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The Dragon Beside Me 3 (Sequel)

The Whisperer and the Dragon

By Hasan SadiqPublished 3 months ago 3 min read

A decade had blossomed since I befriended Ignis, the once-feared mountain dragon. The villagers, no longer gripped by fear, lived in harmony with the majestic creature. Children sang songs about the emerald protector, and artists captured its image in vibrant paintings that adorned the village walls.

One crisp autumn afternoon, as I helped my grandmother tend to her herb garden, the ground trembled beneath our feet. A plume of smoke rose from the distant mountain peak, sending a jolt of concern through me.

"Ignis," I breathed, the name escaping my lips in a mixture of worry and trepidation.

My grandmother placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Calm yourself, child. We don't know what's happening yet."

Hurrying to the village square, I found the elders huddled together, their faces etched with worry. A young villager, out of breath from his sprint, announced, "The mountainside is collapsing! It's blocking the river, and the water is rising!"

Panic threatened to consume the village. Memories of past floods, when the river overflowed its banks, surfaced in everyone's minds. But this time, there was a new glint in their eyes, a flicker of hope.

"We need to reach the blockage and clear it," I declared, my voice surprisingly steady. "But it's too dangerous to get close on foot."

All eyes turned towards me, and a silent understanding passed between us. I, the girl who once braved the mountain to befriend a dragon, was now the one proposing a daring solution.

Taking a deep breath, I mounted the strongest horse in the village and, with a determined look, I rode towards the mountains. As I neared the site, I saw the chaos firsthand. The river raged against the debris, threatening to burst its banks. But above the roar of the water, I heard another sound – a deep, mournful cry.

There, perched precariously on the edge of the collapsing mountainside, was Ignis. Its once magnificent wings were pinned beneath a fallen rock, preventing it from taking flight. The creature, its emerald scales reflecting the concern in my heart, let out a powerful cry.

Knowing what I had to do, I spurred my horse forward, weaving through the treacherous terrain. Reaching Ignis, I dismounted and, with a strength born of urgency, helped lift the massive rock. The dragon, freed from its burden, let out a powerful roar, a sound that echoed through the valley and seemed to shake the very mountains themselves.

With a powerful beat of its wings, Ignis soared into the sky, circling once above the village in a gesture of gratitude. Then, with a mighty gust of wind from its wings, it dislodged the remaining debris, allowing the river to flow freely once more.

The villagers, who had watched the entire scene unfold from afar, erupted in cheers. They had witnessed not just the bravery of their friend, but also the courage and loyalty of the once-feared dragon.

That day, the bond between the village and Ignis grew even stronger. It was a testament to the power of understanding, compassion, and the courage to see beyond fear. And as I stood there, bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, I knew that the story of the girl and the dragon would forever be etched in the heart of our mountain village.

The years that followed were marked by peace and prosperity. Ignis, no longer feared, became a symbol of protection and a reminder of the extraordinary friendship forged between a girl and a dragon.

One day, while exploring a hidden cave system deep within the mountains, I stumbled upon a hidden chamber. Inside, an inscription shimmered on the wall, etched in an ancient language. With the help of the village scholar, I deciphered the message. It spoke of a prophecy, a time when the mountain spirit would face its greatest challenge, and only the combined courage of a human and a dragon could overcome it.

A shiver ran down my spine. The inscription felt like a warning, a whisper of an unseen threat. But as I looked out at the peaceful village nestled below the mountain's peak, a sense of calm settled over me. We had Ignis, and together, we were ready to face whatever came our way.

The story of the girl and the dragon was far from over. It was just the beginning of a new chapter, a chapter filled with the promise of adventure, loyalty, and the unwavering bond between a human and a magnificent creature. This new chapter would not only test their courage but also their ingenuity, as they worked together to decipher the prophecy and prepare for the unseen challenge that awaited them.


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