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The Greatest Magic

However One Speaks It

By Randy Wayne Jellison-KnockPublished 8 months ago 8 min read
Top Story - November 2023
The Greatest Magic
Photo by Jessicah Hast on Unsplash

“a, b, c, d, e, f, g,

h, i, j, k, lmnop.

q, r, s,

t, u, v,

w, x, y & z.

Now I’ve sung my abc’s.

Won’t you come & play with me?”


The teacher stood before her small garden of children, hands lifted from her sides, palms up, middle fingers lightly touching her thumbs, her eyes closed wistfully as she cast her spell. The normally rambunctious tots sat enchanted with the tender joy of her song.

“Do you believe in magic?” she asked, opening her eyes to embrace her twelve diminutives with all the fullness of love contained within her heart. Her question, for all their insecurity as to how they should answer, suffused them with wonder & anticipation.

Looking into their wide, breathless eyes, she continued. “We’ve spent the past few weeks rehearsing this song, singing it together until each of you has it memorized & can sing it on your own. You’ve learned how to draw each letter so that now they have become familiar & you’ve already begun reading them.”

“What I haven’t told you until now, is that this is not just a song. It’s an incantation—a magic spell, if you will, like those in the fairytales—only this one has the power to open up all those worlds of which so far you’ve only heard, & so much more. Today, I want you to experience the power of its enchantment with me.”

All twelve pairs of eyes focused on her, rapt & eager.

“Raise your hands like this to your sides,” she purred, lifting her head slightly to gaze lovingly upon her charges. “Palms up, middle fingers lightly touching the tips of your thumbs.” Even speaking, her voice was like a melody washing over them.

“Close your eyes & sing with me.”

Together they chanted, as sweet as a lullaby—in thirteen different keys if you could call them that. But to her, their sound was like a Mozart symphony, as simple & pure as a Brahms lied.

At the end of the song she paused, lifting one eyelid just enough to catch a glimpse of her students.

“Ah!” she scolded gently. “No peeking. Keep your eyes closed. Let’s try that again.”

Once they had finished their second time, she cooed almost with a moan, “Oooo, do you know what kind of spell you just cast?”

The children opened their eyes & looked anxiously to their classmates to see if any had a clue. None did. They turned back to their teacher, some of them shaking their heads.

Holding her hand to her chest she blushed, “You cast a spell that filled my heart with such comfort & joy—you made it so warm I thought it might burst. My cheeks feel absolutely flushed!” she exclaimed with amazement, holding her face between her hands. “Did you know that you could do that? And so well! You’re really good at this!”

The children beamed with pride, even as they remained spellbound.

“Oh, but that’s not all this little incantation can do. Did you ever think that our song could actually get you doing all kinds of fun things & acting silly? Depending upon how you say or sing it, of course.”

Several mouths dropped at the mere suggestion.

“Here, let’s join hands in a circle, shall we?” They gathered round, finding & fumbling with hands until the ring was formed. “Now, let’s try singing it this way.”

As she opened her mouth to sing in a lively jig, she began skipping to her right. The startled children did their best to follow along, stumbling a bit which made them laugh. After “lmnop” she reversed direction, skipping to her left while ducking her head comically for each phrase. Several of the children fell over on top of one another, barely managing to scramble back to their feet before she returned to skipping right for, “Now I’ve sung my ABC’s,” followed by a step to the center with hands upraised on “Won’t you come &,” then a step back & a bow to the center on “play with me?”

Everyone bent over rolling with laughter after that, their teacher actually collapsing to the floor holding her stomach.

“Okay,” she admitted through the grin on her face, “that could probably use a little more practice. Want to try again?”

“Yeah!” the kids shouted together, jumping up & down with excitement. This time she sang & danced somewhat cautiously, making sure everyone was ready for each part.

Then, as though she had to ask, “Ready to dance faster?”

“Yeah!” they shouted even louder. They sang & danced over & over again, each time with a bit more speed, until everyone finally collapsed dizzy & exhausted.

They sat there reclining for the longest time, some even rolling on the floor, cheerfully catching their collective breath. Then, a small child looked into her eyes & asked, “Will you teach us another? Are there more magic spells we can learn?”

Their teacher held up one pointer finger as though pausing to think for a moment. “I believe I have just the thing,” she replied as she rose to her knees reaching to grab the dry-wipe board from behind her. Magnetically attached to its face were all the letters, both small & in caps, as well as the numbers zero through nine.

Holding it in front of her so the children could see she continued, “Using just these letters from our spell or song—rearranging & selecting just a few from them—we can create all sorts of things.”

She looked around, considering her audience, then selected three letters, placing them together in an empty space.

Gesturing, she said, “This is just for the four of you boys. Can you sound this out & tell me what it says?”

