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The Early Bird

Elara's reputation as the "Early Bird

By Ekombe hauPublished 11 days ago 4 min read
Photo by 哲聖 林

In the heart of a quaint village nestled between rolling hills and lush forests, there lived a young girl named Elara. She was known throughout the village for her unwavering determination and her love for exploration. But more than anything, Elara was famous for being an early riser. While the rest of the village slept soundly, she would wander through the meadows, watching as the world awakened with the rising sun.

From the time she was a child, Elara found solace in the quiet moments of dawn. The soft whispers of the morning breeze, the gentle chirping of birds, and the delicate dance of dewdrops on blades of grass filled her with a sense of peace unlike anything else. As she grew older, her love for the early hours only intensified, and soon, she became known as the "Early Bird" among the villagers.

One crisp morning, as the first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, Elara set out on her usual stroll through the village. But as she passed by the baker's shop, she noticed something peculiar. The usually bustling establishment was eerily quiet, and there was no sign of the baker preparing his morning batch of bread.

Curiosity piqued, Elara pushed open the door and stepped inside. The sweet aroma of freshly baked goods lingered in the air, but the room was empty save for a lone figure hunched over a table in the corner. It was the baker, his brow furrowed in concentration as he meticulously worked on something.

"Good morning, sir," Elara greeted him with a smile. "Why are you up so early? Is something the matter?"

The baker looked up, his tired eyes lighting up at the sight of Elara. "Ah, good morning, my dear Early Bird," he said with a weary chuckle. "I'm afraid I've had a bit of a mishap. My oven broke down last night, and I've been trying to fix it ever since."

Elara frowned sympathetically. "That sounds like quite the predicament. Is there anything I can do to help?"

The baker's eyes sparkled with gratitude. "Actually, there is. I need to gather some firewood from the forest to fuel the oven, but I'm afraid my old bones aren't up to the task. Would you be willing to lend me a hand?"

Without hesitation, Elara nodded. "Of course! Lead the way."

Together, they ventured into the forest, the cool morning air brushing against their skin as they walked. The forest was alive with the sounds of nature, and Elara couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder as they made their way deeper into the woods.

After a while, they came upon a clearing where a fallen tree lay across their path. It was a massive oak, its branches reaching out like gnarled fingers towards the sky. The baker sighed in defeat, his shoulders slumping at the sight of the obstacle.

"It seems we've reached an impasse," he said, his voice heavy with resignation. "I'm afraid there's no way around this tree, and I certainly don't have the strength to move it."

But Elara wasn't one to back down from a challenge. With a determined glint in her eye, she stepped forward and examined the tree. Then, with a strength born of sheer willpower, she began to push against it with all her might.

At first, the tree didn't budge, its massive trunk rooted firmly in the ground. But Elara refused to give up, channeling all her energy into her efforts. Slowly but surely, the tree began to creak and groan, inching ever so slightly away from their path.

With one final push, Elara sent the tree toppling to the ground with a resounding thud. The baker stared at her in awe, his mouth agape with disbelief.

"By the stars above, you're stronger than you look," he exclaimed, his eyes wide with amazement.

Elara laughed, her cheeks flushed with exertion. "I may be small, but I'm mighty," she replied with a wink.

Together, they gathered the firewood they needed and made their way back to the village. As they approached the baker's shop, the first rays of sunlight peeked over the horizon, casting a warm glow over the sleepy streets.

The baker wasted no time in getting to work, stoking the fire in the oven until it roared to life once more. Soon, the aroma of freshly baked bread filled the air, mingling with the scent of the forest and the promise of a new day.

As the villagers began to stir from their slumber, drawn by the tantalizing smell wafting through the streets, Elara couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over her. In helping the baker, she had not only saved the day but had also discovered a strength within herself that she never knew existed.

From that day forth, Elara's reputation as the "Early Bird" only grew, her acts of kindness and bravery spreading far and wide. And though she continued to cherish the quiet moments of dawn, she also embraced the adventures that awaited her with each new sunrise, knowing that no matter what challenges she faced, she would always rise to meet them with a smile on her face and a heart full of courage.

Short StoryFantasyFan FictionFable

About the Creator

Ekombe hau

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    Ekombe hauWritten by Ekombe hau

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