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The Haunting Tree: A Terrifying Tale of Hypnotic Horror

How a Ghostly Figure in a Hollow Tree Turned Innocent Travelers into its Willing Puppets

By Narrative EyePublished about a year ago 3 min read
The Haunting Tree: A Terrifying Tale of Hypnotic Horror
Photo by Eddie Jones on Unsplash

As the group of friends continued down the dark and deserted road, the rain became heavier and the wind picked up. They had all been out for a night of fun, but now they just wanted to make it home before the storm got any worse.

Suddenly, they spotted a strange tree up ahead, off the side of the road. It was enormous, its trunk twisted and gnarled, its branches reaching out as if to snatch at passing cars. But what really caught their attention was the eerie glow that seemed to emanate from within the tree.

Intrigued, they decided to pull over and take a closer look. As they approached the tree, they saw that the trunk was hollow, and they could hear a whispering sound coming from inside.

"Hello?" called out Jake, the bravest of the group. "Is anyone there?"

The whispering continued, but no one answered. Suddenly, the figure of a woman materialized within the trunk. She had a ghostly appearance, with a face etched with sorrow and glowing eyes.

The group was taken aback, unsure of what to do. But before they could react, the ghostly figure beckoned them closer. They felt drawn to her, as if she had some sort of power over them.

As they peered inside the trunk, they felt a sudden jolt of electricity run through their bodies. The ghostly figure had hypnotized them all, and they were powerless to resist her influence.

The ghost spoke to them in a voice that was both soothing and commanding. "You will do as I say," she said. "You will be my puppets, and you will do my bidding."

At first, the group resisted, trying to break free from the ghost's hypnotic spell. But the longer they stood there, the more they felt themselves becoming weak and pliable. The ghost's voice was like a siren song, and they were unable to resist its pull.

Before they knew it, they were walking down the road, their minds filled with the ghost's commands. They vandalized buildings, broke into stores, and even attacked innocent people.

As they carried out the ghost's orders, they could feel their humanity slipping away. They knew that what they were doing was wrong, but they were unable to stop themselves.

Days turned into weeks, and the group was starting to lose their minds. They had become slaves to the ghost, and they knew that they had to break the spell. But how?

One night, as they were walking through the forest, they saw the ghostly figure again. This time, however, it was different. It was no longer glowing with an eerie light, and its face seemed to be twisted with rage.

The group knew that this was their chance. They gathered all their strength and lunged at the ghost, trying to break the spell once and for all. They managed to grab the ghost and pull it out of the tree, and as they did, they felt an overwhelming sense of relief.

The ghost disappeared, and the group was finally free from its influence. But as they looked back at the tree, they saw that it was no longer there. In its place was a gaping hole in the ground, and they knew that they had just narrowly escaped a fate worse than death.

From that day on, the group never spoke of the incident again. But they all knew that the ghost in the tree was real, and that it was still out there, waiting for its next victim to come along. They had been lucky to escape, but they knew that not everyone would be so fortunate.

SatireYoung AdultShort StorySeriesScriptSci FiMysteryLoveHumorHorrorHistoricalFantasyFan FictionfamilyFableExcerptClassicalAdventure

About the Creator

Narrative Eye

Passionate to write stories.

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