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The Ghost of Long Hair at Grandma's House


By Runi Al-hafizPublished 12 days ago 3 min read

Every year, we always return to Palembang to celebrate Eid with our extended family. Grandma's house is a large two-story house with many rooms that are no longer occupied by her children who already live elsewhere.

In 2019, at night around 8-9 pm, I experienced a scary incident. When I want to go to the bathroom, I seem to see a figure with long hair. However, when I checked closely, there was nothing. I was very scared and immediately ran to see my father. My father, who was brave, checked the bathroom but found nothing. Of course, maybe the ghost really doesn't want to be seen.

Because of fear, I always go to the bathroom with my sister. A similar incident was experienced by my mother when she was about to take ablution for Isha prayer. He also felt that something was strange and claimed to see a figure with long hair. Even so, my mother remained calm and continued her ablution.

A few days later, my brothers and I went to the convenience store at night and entered the house through the back door that led to the kitchen and bathroom. As we were gathering in the kitchen and cooking together, I caught a glimpse of a long-haired figure again. However, I was the only one who saw it, and I decided to remain calm because I was with my brothers.

I started asking my brothers and grandmothers if they had ever seen a long-haired ghost in this house, but they all said never. My grandmother also didn't know why my mother and I could see this figure, when she herself had never experienced it.

Because I seemed so scared every time I went to the kitchen or bathroom, my grandmother always accompanied me everywhere. After all my siblings went home, grandma's house became very quiet. Surprisingly, after my grandmother was always near me, I no longer saw the long-haired ghost. I wondered why I was the only one who saw him and what made him appear before me.

With a little relief after grandma always accompanied me, I began to feel more comfortable at grandma's house. However, that fear did not completely disappear. Every time I pass by the bathroom or kitchen, I still feel a strange atmosphere. Several times, I also felt that someone was lurking from the corner of the room or dark hallways. But I tried to convince myself that it was just my imagination.

One night, as I woke up to go to the bathroom, I heard a whispering voice coming from the direction of the kitchen. The voice was very soft, almost like the sound of the wind blowing, but it was enough to make me get goose bumps. I didn't dare to go alone, so I woke up grandma and asked her to accompany me.

Grandma, calmly and patiently, walked with me towards the kitchen. We found nothing, and grandma assured me that everything was fine. However, when we returned to the room, I felt like someone was following us. I looked back, but there was no one. I began to wonder if the ghost was still there, or if I was just too paranoid.

A few days later, my siblings again visited my grandmother's house for a family event. I felt a little braver because there were more people around me. We all gathered in the living room, telling stories, and laughing together. I was relieved that my fear began to disappear.

However, while we were joking and having fun, suddenly the lights in the kitchen went out. Everyone was shocked and tried to figure out what happened. One of my brothers went to the kitchen to check the light switch, and when he came back, he looked pale. She said she saw a moving shadow at the end of the hallway leading to the bathroom. We all became tense and no one dared to go into the kitchen alone after that.

The incident made everyone start telling stories about their own experiences at grandma's house. Some of them claimed to have heard strange noises or seen shadows at night. This made me think that there might be something in grandma's house that had been hidden from all of us.

I began to feel a little relieved that I was not alone in experiencing this strange occurrence. But at the same time, I feel more and more curious about who or what the long-haired ghost is. Was he trying to tell us something, or was he just wanting to scare? This mystery is still unsolved, and I don't know if I will ever find the answer.


About the Creator

Runi Al-hafiz

"Grateful for every day that is given"

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