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The field of offerings

First day of change

By Christian JohanssonPublished 2 years ago 21 min read
The field of offerings
Photo by Hendrik Cornelissen on Unsplash

Chapter 1

The toddler cried in terror as he was being carried over the river. The sorceress was humming spells that only practitioners of the magic wonder would understand. The water was swirling around them as they crossed and she held a firm grip around the boy. The wind picked up. A small tornado formed around the two. She kept moving. The servants behind them were used to seeing magic, but never like this before. Nature was alive. The elements were dancing. Singing. Spellbound from what they saw, they missed that something big was approaching from the distance.

The sorceress calmy kept humming her spells as she stepped up on the grass. Surrounded by the tornado, she trusted the ground. Bones from dead animals started flying everywhere around on the burnt grass. She carefully stept up towards the place of offering. Kneeled down and laid the boy on the ground.

For generations this place had been used for gifting the flying Gods. Goats to keep the peace. Any farm animal was offered to satisfy the beasts. Anything to keep them away from raiding the lands. When they arrived all those years ago. The north and south had to put aside their differences and come together in order to survive. But the peace didn’t last long. When they had settled and found harmony with the beasts. They started going at each other again. Now Gods ruled the mountain top, while man could fight each other on the land by the sea. Serving them. Living under constant threat. Knowing that they could at any time fly in and cause devastating chaos. Like they did in the past. So to keep them satisfied, this place became the field of offerings. Knowing that, if man served gifts. They were left alone.

The toddler kept crying. She pushed him down in the grass with one hand and pulled out Yarifaki’s ice dagger with the other. His dagger hadn’t seen the light of day for centuries but was essential for this ritual. She raised it towards the sky and hummed along with it. Clouds were forming in the otherwise clear sky above them. Rumbling sounds of thunder were amplified as suddenly a thunder struck down. Straight down in the dagger that she was holding. All charged up and ready, she took it down to her chest. Humming her last piece and once again raised the dagger. This time over the toddler. He became quiet and stared with his crystal blue eyes at her, when all of the sudden. An ear piercing high pitched roar.

“They're here!” Yelled one of the servants.

“Get out of there!” Shouted the other.

The huge wingspan of the flying God made a whipping sound with each flap. Coming in closer and maneuvering real smooth, stopping mid air. A fire blast with tremendous force unloaded from its mouth. Straight towards the tornado which picked up the fire and it circulated around the two inside.

The sorceress dropped her dagger which fell to the ground, gracing the toddler's face. The young boy’s skin got ripped open. Blood mixed with tears as he screamed for his life.

The sorceress panicked and jumped out through the wind of fire. She got tossed through the air, landing in the water. Another fire blast showered the tornado. One more high pitch roar. The beast kept occupied while the sorceress made an escape through the water.

On the other side, one of the servants reached out and pulled her ashore. They witnessed more beasts coming in from the distant, closing in fast. The first one sat down on the ground next to the tornado. The others came in, circled around the spectacle before also landing on the ground. Five big creatures now sat around the tornado as it was toning down in strength. From top to bottom, it cleared. Leaving the crying toddler all exposed. The beasts did nothing. The toddler kept on screaming. The first beast slowly made a move towards the young boy. Getting in real close with his face, sniffing the toddler. The boy stopped crying. One of the beasts licked his wound he acquired from the dagger. The toddler reached out a hand and touched its face.

“What are they doing?” Asked one of the servants.

“I don’t know. I’ve never seen them act this way before.” Answered the sorceress.

“What are we supposed to do?” Wondered the servant.

“Well, the deed is done. Now we make sure to deliver the message.”

“But the boy is still alive. And what about the dagger?” Continued the servant.

“It’s just a matter of time, there’s nothing we can do. Let's leave.”

Chapter 2

Up by the castle, the three princesses were playing in the courtyard. The oldest, Leandra, stood by the holy tree and counted while the other two were hiding. When their dad wasn’t around, they normally played by themselves. Sometimes their caretaker joined in, but today he stood by the castle entrance and enjoyed a pipe of tobacco. Having a casual conversation with one of the guards. Leandra finished her count and yelled.

“One hundred! I’m coming!”

She started searching the courtyard, going towards the flower garden. A whole range of beautiful colors. Wonderful scents. The younger sisters saw her smell one rose and started running towards the tree. Leandra heard them and turned around running. The two younger sisters had the lead and arrived first. Laughing and jumping, enjoying their victory.

From behind the tree, a man appeared. He wore a brown cloak with a hood going over his head. In his hands he held a wooden box that had a pattern burned into it.

“Hello girls. You’re playing hide and seek, huh?” He muttered.

