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The Heroes of Liang Shan

Chapter 44

By Ann Published 2 years ago 9 min read

I thought it would be a good time for me to stay in the pawnshop for a few days. I had already paid 200,000 yuan, but it was not a small amount. The boss asked me casually how much he trusted me, a man from a bad background. I'm sorry for Hao if I keep changing my mind.

As for the three hundred side, I had Lazio watching the schoolhouse for me. Lazio was loyal to me now. Under his overseer, the foundation had been dug so deep that it was almost lava.

Because of the earthquake, the builders and the construction crew became the children of my stepmother, and it was because of this that I was able to build a sizable school for less than three million yuan, which will come later.

The next day, while I was lounging in the pawnshop, thinking most about the wages Heaven had promised me, Master Li returned from shopping, followed by a white-faced man. Master Li entered the room, greeted me, and went upstairs cheerfully, as if unaware of who was behind her.

This white face wearing very inconsistent with The Times of native cloth clothes, walking hands drooping shoulders swaying, he followed Li Shi Shi came in after staring at me in a daze, this time I can really a little hairy, this thing looks more like a zombie ah!

I shouted, "Ke, come down." I think Jing Ke, after all, is a killer, the body of the murderous may be able to hold down the ghost, Jing Ke for a long time to come down, I and white face so deadlocked dare not move, even dare not turn the head, I fear to say: "Ke, can you see him?"

Jing Ke put the radio over his ears, at a loss: "Who?"

"What do you want?" I asked Whiteface in a trembling voice.

White face heel does not move, shaking the body quietly said: "I am hungry..."

I glanced at the ashtray and said, "You tell me your birthdate and I'll burn some paper for you."

White face shrewdly grabbed the ashtray in his hands, then held it out in front of me and sighed, "Give me something to eat..." That means he'll beat me up if I don't give it to him.

What do you think I should give him? The heart? The liver? We can get an appendix. We'll need an operation. I moved back to think of excuses.

Jing Ke at this time really can not stand, said: "you give him some food."

"That's easy for you to say. What should I take... Can you see him?"

Jing Ke said curiously: "This person you do not know? Old man Zhao's son, people say we are similar." Two silly suddenly ran downstairs, hug Zhao Bai face, asked me: "Do you think we two really like?"

Later I learned that this is Uncle Zhao's silly son, just returned from the mental hospital a few days. Look at the two fools in front of me, Jing Ke looked a manly man, in addition to the eyes a little dull, is also a man. In the face of Jing Ke's question, I answered him: "You are more handsome than him, but temperament is not good."

I grabbed a handful of alphabet cookies and sent Zhao away, thinking that it was a close call. If he hit me with an ashtray, it would be a waste of time.

Now I am a little enchanted, always think that he opened the eye of heaven, see the people walking straight Bang Bang suspect is a ghost, always pointing to the passers-by to ask whether the group of 5 can see, after getting the answer is yes, I also began to give up.

Later, I thought Liu Lao Liu said that a month is not a month in the sky, a day in the sky and a year in the ground, so it can be counted as a small month in the heaven. 30 years later, I am 57, which is the age when Xiao Qiang is still old enough to eat, and I have become a boring old man, who can only sing "Come home often" and wait for my children and grandchildren to send me brain platinum. What did Tub say in Monopoly 6 -- miserable.

In the afternoon, I was mindlessly minesweeping when I suddenly coughed and my QQ message rang out. Someone asked to add me as a friend. My QQ friends are more than a dozen people, and perennial stealth, it is impossible to know people through this channel to find me, generally looking for me are inexplicable sales, or practice circle work, I point refused, the reason is: do not know!

Not a few seconds later the other side sent the application, write is: we first video!

A: Yes? How can this not make me think of naked chat and video mm, which may be a porn network to open the market means?

After I agreed, the net name of the small six number into my friend, and then the other side can't wait to send over the video request, I look around the skitty eyes, point accept.

After the window was shaken, I saw that the other side was in a noisy Internet cafe, and there were constantly administrators and students wearing yellow vests shuttling back and forth. I knew it was definitely not what I thought. Then the camera slowly turned, and the dirty face of Liu Laoliu and his face with a thief's face came into my eyes. That wretched look if a picture made QQ expression, downloads will never be less than realplay and thunder.

I was tongue-tied for a long time before subconsciously typing a "by" word.

Liu Lao Liu bowed his head to type: "You guess where I am?" This old boy can type faster than I can.

I said, "Aren't you in Tieling?"

Liu Lao Liu looked up and laughed, because no audio, so laugh very silent, and then he took the camera in his hand in the Internet cafe slowly walk, finally stopped on a wall, the wall in addition to the online game posters, also pulled a huge banner: Hainan Internet Cafe run kart competition......

Hainan? This old boy was in Tieling yesterday, but today he has gone to Hainan!

I said, "How did you get there so fast?"

Answer: "Yes."

