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The Edge of Tomorrow

A New Worlds Story: Chapter One

By TestPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Image by darksouls1 from Pixabay

Nobody can hear a scream in the vacuum of space, or so they say. But that was before the humans cloned us, the Zythers.

"I said open those doors!" Captain Smith said, pounding his palm against the bay window, causing the Zythers to rush at and slam themselves against the window.

The grey, hairless aliens that the scientists had cloned already killed one team member and damaged the space station. No one was sure how the cage doors opened. But it was likely the result of the solar flare that caused a momentary blackout. There was no other option than to open the bay doors and send them hurtling through space.

"Damn it, Mike!" Captain Smith said, rushing to the button and hitting it. As the bay doors began to slide open and the air was sucked out, the Zythers extended their metal knife-like claws and forced them into the floor of the bay.

Captain Smith swung the gun strapped on his back into his hands and rushed to the bay's entrance door.

"When I give the signal, close those doors!"

Once the doors were almost sealed shut, he bolted into the bay area and opened fire. The Zythers let out high-pitched wails and their holds loosened as their dark-yellow eyes turned on him.

"Open them!" He said, exiting the bay area and slamming the door shut.

The bay doors opened and the air and wailing Zythers were sucked out into space. However, I was able to get my claws into the side of the space station despite the searing pain in my chest. I watched and listened as my companions continued to spin out into the vast universe, feeling their wails deep within me. I laid my hand over the sticky, green wound, and the pain decreased. When I removed my hand, the wound was healed. All that remained was a dark spot where it had been. It turned my thoughts to my companions. Was it possible that they would survive?

I climbed up the side of the station until I reached a hatch at the top. Before I opened it, I laid my ear to the surface and listened for the enemy. Getting no indication of them, I opened the hatch and climbed down the ladder to the floor. I looked around the narrow grey space that contained rectangular windows on one side, which revealed their planet, Earth, in the distance.

I climbed up the wall and crawled into the ventilation shaft in the ceiling when I heard footsteps approaching. Two guards rounded the corner and continued down the corridor. My blood boiled, and my razor-sharp claws began to extend. But, I held back. I needed to take down their leader, Captain Smith. It was him who had tried to kill us.

"Captain. We have a development," Lieutenant Kline said, zooming on the screen with the Zyther climbing the space station.

"Go ahead."

"One of those creatures is crawling up the space station toward the F sector hatch."

"Lock down the F sector."

"Team. Gear up," Captain Smith said, shoving a cartridge into the gun.

"What was that?" Sam said, pointing her gun at the ceiling.

I had blown my chance to take out the leader. They were all now pointing their weapons at the shaft exit. It didn't matter how much noise I made now, I needed to get away from the room they were in before they opened fire. Consequently, I shot through the shaft just in time as gunfire exploded into the ceiling. I needed to get one of their guns if I was going to be effective.

Hearing footsteps above me, I followed the shaft to the sector above and spotted two guards and a scientist. I waited until they passed by then jumped to the floor. I darted with my claws extended at one of the guards, and while he was turning, I drew my claws across his neck and face. As he fell, I yanked the weapon from his grip and turned it on the other guard. Then I pulled the mechanism that their leader had when he shot us in the bay.

The blast hit the guard and he dropped. I turned the weapon on the cowering scientist but didn't shoot despite my need to. The doors at the end of the corridor started to slide open. I knew there would be more of them than I could kill before I became injured. Consequently, I climbed back into the shaft and moved to the next sector.

"Are you okay?" Captain Smith said, offering his hand to the long, blonde-haired scientist.

"Yes. How'd that Zyther escape?"

"Effects of a solar flare. The rest are dead."

"I'll inform the Senators. They are not going to like this."

"You need to stay with us."

"Sir. A gun is missing," Sam said, looking at the two dead guards.

"Damn it! We need to evacuate this station and blow it up," Captain Smith said, running a hand through his hair.

I took aim at the leader's head and pulled the mechanism that killed. The target collapsed, but my blood still boiled for my companions. Did I need to kill them all? What would be the point? My blood would always cry out for those that were lost to me.

I pointed the weapon at the one they called Sam, however, when I pulled the mechanism nothing happened. I tried again. Nothing.

"Wait!" The scientist said, putting a hand on Sam's weapon and urging her to lower it.

"I have an idea on how to capture it."

"Capture it? That thing has a gun and knows how to shoot it," Sam said, lowering her gun.

After Lieutenant Kline confirmed the location of the Zyther and everyone had evacuated, the sector was locked down. A gas that would induce sleep was then introduced into the sector.

I smelled the danger before I breathed it in. Yet, I couldn't do anything to stop it. As I drifted off to sleep, I knew the blonde scientist would protect me.

Sci Fi

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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