“Yes.” They answered with a low voice simultaneously. Being a bit skeptical towards this dubious man.

“I have a mystery box from a friend in the north. If you manage to get it open you'll get a surprise.”

He handed over the beautiful box to the youngest one, Stella, and left. The girls were all over it. There was no obvious way to open it. No keyhole. On the sides of the box there were rotating pieces with different symbols on them that switched when they were turned. A code lock. Making up for millions of combinations. They fought each other for a chance to hold it and try. They turned the pieces ferociously as they eagerly wanted to get it open. Stella noticed a symbol hidden in the burnt pattern.

“Look! That’s one of the symbols on the side.” Stella observed.

“You’re right! Then there’s gotta be more.” Leandra replied.

Now they teamed up and started working together as they picked out one symbol after the other. Matching them together with the rotating pieces. Not before long had they turned the last piece and heard a click. The lid opened.

The caretaker and a guard were in the middle of a conversation when interrupted by the screams. They turned towards the girls and saw them by the tree. They ran over to see what was wrong and saw a box laying on the ground. The kids had dropped it and the lid was closed.

“What happened?” Asked the caretaker.

“There’s eyes in there.” Responded Stella, disgusted as she pointed at the box.

“What do you mean? Where did you get this?” He wondered and picked up the box.

“A man came over with it.” Said Leandra.

“What man? Where did he go?” The caretaker asked as he and the guard looked around the courtyard without seeing anyone.

“I don’t know. He left.” She continued.

The caretaker ordered the guard to search the area before inspecting the box. He noticed the symbols on the side. The wheels had turned as the box hit the ground.

“You have to match the symbols.” Stella added.

He looked closer at the box and noticed the symbols in the pattern. One by one he entered the right combination and the lid popped open. He saw the eyes laying there. Dead staring at him from inside the red coated box. Inside was also an envelope lying beside them with a stamp. The caretaker recognized it coming from the Reigans' reign. “For the king” was written on the envelope. The guard came back with a rope in his hand.

“I found this by the wall. But no sign of anyone still being here.” He declared.

“Ok. Let’s go inside.” The caretaker ordered

As they came in through the doors, the kids got sent away with the maid. The caretaker then went to the counselors chamber where the Queen had a meeting with the thrones council. He knocked on the door and was let inside.

“Yes Hendric?” The Queen said.

“A man managed to sneak into the courtyard and handed a box over to the girls. The box contained a pair of eyes and a message for the King. The man’s not been found.” - Announced the caretaker.

“What? Give me that!” Ordered the Queen.

Hendric gave over the open box to the Queen and she looked inside. She saw the eyes and didn’t flinch one bit. She picked up the envelope and showed it to the council.

“See. It’s from the Reigans’ reign. We need to let the king know.” She declared.

“Are you going to open it?” Questioned Gerald, who had been in the council the longest.

“No. This is a message for the King.”

“The King isn’t here and we have a man on the loose. We don’t know to whom those eyes belong. Perhaps the note can give us a clue. We need to make a move.” Argued Gerald.

“We'll find out. First we get this to the King and make sure he gets the note. Send the thrones troops downtown to that play family of his and hand him the box. Tell him that the Reigans made a move towards the family. He needs to get the message. Meeting adjourned.”

“Yes Queen.” The council answered together.

Chapter 3

In town, the King was walking down the street. His light feet and gentle smile were indicating to people that he was in a good mood. The thought of them made him gitty. It had only been a few days since the last time they saw each other. But he was so eager to get there. Leaving one home for another. The King remembers the day they met:

It was a gray and cold morning when they were riding home in defeat. Many men were lost in the battle north on the island. He’d lost his best friend and right hand, Timothy, to the Reigans forces. Seeing him being pierced by a spear from behind, falling to the ground. He had to make the hard decision to leave him, retreating from the battlefield. Scarred and bruised, not even one third of the troops came back. Heads were hanging low when they closed in on town. Just outside the gate they heard a woman screaming.

"Help us please! Help!"

"Halt!" He commanded the troops.

They turned towards the forest from where they heard the scream. Out came two women, one holding a bloody baby in her arms. Still and quiet. The other woman had her arm around her, leading her out. He jumped off his horse and approached the two.

"Your majesty, please help." Cried the woman with the baby.

"What happened?" Asked the King.

"No time for explanations, we need aid now! Bring your best healer." Demanded the other woman.

Baffled by her direct and forward way. He ordered the men to bring forth their last healer which managed to escape from the battle. He came over and quickly established that the baby wasn’t breathing.

"I’m sorry. There is nothing I can do." Stated the healer.

