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The Girl Who Had Nothing Left to Lose

A story of a girl who takes matters into her own hands

By Nikolena ConoverPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
The Girl Who Had Nothing Left to Lose
Photo by Molly Blackbird on Unsplash

Carol Williams. The third body to be found on campus within two weeks. All were brown-haired, blue-eyed. All women. Just like me.

Her body was found in the woods on campus. She was sexually assaulted, strangled, and stabbed ten times. Each woman had been killed exactly the same way.

The whole school was on edge, wondering who the killer was.

Was he a student like us, or someone who worked on campus?

I couldn’t help but wonder if I knew him.

The chatter of conversation was at an all-time high at the table I sat at for lunch. My friends talked non-stop about the murders. I on the other hand, stayed quiet. It was too hard for me to even make conversation.

Because I knew Carol Williams.

Carol Williams was my sister.

I closed my eyes and tried to block out all the noise. Sometimes, it gets to be too much.

I had been told that I could go home and be with my family, but I couldn’t leave here without answers. Without knowing who had killed her.

And I couldn’t just do nothing. I needed to do something.

“Don’t even think about it, Sarah.” Olivia, my best friend said. She always knew exactly what I was thinking. I looked up from the plate of shrimp I had mutilated with my fork to where she sat across from me.

“Don’t think about what?” Ray asked from next to her. He was Olivia’s boyfriend.

“She,” Olivia gestured in my direction, “thinks it’s a good idea to go out tonight and hope the killer will come for her next.” She said, raising her voice. She folded her arms across her chest and stared at me.

“What?!” Ray sputtered, almost spitting out the drink he held in his hands. “You really think that’s a good idea?”

I stared at the both of them, not saying anything. I really didn’t know what to say. I was going to do it no matter what they said to me. Nothing could change my mind.

“Well, are you going to answer us?” Olivia whisper-yelled, leaning over the table towards me.

I didn’t want to explain myself to them. So, I grabbed my lunch and walked away.

The club I was at was crowded tonight. A special college-student night. The club was only a five-minute walk from my dorm room. This was where all three girls were last seen. So, this had to be where he was picking them up at.

All three of the women liked to dance at the clubs. So, if that’s what he liked, I would have to be that too. I would have to be someone else tonight.

I knocked back the drink I held in my hand and walked to the dance floor. I could do this.

I stayed until the club staff began kicking everyone out. I walked home alone, thinking that maybe he took them after they left, but nobody came up to me the whole walk home. I made it to my dorm without incident and collapsed on my bed. I fell asleep instantly, my dreams riddled with nightmares.

I had no classes the next day, so I slept in late. I was later roused by Olivia, who didn’t look very happy. I braced myself for her lecture, but it didn’t come.

“Jade Banner never came home last night.”

“What?” I shot out of bed. “But that doesn’t necessarily mean the killer took her.” She was at the same club as I was last night, though.

“I know, but she fits the descriptions. It’s the afternoon and no one’s seen her. She would have shown up by now.” She pulled her arms around her, like she was trying to hold herself in. I always hated seeing her this way, but… I honestly couldn’t get myself to care now.

If he took her, then she would be dead in three days.

The thought must’ve crossed Olivia’s mind too. She was completely quiet now, staring at the ground and holding her arms tighter around her.

I didn’t know how much time had passed when she finally spoke again, “I worry that you really aren’t alright about your sister.” She looked up at me. “Then you say you’re going to go- hey, don’t give me that look- I know you don’t want to talk about it. I just don’t want to lose you.” She looked back at the ground and didn’t keep talking.

I didn’t say anything back. I knew she didn’t want to lose me. I really understood that. I just didn’t have anything to say. I didn’t think I ever would.

Jade never did come back. By now, we all knew the killer had taken her. The nervousness throughout school was high, as we all knew Jade would be found dead the next morning. I didn’t even go out that night, couldn’t get myself to. Even if I knew I wasn’t going to be able to sleep that night.

Police surrounded the woods the next morning; caution tape lined the entire forest. People stood around, watching as two paramedics walked through the forest, a gurney in front of them. A body covered in a white blanket laid on top.

Nausea roiled in my gut. I held the vomit down and walked back to my room. I didn’t come out for the rest of that day. Not even for classes. Not even while my friends knocked on my door. I didn’t acknowledge anyone that day.

I finally got myself to leave my room that night, only for the thought of my sister.

Before I left, I dressed in my best party outfit and strapped a knife to one of my thighs.

There was one last thing I needed before I went to that club, and I knew just where to go to find it.

I was going to be ready, because I was going to find him tonight.

Once I had everything I needed, I walked straight to the club where I was greeted with loud music and high energy.

Halfway through the night, I took a break to scope out the men, to look at every single face here. I knew he was inside. Knew that he would be on the prowl now that Jade was dead.

I danced for the rest of that night with every man I could, baiting each and every one of them. Once I was satisfied the guy wasn’t the killer, I let him go. I didn’t leave until the club closed and people started leaving. Until I was the last one left.

I didn’t go back to my room. I walked around, hoping he would be around somewhere.

I heard footsteps behind me, and a hand clamped over my mouth.

“I heard you were looking for me.” The man whispered in my ear.

My body went stiff against his as he held me firm against him. Dread shot through me as I realized the voice sounded familiar. But it couldn’t be him. No way.

“You killed my sister.” I breathed. I needed him to confirm it before I acted.

"Carol. She was very pretty. Just like you.” he said as he dragged a hand down my arm. Then he began dragging me away.

“You killed those women.” I gasped out as fear started to course through me. I bucked against him as he held tighter with an iron grip. I quickly bit down on that fear, not letting it consume me. I could not let it consume me.

“Naughty little thing.” He chuckled, sliding his hand down my side.

I cried out in pain as something-a knife-was stabbed into my gut. He merely laughed, moving his hand down my arm again.

He stopped at a car, opening it and pushing me in. I cried out as a lightning bolt of pain shot through me. I looked up at his face and horror flooded through me. It WAS him. WHY HIM?

He cuffed my left hand to the seat. “Why?” I asked, my voice barely a whisper as tears threatened to explode out of me.

He just smirked before he walked away and slammed the door on me.

He walked around to the other side and sat down before he spoke. “You look just like Carol. Both of you are breathtakingly beautiful.” He turned the car on. “I always wanted you, though. I loved both you and your sister, but she wouldn’t let me have you, so she broke up with me.” Rage coursed through his face, making me cower back. “I knew I had to get rid of her, so I could have you all to myself. Except, I had to make it look like someone else did it.” He looked away from me. “I killed Heather first.” He paused. “I found myself really liking it. I didn’t want to stop. Then I knew I had to find a way to get you out. I needed you to be next, and you made it so easy.” He pulled the car out of park. “I loved the way she begged me to let her go. Loved the way she screamed as I stabbed her. I bet you’ll be even better.” He taunted. “But I’ll make yours last. Drag yours out. You were the one I wanted all along.” He dragged the back of his hand down my face.

My mind cleared at the last things he said, and I remembered what I had to do. He was the one that killed my sister. I pulled the knife from its sheath with surprising speed, and plunged it into his chest. He grunted, grabbing at his chest as I grabbed the gun from my other thigh and shot him two times in the head.

Then again- just in case.

I searched his pockets for the cuff-keys. I got out of the car and turned back around, shooting off the last of my bullets into his body. I didn’t take another glance at him as I walked away from the man in the car-the killer-who had been my sister’s boyfriend. The man who I called my friend. My family.


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    Nikolena ConoverWritten by Nikolena Conover

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