She has always been aware of his condition and was very lenient when it came to me taking care of him. "J,j,James..." - "Yeah, what is it buddy" - "I, I n,need T,to tell You s,s,something" - "Go on man, you can tell me". Sam went and sat on the old dusty couch in what resembles an old living room. "M,my P,parents..." Sam stammered "Th,there M,m,missing" - "What do you mean buddy, i thought they were just asleep" - "I O,only say Th,that so y,you dont get t,t,too w,worried" " I Kn,Know you've b,b,been..." Oliver rushes in out of breath. "Aunt Megan says it's cool if we crash here tonight, Dibs on the couch!". I shot a glance at Sam "we can talk later buddy, no worries" i said smiling " lets just make the most of the rest of the day.

Now i dont want to hear about how childish we were that night, I might be 15 but god damnit i like being a kid when i can and Sammy never judges me, Oliver on the other hand thinks hese superior because he's 16 but i know deep down he can be just as kid like. "So what do you guys want to do?" Oliver asked. "L,lets build a F,f,f" - "Dont say a fucking fort Sam" - "Quite being a dick Oliver, of course were going to build a fort and you know what? your not invited" I said mockingly. Sam just giggled. "Hey man, all im saying is we could spice this place up a bit and get some girls over and have a party" "N,no Thanks" Sam blustered. "Hey Sam, get as many pillows and blankets you can find, Ill start moving the furniture" - "o,okay James". "Oliver while were doing things why dont you situate some snacks for us" - "seriously?, fine, Give me some cash then" I through him $10 and he headed out to the little corner store up the way. Sam was fumblling down the stairs with a hand full of blankets. "J,James, could I g,g,get some help?" "ON IT" i jumped up to help him but caught myself mid stride gazing upstairs. "Hey Sam, where was it you were saying your parents went?"

"I d,dont know". Sam handed off some blankets and we headed back to the living room.

"Hey Sam, you know you can tell me, right?" - "I kn,know James, I just d,d,dont want you to w,worry." - "how long have we been friends?" - "t,t,too long" "if you need help finding your parents, me and Oliver will help" - "Th,th,they were taken." - "by who?" - "I d,dont Kn,know" - "Do you remember anything that might help". Sam jumped up and started rummaging through drawers looking for something. Oliver walked in "another breakthrough?" - "not quite". Oliver sat the food down which was just little debbie snacks and other assorted candies. "what are you looking for Sammy?" - "g,got it". Sam rushed back over to us with a pencil and a piece of paper and started sketching out some sort of design, it looked like a lightning bolt striking a tree. "th,th,this was th,the last th,thing i saw". Sam sighed and sat back on the floor and just stared at the picture. "So.....Whats this?" oliver asked "Sams parents went missing, thats why none of us ever met them before" i told him. "And this symbol means something?" - "its the last thing he remembers when his parents were taken". Oliver picked up the picture to get a closer look. "This looks like a company logo of some kind" Oliver exclaimed.

We went about building the fort with Sam, keeping that image in our minds. "We will find them Sammy", Sam let out a deep sigh, im not sure if it was a sigh of relief. "Forts done lets hunker down and get our snack on" Oliver said while grabbing for the snacks. We all piled into the fort and started setting up our beds for the night when all of a sudden a loud crash roared through the living room and and the fort came tumbling down. I pulled the blankets off my head and saw six men in what seemed to be like armored hazmat suits. They swept in and grabbed up Oliver and Sam, I tried to fight them off but it was no use, one of them got behind me and wraped their arm around my neck, my throat started to close as I Fight for air, the light around me fades and all went black..


About the Creator


I am a horror author as well as narrator for these stories on my YouTube channel

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