"I have this. Do what you can." Insisted the woman.

The King saw her hand over a potion of some sort while drifting away in thoughts.

“Who was this woman? How dare she put me in place like that? She is so caring. Beautiful. I have to know more about her. “

He witnessed some handling back and forth between the healer and the two women. He normally didn’t lose focus like this. But now. Her radiant beauty took him off guard. His core became all warm when thinking about her. Feeling her. Something sparked inside that he never felt before. He saw those red moist lips move. Talking. While she was taking care of the situation. Her body moved so fluidly and her skin looked so soft. He was all up in her when he was snapped out of his fantasy by her raised voice.

"Hey! What are you doing?! Hold this!"

She handed him an empty vial and a cloth. The healer cut open the fingertip of the woman that sparked the King's fire and started humming some spells. The mother of the baby opened her mouth to receive a few drops from the bleeding finger. The humming continued. Thunder was heard in the distance followed by a baby's cry. The mother joined in with tears of joy. Holding her baby while crying and expressing her tremendous gratitude towards everyone. The King smiled seeing the happy and relieved mother holding her baby. He turned towards the woman and met her crystal blue eyes.

"What is your name?" He asked.

"Lyla, your majesty." She responded before blacking out. Collapsing in his arms.

"What is going on?" Gasped the King.

"She knew what she was getting herself into" Replied the healer.

"What do you mean?"

"She offered her right to bear a child to save a child. She will be out for hours, maybe days" Explained the healer.

The King went silent for a moment.

"Make sure this woman and her baby get the right treatment. Give them our best service. I’ll bring Lyla home."

A few hours later Lyla woke up in the castle. Drained and weak.The first eyes she met were the same big brown eyes that she lost consciousness in. She sat up on the bedside.

"Where am I?" She uttered.

"In the castle." The King replied.

"How is Tina and her baby doing?" She continued.

"They are fine. My men are taking care of them.”

"How long was I out?"

"Almost 5 hours. How do you feel?"

"Well.. I don’t know. You’ve been here all the time?"


The King had been by her side, not leaving her for one moment. When she thought about her lost motherhood, she felt sadness. At the same time, glad for Tina and her baby to have a life together. She started to cry. The King laid his hand on her shoulder and she leaned in towards his chest. A flood of grief showered over her. But she also felt peace in his presence. She was trusting him to hold her. In whatever state she was in. And he did. For years.

Today, he was strolling down the street towards the cozy house by the river. He spent more and more time there and less and less time in the castle as he was juggling two lives. They were not only two lovers anymore. They had become three. When their son was born into this world, he brought magic to the family and complications to the kingdom. This boy came from an unfiltered expression of love between the two. Unplanned and quite the miracle. Lyla’s gentle touch had a way to open his heart and Tim’s unconditional love melted it. He couldn’t quite explain the feeling. Nor did he have to.

But the Queen demanded otherwise. In the beginning she often yelled at him when he was leaving. Screaming harsh words at him for leaving her and the kids. She didn’t want to hear that he was doing this for true love. At least that was how he had tried explaining it to her, over and over. But she had no other choice but to accept it. The King had made a decision. He wanted to be with her, with them. His second family. He made sure again and again that he will always love their children and respect their marriage until death do them part.

As he approached the house he noticed that something was wrong. The gate stood open. He froze in fear for a moment before rushing in through the gate. As he was running through the garden he saw the house door slightly open. He picked up speed and bashed through the door. Inside was a mess. Furniture had been thrown around, glasses were broken and paintings laid on the floor. Now he panicked.

"Lyla! Where are you?!" He yelled. But no reply.

He came around the corner towards the living room and saw feet laying on the ground. Time slowed down as more and more were unveiled. Legs. Dress. Blood. Lyla.

"Lyla! Nooo!" He screamed as he dropped down on his knees beside her, picking her head up. Sobbing.

She was cold. Blood everywhere. Her once living beauty had now gone away. She was dead. Mutilated. Someone had carved out her beautiful blue eyes. She would never look at him again and pierce his being with pure love. Never would he feel her warm skin again. It all became overwhelming for the king. He screamed and wept. He thought about Tim. “Where was he?”

"Tim!" He shrieked.

He laid Lyla down and started searching the house. But he was nowhere to be found. He went outside and kept screaming for his son. Over and over the loudest he could before falling to the ground.

Chapter 4

The throne troops had armed their horses and were riding downtown. They'd strapped the box down on the King's horse that rode beside them. Not being informed about the content of the box. But the Queen emphasized the very importance of getting the box to the King, no matter what. The General, Veigar, had been by the King's side ever since he married the Queen. He was put in charge of the throne troops by being brother to the Queen. After Timothy's passing he became the King’s unofficial new right hand. Something that the King never spoke out loud.

