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The Divine Creation of Rainbows

A Celestial Tale of Creation and Harmony

By Abnoan MunizPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
The Divine Creation of Rainbows
Photo by Austin Schmid on Unsplash

Long ago, when the Earth was young, and the pantheon of gods still shaped the world, there were no colors. The world was a canvas of simple white, and the gods inhabited the golden realm of Asgard, gazing upon the colorless land with longing. Every aspect of Earth was pristine and blank, the soil, the trees, the skies, and even the vast oceans, all shared the same monotone hue.

In this spectral void, two deities, Solaris, the sun god, and Lunaris, the moon goddess, ruled the skies. They were twins, born of the primal gods who had created the universe. Solaris was bright and fiery, a beacon of warmth and light, while Lunaris was cool and serene, a symbol of tranquility and peace. Despite their contrasting natures, they shared a deep bond, harmoniously ruling over the heavens, and casting their respective glows upon the Earth.

However, both Solaris and Lunaris yearned for something more, a splash of variety to break the monotony of the world. Thus, they petitioned the elder gods, seeking permission to introduce colors to the Earth.

A council was called among the divine, an assembly of gods and goddesses where Solaris and Lunaris presented their case. The elders, intrigued by their proposal, posed a challenge. They decreed that if the twins could create something of extraordinary beauty, demonstrating the essence of their desired change, then their wish would be granted.

Embracing this task, Solaris and Lunaris embarked on their divine mission. Solaris gathered rays of his incandescent light, forging them into ethereal strands, while Lunaris wove these strands with fragments of her silver light, granting them the grace of her calming energy. Together, they worked tirelessly, each dusk and dawn, for those were the rare moments when they could meet as one left the sky and the other entered.

After countless cycles, they had finally crafted a delicate arc of light, shimmering with the potential of unseen colors. The creation was as breathtaking as it was fragile. However, to release the colors contained within, they needed the help of the terrestrial gods.

They approached Terra, the goddess of the earth, and Aqua, the god of water. They asked Terra for her colors, the rich browns of the soil, the luscious greens of the foliage, and the stunning array of hues she gifted to flowers. They asked Aqua for his fluidity and transparency, to help refract and disperse the light, and for his droplets to serve as countless tiny prisms.

Terra and Aqua, moved by the twins' dedication, agreed to help. They infused their powers into the arc of light, and what happened next was nothing short of miraculous. The arc exploded into a vibrant spectacle of colors. Reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, indigos, and violets danced across the sky, painting the world in a riot of colors for the very first time. The first rainbow had been created.

The elder gods, witnessing this spectacle from Asgard, were awestruck. They deemed Solaris and Lunaris successful, granting them the ability to introduce their colors to Earth permanently. Thus, the world as we know it, filled with endless shades and hues, was born.

Since that day, rainbows have become a celestial sign of harmony among the gods, appearing when the sun's rays interact with the rain, symbolizing the unity between Solaris, Lunaris, Terra, and Aqua. The myth reminds us of the creative power of collaboration and the sheer beauty that emerges when diverse elements come together.

Hence, every time a rainbow arches across the sky, it carries the legacy of the divine symphony of the gods, the spectacular burst of colors, and the enduring promise of harmony and beauty bestowed upon Earth.


About the Creator

Abnoan Muniz

Brazilian Senior Software Engineer

Diagnosed with ADHD at 30, my perspective of life took a transformative turn, breathing new life into my world.

A lot of creativity and unconventional thinking you will find here.

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  • Nikki Torino Wagner10 months ago

    I started smiling from the first sentence and never stopped. I am in love with this myth, and it will be one that I tell from now on. I really, really, really enjoyed this piece. Thank you for sharing with us.

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