The little girl sitting in front & to the left raised her hand & began waving it excitedly.

“Be patient, Phoebe. You’ll have your turn in just a minute. I want the boys to work on this one.”

Chandler began tentatively, “L…., lllaaaa…, llaad. Lad!”

“That’s right!” his teacher praised. “But now, with just a little bit of magic we take these two letters, place them beneath the first & the last & slide them up. Now what do we have?”

Phoebe raised her hand again with even greater anxious determination. Her teacher shook her head & waved her off with a single finger, though a little smile crept into the corners of her lips & her eyes twinkled toward her ever-so-eager student.

Once more, Chandler began, “Mmmmm…, mmaaaa….”

“Man!” Ross cut him off. Ross liked to figure things out in his head before opening his mouth.

“Very good!” she beamed at him. “Do you see how with just a little help from our magic letters a little boy—"lad"—like you can grow up to become a man?”

Even Joey nodded thoughtfully at this suggestion.

“Now,” she said, turning to the rest of her class, “shall we try one with our eight young ladies?”

Phoebe smiled with anticipation, Monica looked intent, Rachel appeared worried, & everyone else leaned in to watch as their teacher moved one of the first discarded letters beneath the “n” & placed another letter beneath the “m”.

Before she could even ask, Phoebe’s hand shot high in the air. Her teacher could not help but chuckle, “Okay, Phoebs, out with it.”

“Gal!” she proclaimed triumphantly.

“Wonderful!” All watched as she then slid the “m” & “n” back down.

“Man!” shouted Rachel.

“Yes, that’s right,” their teacher snorted involuntarily. “You already know that one. But what if we put something in front of it?” she queried with a sly look, placing two new letters on the board with the other three.

Even Phoebe took a little time with this bit of magic before looking up quizzically with a thought. Her teacher gave her a little shrug & whispered, “Why don’t we let one of the others try it first.”

Phoebe almost looked relieved.

“W…, woe…, woe…?” Monica tested the sounds out.

“Why not try more of a ‘wu-’ sound?”

“Wu…, wuuu…, wuuu-man? Woman!”

“Great job, Mon! Well done all of you. And just like with the boys, little girls or gals like the eight of you, with only a little bit of magic, can grow up to become women!”

Everyone nodded with the fresh wonder of this discovery.

Joey couldn’t help but ask, “With magic could I grow up to be a woman?”

“Not in the state of Florida!” their teacher laughed. None of the kids got the joke. Once she recomposed herself, she continued, “That magic’s a bit advanced. It’s probably going to be a few years before you’re ready to learn about that.”

Joey nodded once again, content with her response.

“But there is a magic that’s a whole lot of fun I think you can probably handle. Would you like to try?”

No one said a thing, but every head nodded & leaned in with curiosity.

She slid the previous letters off to the side, then selected three fresh ones, this time all in caps. Before she had finished placing them, Phoebe’s hand was frantically waving as high as she could possibly stretch it.

Without even looking up, their teacher nodded with mock resignation, “Go ahead, Phoebs.”


“That’s good. But, if I add three more letters, mix them up like a little alphabet stew, & use a little 'Hocus Pocus'…. Now, what do we have?”



“DRAAA…, GON,” came Janice’s voice, followed by her signature nasal “chah”rtle.

“Fantastic, Janice! Which, by the way, is just what this kind of magic can do for you. With these simple letters you can create entire fantastical worlds, dream things that have never been dreamt, & become whoever you want to be. It’s magic for a lifetime that will open up worlds of adventure, both funny & serious, dangerous & wonderful, magical & romantic….”

At that last suggestion, all twelve kids blushed & began to giggle.

“Okay, maybe that last one can wait a few more years, too.”

No sooner had the last word slipped from her mouth than the bell rang, signaling the end of class.

“Saved!” she smiled to herself as her twelve blessed charges put everything away, grabbed their jackets & rushed out the door.



She’d sunk into her chair behind her desk, basking in the afterglow of the morning’s lesson, thrilling to the wonders of all that is five years old. She had some paperwork to finish & reports to fill out, but that could wait until after lunch. Right now she just wanted to enjoy the moment.

She was deep into her happy place when she heard the gentle creak of the classroom door slowly opening. She looked over to see Matthew peering sheepishly in.

“Come in, Matthew,” she said, gesturing for him to enter. “What is it?”

He entered tentatively, holding something behind his back. As he approached he brought forth a bouquet of dandelions.

Holding them out to her he said, “These are for you.” Then throwing his arms around her he gasped, “Thank you for being our teacher.”

She wrapped him in her arms & held him there as her eyes brimmed & a tear made its way down her cheek. “Oh, Matthew,” she choked, “you may not know this, but you might just have discovered the best magic yet.”


