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Romantic Love over true friendship

By Kindred SoulPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a quiet little pond, lived a lively fish named Chuwi and a jovial frog named Choco. They were the best of friends, always seen together, exploring the depths of the pond and the lush green lily pads.

One day, as they were playing near the reeds, they found a beautiful pearl. It was unlike anything they had ever seen. It shimmered under the water and sparkled in the sunlight. Both Choco and Chuwi were mesmerized by its beauty.

As Chuwi and Choco continued to admire the pearl they had discovered together, Chuwi's idea began to take shape in her mind. He turned to Choco with a bright and thoughtful expression, ready to share his plan. "Why don't we give this pearl to someone we love?" Chuwi suggested, her eyes reflecting the gentle glow of the precious gem.

Choco's ears perked up at the idea, and he looked at Chuwi with a warm smile. "That's a wonderful idea, Chuwi. But who do you have in mind?"

Choco's thoughts had already settled on someone dear to him. "I was thinking of my mother," he replied. "She's always been there for me, and she deserves something beautiful and shiny. This pearl would make her so happy."

Choco continued, "And what about you, Chuwi? Is there someone special in your life whom you'd like to give this pearl to?" But Chuwi just smiled and kept quite.

However, as days passed, Choco noticed a change in Chuwi. She seemed distant and lost in thought. One day, Choco mustered up the courage to ask Chuwi about it. To his surprise, Chuwi looked down at the ground, her cheeks tinged with a blush, and his heart racing. After a deep breath, she finally confessed, "Choco, there's something I need to tell you. I've been feeling this way for a while, and it's been eating me up inside. I've fallen in love with you."

Choco was taken aback. He had never thought about Chuwi in that way. He hadn't expected this confession from his dear friend. His mind raced as he processed the revelation. He had always cherished his friendship with Chuwi, and this revelation presented an entirely new dimension to their relationship. But seeing the sincerity in Chuwi’s eyes, Choco decided to give their love a chance.

Choco was taken aback. He had never thought about Chuwi in that way. He hadn't expected this confession from his dear friend. His mind raced as he processed the revelation. He had always cherished his friendship with Chuwi, and this revelation presented an entirely new dimension to their relationship. But seeing the sincerity in Chuwi’s eyes, Choco decided to give their love a chance.

After a moment of silence, Choco said, "Chuwi, I appreciate your honesty, and I value our friendship more than anything in the world. It's just that I've never thought of our relationship in that way. But please know that your feelings don't change how much I care about you. We can work through this together, as friends."

Chuwi nodded, a mix of relief and sadness on his face. "Thank you, Choco. I was afraid of losing our friendship by telling you, but I couldn't keep it a secret any longer. I don't want anything to change between us either."

Over time, Choco and Chuwi continued to support each other as they navigated this new aspect of their friendship. Their bond remained strong, and they learned to cherish their connection even more.

While romantic love may not have been in the cards for them, the love and understanding they shared as friends were a source of comfort and strength for both Choco and Chuwi. Through their openness and communication, they continued to grow and face life's challenges together, knowing that their friendship was unbreakable.


About the Creator

Kindred Soul

I am learning from my experiences and I would love to share the journey that I travel... To inspire, motivate, and to educate.

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