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The face in my heart


By Moxadple gggPublished 2 years ago 10 min read

My college classmate Lin, a family of three generations of medical students, grandfather and father are very famous figures in the medical field. So he said himself, when the college entrance examination volunteer from the first to the eighth all medical school.

  Lin seems to be born to be a doctor's material, more difficult and thick textbooks he remembered very firmly. Unfortunately, before Lin could officially work in the hospital, Lin's grandfather died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. After the funeral, Lin's father handed him a box solemnly: "Take it, this is what your grandfather often explained before he died, it must be given to you."

  Whenever Lin talked about it, I couldn't help but ask what was in the box. But Lin said, grandpa repeatedly explained before he died, until the time when there is nothing to do with the patient, never open the box.

  Lin naturally grew into an excellent doctor, the practice of medicine is unusually smooth, he often self-congratulated perhaps the blessing of his grandfather's spirit in heaven. Soon, however, he met a difficult patient.

  That day, a group of black-clad people embracing a fat man suddenly appeared in Lin's consulting room, where like a doctor, simply a triad negotiation. When Lin looked up, he thought he saw a fat orb, and from a distance, he smelled a foul odor.

  Lin said he would never forget the situation when the fat man took off his clothes, it was a malady he had never seen in his medical career. The fat man's back can no longer be called back, imagine the hornet's nest, highly ulcerated and dense wounds so that the flesh buds can not grow, wounds tear each other, emitting a very pungent smell of pus. Lin had to hold his breath and observe the wound carefully.

  The wound was as if someone had pressed it with a strong vajra finger. And just as Lin was observing the wound, another surprising scene happened. On the fat man's right arm, a fingerprint slowly appeared, first as an ordinary depression, then deeper and deeper, followed by capillaries that began to necrotize, and finally formed a horrible wound like a poked water bag. But the strange thing is, although this is slowly happening, but the fat man does not seem to be aware of anything.

  Lin was puzzled, he was not the main doctor for skin diseases, how should not he be sought for medical treatment? Lin asked the fat man at the time, but he did not answer. Looking at the fat man stumbling away, Lin suddenly thought of the relic left by his grandfather. That box was lying quietly on the bedside of his house, and now it might be time to open it.

  The magical scalpel

  The same day, Lin called me, mysteriously said to show me something. I guessed it as soon as I heard it. In his bedroom, Lin carefully took out the box, the box is dark green, about a palm-length, glowing with a mysterious green light.

  The moment I opened the box, I was in a bit of a trance, because I seemed to see what translucent objects flying out of the box. Finally, we saw what was in the box, and was a little disappointed, it turned out to be just an ordinary scalpel. But also a bit uncommon, because the handle is gold, and the blade is actually not!

  Lin carefully picked up the scalpel, suddenly, he "ah" sound, we realized that it is not no blade, but the blade is extremely thin, thin to the point of transparency. Just now Lin was not careful, it was cut by the sharp edge of the knife. Blood quickly flowed onto the surface of the knife, revealing the knife's appearance, which turned out to be about an inch longer than the average scalpel. While Lin was busy dressing the wound, I noticed that some streaks actually appeared on the transparent blade after it was moistened with blood. I picked up the knife and took a closer look at it against the light, and it turned out to be two small lines of writing: "The healer saves people by giving art, and saves souls by giving kindness."

  But this knife in the end how to use it? At the very least, the patient with the evil sores should be cured. I asked Lin, Lin also silent. Finally, I suggested putting the knife aside and asking about the patient first.

  Soon, we learned the identity of the fat man, he is the owner of a local construction company, the construction of many projects. The fat man does not seem to be a decent businessman, defaulting on wages and withholding materials is common. But according to him, his diet and rest is very regular, not to mention exposure to what toxic substances. This can put us both in a difficult position.

  "How about this, you go to scare the fat man, ask him why he wants to seek your treatment, maybe we can find some reasons." I came up with an idea.

  Sure enough, the fat man heard us say he would not live a few days, panic like a fat worm see insecticide, ah ah crying, while crying, he knew Lin's grandfather had a scalpel, the holder can cure any stubborn disease. We finally understood a little, it seems that the grandfather's former patients told the fat man. But the fat man said that no one had seen how Lin's grandfather used that scalpel.

  Lin and I had to go home again and take the strange scalpel out to observe it again and again. When Lin was not paying attention, I took the knife and cut it on my hand, and it really hurt, but I didn't seem to feel it soon. I look at the wound again, the wound surprisingly like a zipper quickly healed, if not for the blood next to it, you can not see a trace of injury.

  Lin looked at me strangely: "Are you crazy?"

  "Did your hand that was cut last time also heal quickly?" I asked Lin.

  Lin immediately thought: "Could it be that this knife can heal wounds quickly?"

  "Yes, that's what the first sentence means by casting a spell to save a person, right?"

  "What about the second sentence of casting benevolence to save the soul?" Lin asked.

  "Never mind that, let's save Fatty first."

The human face in the heart

  Human face in the heart

  We immediately let Fatty come to the hospital to perform surgery on him, and Lin used the scalpel given by Grandpa to make a circular cut to a wound that was being generated and squeezed out the pus and blood, and sure enough, where the scalpel had cut, the wound began to heal quickly.