The troops were closing in on the house where Lyla lived. Veigar had been there many times before. Everytime the King was about to go out on a mission, he always stopped by her house to say goodbye. From around the corner they heard a man screaming out loud. They could tell by the tone of his voice that he was in terrible sorrow. As they were getting closer, Veigar realized that it was coming from Lyla’s house. He picked up the pace and the troops followed him.

The King didn’t notice when the troops arrived. It was only when Veigar put his hand on his shoulder that he looked up.

"I have an urgent message from Elena. What's going on?" Veigar asked.

"Huh? It’s Lyla, she’s gone. And Tim is missing." The King groaned.

"What? What happened? Maybe it has something to do with this? I was told to get it to you as quickly as possible." Explained Veigar as he handed over the box.

"I don’t know. She was dead when I got here and Tim is gone. We need to find him." Answered the King as he opened the box and looked inside.

Veigar and every man in the troop could sense the energy drop. Becoming dense and heavy. Something hanged over the King and he went silent. No one dared to say anything and they gave him some time. With an apathetic look on his face he took the note and opened it gently. When reading the note, Veigar noticed the King's eyes turn black. The King dropped the box and crumbled the note by squeezing his fist hard. He looked up with an empty dark stare. Threw the paper on the ground and with great determination he went for the horse. Pushing Veigar aside when he tried to stop him to ask what was going on. Veigar picked up the note. Unfolded it and read: “Can you see clearly now? Your bastard heir has returned to the Gods.”

"Wait! Stop!" Yelled Veigar towards the King as they saw him riding away down the street.

The King had no intention to listen. Vengeance had clouded his mind and he was ready to kill. He didn’t care if he faced death by settling this. He recognised the stamp on the envelope and that’s where he was heading first. He pushed the horse as hard as he could. Rushing down the street. People stopped, noticed the King and got worried. They’d never seen him like this before. He closed in on the gate and shouted at the guard to open. The guard hesitated and the King yelled again.

"Open now! Or I’ll have you executed!"

The guard understood the seriousness of the situation and opened the gate. The King rode out alone and disappeared over the hill. The guard at the gate didn’t have any time to close it before the troops came behind.

"Which way did he go?" Veigar asked.

"He was heading towards the north and the field of offerings." Explained the guard.

"Oh, no. Quickly troops, let's find our King!"

Chapter 5

Back at the castle, the Queen roamed around in the yard. Waiting to receive an update from today's happenings. She picked up a flower from the garden and smelled it. Plucked one petal after another and spread them with the wind. When the last yellow petal soared through the air someone tapped on her shoulder. She turned around and faced the old lady.

“Why did you take so long? I’ve been waiting forever.” The Queen sassed.

“I’m sorry my Queen. I made sure the yard was empty and that you were alone.” Responded the lady.

“I told you I’d get the guards out. But I’m not sure for how long. They could be back at any minute. Is it done?”

“Yes. But there were a few complications.”

“What do you mean? What kind of complications?”

“The servants are very loyal and they would do anything for you. But there was nothing we could do.”

The Queen became clearly irritated and could tell that she avoided something. She thought about how to get rid of her after all of this is done.

“What do you mean? Give it straight.” Demanded the Queen.

“Everything went according to plan. Right up until the last part.”

“And then what?”

“The beasts came. Blasted fire at us. We had to escape.”

“And the bastard boy?”

“Like I said. We were interrupted in the very last piece. I didn’t get to finish the offering.”

“But you said the beasts came.”

“That’s the thing. None of us had seen anything like it before. The beasts became curious about the boy. Started sniffing and licking him. Like they could tell that he was no threat to them. They circled around him and sat down on the grass. Then we left.

“Humm, that is peculiar indeed. And perhaps something that we can still take advantage of. Give me the dagger.”

“That’s the other thing, I dropped it, my Queen.”

“What!? You useless piece of shit! How could you?! Do you understand what you have done?!” The Queen roared.

“It was the beasts, we had no chance.”

“No excuses, you worthless old bitch! You’ve jeopardized everything!”

“I’m sorry my Queen, please forgive me!”

“Doesn't matter maggot, you will pay for this. You hear me? Get lost or I’ll make you disappear. I have a Queendom to run.”