~ For Matthew Perry & all his friends who are missing him so.

FantasyYoung AdultShort StoryLove

About the Creator

Randy Wayne Jellison-Knock

Retired Ordained Elder in The United Methodist Church having served for a total of 30 years in Missouri, South Dakota & Kansas.

Born in Watertown, SD on 9/26/1959. Married to Sandra Jellison-Knock on 1/24/1986. One son, Keenan, deceased.

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Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  1. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  2. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  3. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

  4. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

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Comments (44)

  • L.C. Schäfer6 months ago

    Can't beat a bit of fun with phonics, and what a sweet tribute to Matthew Perry 😁

  • Great story, it's nice to read just an uplifting story, no twists, just light and airy and fun. Well done.

  • Chelas Montanye8 months ago

    Very beautiful and imaginatively written

  • Kristen Balyeat8 months ago

    Meant to come back and comment on this the other day– this is such a beautiful story, Randy! Such a fun and precious read!

  • Dana Crandell8 months ago

    I can't believe I haven't seen this one before now. I'm very glad, but not surprised that it made Top Story. Excellent job Randy!

  • Tressa Rose8 months ago

    Awesome story!

  • JBaz8 months ago

    You knocked this out of the school grounds. This was awesome. The power of words with the right teacher. Magical (Not in the state of Florida….nice touch) Congratulations on a brilliant and well deserved Top Story.

  • Margaret Brennan8 months ago

    My mom was a teacher who started her career with the second grade. About ten years later, was switched to the fifth grade, and ended her career at the age of 80 with the sixth grade. Mom's last day of her career was in 2001 and passed away in 2016. Yet, all these years later, so many of her former students, have become my friends and more are still seeking me out to tell me what a wonderful person and teacher she was. One of her students also became a student telling me that he admired my mom so much, it was because of her, that helped him decide on his career. Wonderful teachers are a rarity but always treasured. Your story is really more fact than fiction and so fantastic. CONGRATULATIONS ON REACHING TS STATUS .... YOU SO WELL DESERVE IT.

  • Lamar Wiggins8 months ago

    Wow! I wish I could heart this a thousand more times! Truly some of your best work, Randy. I could feel the love the teacher has for her job in general and could feel a sense of sadness because she knows the kids won’t be hers forever. Amazing take on the challenge! R.I.P. Matt Perry. 💖

  • Talia Devora8 months ago

    What a phenomenal tribute to Matthew Perry. You truly have a knack for story writing. Can’t wait to see more!

  • Gerald Holmes8 months ago

    YES!!!! So glad to see this get Top Story. Very deserving. Congrats

  • Mesh Toraskar8 months ago

    You are magic, Randy! Absolutely gut wrenching tribute to Matty, but an even well-deservedly profound tribute to the teachers around the world.

  • Luther8 months ago

    Nice work ❤️😗 Just joined haven’t really got to know how people like my stories 😏

  • Rachel Deeming8 months ago

    I think this is a really unique take on the prompt. Brilliantly and clearly written and definitely heartwarming, especially the doff of the hat to Matthew at the end. Congrats on TS.

  • Lacy Loar-Gruenler8 months ago

    This is lovely, Randy, and I had to chuckle as a Florida girl! You capture the essence that letters and words are magic. Thank you!

  • Kelly Sibley 8 months ago

    Oh, that was just such a lovely story and so very well written. Congratulations on top story my friend!

  • J. S. Wade8 months ago

    Wonderful and magical. Your spell has been cast and I’m smiling. Congrats Randy on the Top Story! Woo Hoo 🥰🥇

  • N.E. Light8 months ago

    Oh, "to be the teacher of this kind of magic," I say through a blurry field of vision.

  • Babs Iverson8 months ago

    Brilliantly & beautiful written!!! Loved it!!!💕❤️❤️ Congratulations on Top Story!!!

  • Mackenzie Davis8 months ago

    Oh my goodness, this is magical. Unironically. Absolutely fantastic job, Randy. I’ve missed your storytelling. 💗I admit to feeling like crying at the end, with that tribute to Matthew. I was gutted when i saw the news. This better place!! Otherwise my feelings will be hurt.

  • Melissa Ingoldsby8 months ago

    Ohh this was so damn heartwarming and such a lovely tribute 🥰😍 very special top story

  • Mariann Carroll8 months ago

    This was so sweet and ended adorable 🥰

  • Judey Kalchik 8 months ago

    Oh Randy- I got all choked up reading this. I am ever-so-glad I learned about this great Magic.

  • 😮 This is Incredible and Congratulations on your Top Story🌟🎉

Randy Wayne Jellison-KnockWritten by Randy Wayne Jellison-Knock

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