  What a miraculous scalpel, Lin and I were greatly encouraged by the many wounds, which we carefully removed one by one, and finally, only the largest wound on the back remained, and this one even went deep into the spine. I still can't understand why the fat man didn't feel any pain.

  When the scalpel just touched the wound, something incredible happened. The fat man actually sat up on his own, knowing that that amount of anesthetic would never disappear in such a short time.

  We watched in horror as the fat man slowly walked off the operating table, and his burqa fell off, standing naked like that, which suddenly reminded me of a pig carcass hanging in a slaughterhouse.

  "You can't stop me!" The fat man suddenly let out a very shrill and harsh voice that sounded like a woman talking, but strangely enough, we didn't see the fat man's mouth move. Lin was trembling, which is beyond the comprehension of normal people.

  "Who are you?" I asked squarely.

  "This beast must die, I can't let you ruin my plan!" The fat man "spoke" again, his voice getting higher and higher.

  "Okay, we will not save him, but you also stop screaming, if you want him to die, you also have to give us the reason." I tried my best to appease the monster.

  The fat man was still standing there like a dead body, and I noticed that his heart area was actually bulging.

  "I said, he can only die!" The thing did seem to have a lot of resentment towards Fatty.

  I calmed it down while signaling Lin to go out and call for someone, now the fat man must be subdued first. Because I saw him like a sleepwalker picked up a scalpel next to him and slowly wiped to the neck, if I wait for Lin to come, I guess the fat man is really finished.

  At this point, I do not know where to think, suddenly shouted a sentence: "Your husband does not want you to do this!"

  I was completely baffled. Sure enough, the fat man stopped. Just at this time, Lin rushed in with some people and immediately subdued the fat man, who was anesthetized again. After dealing with all this, we all broke out in a cold sweat.

  "Don't move the wound on your back, you do a CT on his heart area first," I said to Lin.

  A few minutes later, Lin and I saw the CT image of the fat man's heart. But we could no longer speak, because a human face was clearly visible on the CT image!

  "I'm afraid the real source of the disease is the heart, and we need to do one more operation." I said to Lin.

  This time, Lin couldn't do the surgery independently, and he informed the hospital of what had happened. The director took it seriously and arranged several experts to consult together, and of course, Lin and I went together.

  When the fat man's heart was truly revealed to us, everyone looked at each other in disbelief. His heart was extremely fat and it did look like a human face, a woman's face with her eyes closed to be exact. The human face happened to be the extra part of the heart, and it seemed that Lin had to use a scalpel to cut off that piece.

  However, when Lin's scalpel just touched the face, the face suddenly opened its eyes and bit the knife, emitting the same ear-piercing laughter as last time. The other doctors were paralyzed with fear, and one nurse directly fainted.

  "Let go, what's the point of going on like this?" I said to the face. But the face, with eyes full of hatred, suddenly spat out the knife and said in a stern voice: "And what do you know? Seeing a doctor is the preserve of the rich, my child is sick, have any of you ever come to cure? You only see for these animals, you should just call a veterinarian!"

  The experts ran out like mad, shouting ghosts as they ran. Although the rhetoric is fierce, I have to admit that her words are somewhat based.

  "Can you just tell us everything? We'll help you." Lin said sincerely.

  The human face seemed a little touched and her voice softened: "I don't want to say so much, you ask a worker named Agung, he knows everything. I advise you, it is better to save less beasts like this, I know, I have no way to resist that knife." With that she looked at Lin's scalpel and made no sound.

  Lin tentatively touched it again, and it did not respond. Lin immediately cut off the human face, but the moment it was cut off, the human face turned into blood, leaving only a needle.

  Give mercy to save the soul

  Afterwards, with some trouble, we found Agung in a workhouse. His whole body was like a firewood that had not been burned clean, dark and thin, long-term malnutrition and overwork made him look very weak and exhausted.

  After listening to our account, the first thing Agung said was: "Is the fat man dead?" This choked us up a little.

  Lin said awkwardly that Fatty was fine and recovering well. Agung sneered at us a few times and slowly told the story.

  It was the face of a woman named Xiao Feng, she and her husband were fellow villagers of Agung, and the three came to the city together to work on Fatty's construction site. Although the day is hard, but at least have a place to stay. Unexpectedly, Xiaofeng's child became seriously ill and urgently needed medical expenses, and the fat man defaulted on wages, Xiaofeng's husband and workers went to ask, but was arrested by the police. There is no way out, Xiao Feng's husband doused his body with gasoline to threaten the fat man. Who knows that the fat man did not take it seriously, and Xiao Feng's husband accidentally close to the open fire of the construction site, but in front of the fat man was burned alive. Xiao Feng's child also died in the hospital aisle because he did not receive timely treatment. Xiao Feng went crazy and his whereabouts are unknown.

  After Agung finished, he looked at us with contempt and said, "You can go away." Then patted his butt and went back to work.

  Lin and I were speechless for a long time. When I came back, Lin asked me what the last sentence on the scalpel - "to save the soul by giving mercy" means. I thought about it and said, "Maybe your grandfather meant that saving the soul is actually saving the doctor's own soul."

  Lin suddenly realized: "Yes, the doctor is benevolent, so that is a doctor with soul ah."

  To this day, I still feel sorry for Xiao Feng, but also can not understand what she cast a spell on the fat. However, Lin has been released from the hospital, opened a clinic of his own, and often give medicine to the poor. Perhaps, there will be less of this kind of thing.


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