Chapter 6

Close to the field of offerings the King rode in on his horse. Which at this point had become exhausted by being pushed so hard. He saw some beasts by the field, flying and down on the ground. Nothing uncommon when being around this area. But perhaps not this many. The King didn’t think much about it and needed to cool down. He stopped by the river to let the horse rest and drink. He kneeled down and splashed some water in his face. Drank from the fresh mountain water and for a moment he enjoyed it. Then suddenly he heard a familiar laughter. He looked up, and there he was. By the other side of the river, playing on the field.

“Oh my God! Tim!” Yelled the father and jumped in the water to cross it.

“Dada” The toddler joyfully replied when seeing him. A big loving smile decorated his face as he started running towards his father.

The King came up from the water and ran towards his son. Didn’t think at all about the beasts being everywhere around. All he wanted was to hold his son again. In fact, he hadn’t noticed that Tim was actually playing with them. When the King came up to his son he lifted him up and hugged him hard. Tim hugged him back with pure love. The King closed his eyes, cried and kissed him.

“Oh, Tim. I thought I lost you.” The King sighed with relief.

“Dada, no cry. Me love you.” Tim replied as he pushed away from his shoulder to look his father in the eyes.

“Oh, I love you to kiddo.” The King smiled as he looked his son in the eyes.

“What happened? And how did you get that?” - He continued as he noticed Tim’s cut on his forehead and that he was holding a dagger in his hand. Not just any dagger. But the actual ice dagger. Getting its name from the ice blue blade that had been forged by his ancestors. The legend says it possesses magical power, but hadn’t been used for centuries. It's been placed in the memory hall. In the hands of the great Yarifaki’s statue. The liberator of the south kingdom and the freedom warrior for the common people.

“Bang!” Tim said and pointed up to the sky while starting humming.

The King recognized the humming from his son. He’d heard the practitioners of the magic wonder use it before. His thoughts went wild: “How did he know that humm? How did he get a hold of that dagger? What’s going on here? Someone from the castle. Could it be? Could she really? But the envelope? The stamp? Was it fake? And to murder Lyla? How could anyone do something like that?”

He was so caught up in his train of thoughts that he didn’t notice the small baby dragon approaching. It wasn’t until he felt a stroke on his leg that he got snapped out of his thoughts. He glanced down and saw this tiny creature looking up at them as it made a low growling sound. The King looked up and around, terrified to see that they were surrounded by beasts. He froze but Tim got engaged. Wanted to get down to his new found friends but his father wouldn't let him. Instead the baby dragon climbed up on the King’s legs, all the way up to his shoulders. Where he sat down and started licking Tim’s face while he began laughing.

From across the river the throne troops had arrived and witnessed what was going on. A dozen of big beasts were circling the King and his son. They couldn’t quite see what was going on inside. Having no experience with battling beasts, they had no clue what to do. But Veigar yelled:

“We’re gonna get you out of there!”

The King heard Veigar’s voice and was relieved that they were there but didn’t reply. He was terrified that the smallest sound from his mouth would agitate the beasts. Causing them to attack. He didn’t want to make a single move that could irritate the small thing on his shoulder. He slowly turned his head and got eye contact with the little thing. Those eyes. Big green iris with a fire pupil pierced his soul. Something jolted in him. His nervous system got amplified and charged. A rush of warmth spread throughout his body as he heard an almost demonic whisper in his head.

“Gooo, leeead” The voice insinuated.

“Where to?” The King answered out loud. Recognising the voice as friendly and coming from the small dragon. He sensed good intentions in the voice and established instant trust for the thing.

“Heeaaart” The voice continued.

“Dada?” Tim wondered.

“Huh? What?” The King uttered confusedly and turned his head towards his son.

“Mama” Tim added

“No son, mama’s not here. She’s an angel now and we’re going home.”

The King slowly started walking towards the line of beasts. The small dragon stayed on his shoulder as he came up close to one of the beasts. It lowered its head and established eye contact with the King. A shiver went through his body this time. Not quite as intensive as the first connection, but he enjoyed it.

“Truuust, truuuth” The voice advised in his head while stepping to the side. Making a clear path towards the river and the King started walking.

From across the river the troops saw their leader coming out from the circle. He had Tim in his arms and a small dragon on his shoulders. They couldn’t believe their eyes. They were stunned. Hypnotized by what was going on they just stood there as the King crossed the river. The beasts behind him took off from the ground. Circling a few times in the area before flying off towards the mountain. The King came up from the river and said to the troops:

“We’re going home”


About the Creator

Christian Johansson

Nordic creature with fascination of life and living

Magic teacher Pachamama tendered my upbringing

Poetic features from the nature, wild, free, singing

Tragic preacher of cliches, yet another clinging

Magnetic stinging man of rhymes

Fan of shine

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    Christian JohanssonWritten by Christian Johansson

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