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The Final Option

Death Before Submission

By Timothy W. McKeePublished 3 years ago 6 min read

It was inevitable. The collapse of society and broken promises revealed in an instant with a series of bright flashes across the sky and the necessity of order and control by government rule. How did it happen? How could we be so blind?

I came to visit my father after almost a decade of not seeing him. His age pressing the limits, I felt it was necessary to make the venture as this may be the final chance I have with him living several states away. Residing in a home established by his grandfather, a one room oil shack drug on to his property by a team of horses. Rooms were added over the years and passed from heir to heir. My father being the sole heir to this property, refuses to leave the place his mother was born. Out in the country with no relatives remaining and friends of old passing, seclusion with the pandemics and quarantines,, his life revolves around the brainwashing and manufactured crises and solutions provided by media, entertainment, and politicians promoting the pursuit of equality and penance, all the while providing monetary and material supplements to all of those who choose to back them and their illusion of freedom and justice.

I remember many visits to this place while my Great Grandpa was alive... One of the neatest places to play in and on was an old bunker created when the threat of nuclear war was so feared after WWII. Not very large, but it was a great hiding place, a great 'King of the Hill' venue, shelter from the midwestern tornadoes that would develop over the farmlands, and of course, the A-Bomb.

With recent tensions rising amongst all segments of society; segregation, division, the definition of who's rights were violated, who's were denied, who's were over-compensated, etc.... Money was being distributed without warrant just to appease emotions and extremes with no true clarity of resolve. The teaching in the schools shamelessly disregarding the teaching of unpleasant histories, removing historical monuments, and lowering standards of expectation, rather than focusing on their escalation of presentation of knowledge. Teaching emotional agendas and opinions, rather than academics and sciences that encourage thought and reward through application and effort. A society of entitlement was created. Generations believing the best should be provided just because.

The originators and founders, while glorifying this glorious Utopian society, only had one agenda, and that was to rule and control the masses while they enjoyed the benefits of all others. Here is how the final phase is executed, with none the wiser, until it's too late....

The Long day coming to an end, I sit with my father on his front porch in the rockers that were older than him. We enjoyed the cool breeze while sipping our tea, reminiscing the past memories we shared, and some memories that were never known to the other of our experiences through life. An enjoyable time, these nightly conversations on this visit. One night changed it all.... A series of bright flashes disrupted the darkening sky as the sun set. My father thinking it may be a distant storm, I knew it was not. The weather report on the news mentioned of no storm anywhere near or to be expected over the next few days... No major industry near us, my military training ignited at the thought of what it most possibly could be. We both stood and I grabbed his hand as I began to lead him inside, then the thunderous booms occurred. One after the other, I knew what to expect next.

I tried to lead him out to the ditch by the road, but as he stumbled, the rush of air from the blast presented itself, but not anywhere near what I expected. I tied to help him up, when I noticed his eyes turned to crystal and his body stiffened turning metallic gray almost immediately. It was evident, he was no longer alive. Gone in an instant with no farewell. Fearing what would occur next, I rushed to the back yard and entered the bunker that had only been used as a play house and root cellar. Minimal supplies were there, but there was several cases of bottled water and emergency supplies for storage through storms. I decided to remain there until I would die or feel safe enough to exit.

The morning came and I had not a wink of sleep waiting in anticipation for a fiery apocalypse, but none appeared. All seemed normal. Birds were chirping, dogs barking. I didn't understand. I walked to the house to turn the news on, but there was no power. The battery operated radio was inoperable as well... No traffic on the road, at all. Very Strange. I walked out to where my Dad laid, and spent a moment in tears as I gazed at his stiffened body. I ran down the street to his neighbors house who was a few years younger than Dad, and found him in the same condition. Continuing on, The next neighbor was my age, and they were fine in health, but just as confused as myself. He said he tried to run to town but his vehicle would not start.

Then in the distance, we heard an engine approaching. The diesel sound of a large truck was approaching. We ran out to meet the vehicle and the driver urged us to jump in his trailer in the back, that time was of essence.

That was over ten years ago now. Society, as we came to find out, was being strategically eliminated and gathered into sanctioned gated cities controlled by a militarized police force and controlled by EMP laser emitting weapons. Forced to work for the benefit of all supporting the elegant lifestyles of the founding leaders and the Elite chosen. Rogue, underground communities, like the one I lived in, were hunted and eliminated or forced to comply. How was all this managed you ask?

Years ago, a manmade pandemic was created allowing the onslaught of fear and quarantine and separation. Then the governments came to the rescue, but the leaders of all these countries shared the same desire, total control, power, and wealth. This pandemic was created with nothing more than a reason to create a means to produce the cure, which in turn was merely a smoke screen to administer a Microbot, an atomic sized robot into the body of all injected.. Nearly all the populations around the world fell victim. There were those who refused, like myself, that remained outside of this control.

You see, these inoculations were administered in stages, beginning with the population of people that presented the greatest liability to the government relinquishing of funds. Subsequently, through this process, DNA was collected and these miniature robots were aligned to further address various forms of genetic discrepancies. Mass eliminations of targeted populations could be controlled by low frequency EMP bursts that would activate the "Bots" of certain targeted people, while not harming others. The militaristic police lasers were universal and could activate any person that had been inoculated. The deceived population, thinking their opinions and voices were being represented in the past, were now victims of their own cause. The population controlled and programmed now from the time of birth, injected with the "vaccine" or just eliminated if genetic issues were discovered.

Time progressed, and with the technologies of the government far superior to the rogue outlying communities. They are captured and either inoculated and transferred to the cities, or eliminated by torturous death in front of all their community. Each one given the opportunity of choice. Many will face the torture in their last act of defiance, but some submit. My time had come. I stand next in line watching the torture f the one in front of me... Bowing my head, I reach for the heart shaped locket my mother gave me long ago. I open it revealing a picture of her on one side, remembering her famous words of quote, "To thine own self be true". With that thought in mind, I open the hidden compartment on the other side, releasing the pill that answers the riddle of life.

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

Timothy W. McKee

We only live once, we might as well share our experience and passion. Looking forward to meeting others here. Love the passion of a female poet, lol. Look for me in Challenges and Poetry... Looking for other communities to write in as well.

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    Timothy W. McKeeWritten by Timothy W. McKee

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