Ask: "Can't you use mana?"

Answer: "By civil aviation."


I see people in fancy clothes walking by the edge of the camera now and then, and I can vaguely see the tall and straight coconut trees and the pure beach outside the Internet cafe. How much does this Internet cafe charge for an hour? It occurred to me to ask Lao Liu, "What have you been doing there?"

"I have just sent away the 54 men from Liangshan. In fact, they arrived a few days earlier than the 300 Yue troops. They were playing in Hainan."

I was shocked. "Who received them? Didn't they get into trouble in Hainan?"

Lao Liu shook his shoulders and said proudly, "Am I as stupid as you? I had already briefed them on the general situation before they arrived. Although Yue Jiajun was officially ahead of them, in fact, on the day they arrived, the heroes of Liangshan had already been playing in Hainan for several days. Lu Junyi's family was flexible and did not try to make trouble with us.

"Where did you send them?" I asked cautiously.

Liu smiled at the camera: "Tomorrow noon 12 o 'clock, go to the train station to pick up the heroes."

But he has a little scare me now, how can I say also count wind and big waves rolling over, resolve the conflict between win fatty and Jing two silly, peacekeeping Liu Xiang, save Jin Shaoyan, just the night before yesterday I led 300 back Wei army thousands of miles of attack, these 54 men both from the political complexity or number are relatively easy to deal with, And they've had a certain amount of modernity, at least they don't think that I have a lot of little people and they don't think that starting cars is what spurs do.

"Give me a rough list of the people who came," I asked him.

Lao Liu was surprised that I didn't vomit blood. He said, "Who do you want to see?"

I said excitedly: "Wu Song, Hua monk, Gongsun Sheng, Yan Qing..."

Six times old Liu said, "Well, none of these people you want to see. These people are not only brave but also wise. They all went their separate ways and then died.

My heart is cold, even Wu Song and flower monk is not really big out of my expectations, although these two people in the Liangshan ranking is not very front, but I have been persistent that these two people have the strongest ability, but also the most lovely, these two people do not come, I am very lost.

Liu Lao Liu seemed to know what I was thinking, and said, "Don't be upset. In fact, it's not a good thing to spend that year here. Lin Chong, Yang Zhi and Li Kui are more competent this time."

All right, Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, Yang Zhi, a group of peaceful masters came, Li Kui alone, no wonder can't beat the Yuejia army.

The more I listened, the more frustrated I became and I didn't want to deal with these people. Later, I heard that Hu Sanniang came here alone to cheer up and I wanted Wu to settle my account for me, so I agreed to meet the train tomorrow.

The other problem with picking up the car was that they wouldn't be dressed like the people in the movies, and they didn't know me. Although 54 people are a conspicuous group and can easily be confused with a large tour group, I thought it would be safer to make a sign and hold it up. I took out a refrigerator box from under the bed of the First Emperor of Qin, and then found a tube of signature pen. I was about to write, but it suddenly occurred to me that they did not know the characters I wrote. Although they had such intellectuals as Wu Yong and Zhu Wu, they could not get used to simplified Chinese characters.

Then I thought, "Hey, isn't Shi Shi Li the same person in their hometown? I even talked to Song Jiang, and finally followed Yanqing to wander around the world, although I don't know whether it is true or not.

I called Li Shi Shi over and said to her, "You write me a few words: 54 men of Liangshan." Explaining the situation to her, Li smiled and said, "I think 54 words are superfluous. They won't give you more or less because you don't write 54."

"What about 'pick up the hero of Liangshan'?"

"No need to write the word."

"Then write it." I handed her the pen.

With a pen in his hand and one hand behind his back, Mr. Li drew on the paper slides.

While she was writing, another thought occurred to me. "Cousin," I said to her, "you have been here a long time. Do you understand the general situation?"

Li Shi Shi said with one hand behind his back, "It is 2007 AD, more than 900 years from the Huizong period of Song, followed by the Yuan, Ming, Qing Dynasties, and then the Republic of China..."

Ashamed, I said, "You know better than I do -- can you make a textbook based on your experiences?"


"Is similar to the" three-character classic "of the book, teach others to read, you also know what cousin is doing, so many people come to me this is confused, you write a can let them understand the book, such as the first chapter called me who is, the second chapter called this is where, the third chapter called history today what I am doing...... And so on."

Li, of course, quickly understood what I meant. "You don't want them to treat you like a fairy?" he chuckled.

The sign was quickly written, and Mr. Li simply drew large circles for me, threw the pen into my arms, and said, "Do the blackening yourself."

I focused on the sign, but saw Li Shi Shi still refused to go, looking at the sign Liangshan two words to say, I sighed and said: "This time... No Yanqing."

Li Shi Shi blankly, faint smile.

The sign was beautiful when it was painted, with four gentle and elegant Chinese characters: "Liangshan Hero".


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  • The ecinmy2 years ago


AWritten by Ann

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