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The Cursed Painting

By Hashim Nawaz

By Hashim NawazPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Emily had always been drawn to a mysterious old painting that hung in a downtown antique store. It was an eerie image of a woman with long flowing hair and piercing blue eyes. Every time Emily passed the shop, she couldn't help but stop and stare at the painting.

Eventually, Emily could no longer resist the painting's call. She went to an antique store and asked the owner about it.The hostess was an elderly woman with beautiful white hair and a friendly smile. She told Emily that the painting was a 19th-century antique and was cursed.

Emily didn't believe in curses or superstitions, so she bought a painting and took it home. She hung it up in the bedroom and soon found she couldn't stop staring at it. It was as if the painting captured her.

But as time went on, strange things began to happen. Emily woke up in the middle of the night to find the picture's eyes staring at her as if they were alive. She heard whispers coming from the painting, as if the woman in the painting was trying to speak to her.

One night Emily woke up to find that the woman in the painting was missing. In her place was a dark, indistinct figure that seemed to be leaning towards her.Emily tried to scream but no sound came out of her mouth. She felt like she was suffocating, like she was plunged into darkness.

The next morning, Emily took the photo down from the wall and put it in the closet. She tried to forget it, but couldn't help the feeling that the image was still staring at her.

Over time, Emily's life began to get complicated.She lost her job, her relationship with her boyfriend fell apart, she started having nightmares about the woman in the painting. She wondered if the curse was real after all.

One day Emily couldn't take it anymore. She went back to the antique store and told the owner she wanted to get rid of the painting. The owner looked at her with sad eyes and said, "I'm sorry dear.Once the curse is set, you can't get rid of it."

Emily left the store without hope. She doesn't know what to do. She couldn't live with the color, but she couldn't get rid of it either. That evening she decided to delve into painting once and for all.

She went into her closet and took out a painting. When she looked at it a shiver ran down her spine. But she didn't give in. She looked the woman in the picture in the eye and said, "I'm not afraid of you anymore. you have no control over me

Suddenly the frame started shaking. Emily felt a surge of energy through her body and knew she had broken the curse. The woman in the painting disappeared and a ray of light appeared in her place.

Emily took a deep breath and smiled. She knew the curse was lifted and she was finally free.

But as Emily turned to go, she heard a voice. It was soft and delicate and looked like it came out of the painting.

"Thank you," said the voice. "You freed me from the curse.

Emily couldn't believe what she was hearing.She thought the curse was only on her, but apparently the woman in the picture was cursed too.

"Who are you?" asked Emily.

"My name is Abigail," the voice replied. "I was cursed by a vengeful lover who was jealous of my beauty.He cursed me and imprisoned me in this painting for over a hundred years. But now, thanks to you, I'm free."

Emily listened in awe as Abigail told her story. She felt a deep connection with the woman in the painting and knew she had to help her.

"Can I do something for you?asked Emily.

Abigail paused for a moment before speaking again. "There's one thing," she said. “My family home, where I lived, is still standing. It's been abandoned for many years, but I need something."

Emily nodded. "What do you need?" She asked.

"There's a locket," said Abigail. "It's all that's left of my old life.I need it to move forward."

Emily agrees to help Abigail. She went in search of an old family home in a remote part of the village. When she arrived she was shocked to find the house ramshackled. Windows were smashed, the roof collapsed, and the walls were covered with vines.

Undeterred, Emily searched the house for the locket. She rummaged through old furniture, knocked over boxes and searched every corner of the house. Eventually she found a locket in a hidden compartment of an old desk.

As soon as she picked it up, she felt a strange energy coursing through her body. She knew she had found what Abigail was looking for.

But as she turned to go, she heard a voice. It was dark and menacing and seemed to come out of nowhere.

"You shouldn't have come here," said the voice. "You woke something that should have been asleep."

Emily felt a chill run down her spine.She knew she had to go, and quickly. But as she turned to run, she saw a faint figure emerge from the darkness.

It was a vengeful lover who cursed Abigail. He was a dark, twisted figure with bright red eyes and a mischievous smile. Emily tried to run but he was too fast. He cornered her in an old room and she knew she was trapped.

But then something extraordinary happened. Abigail's locket began to glow with a soft, warm light. The vengeful lover retreated in horror, his eyes dilating with fear. Emily saw her chance and ran out of the room, clutching the locket tightly.

As she ran from the house, she saw the silhouette of the avenging lover disappear into the darkness. She knew he had been defeated by the medallion's power.

Back in her apartment, Emily hung the painting on the wall. But now she felt reassured. She knew the curse had been broken and Abigail and her vengeful lover had been put to an end.

And every time she looked at the painting, she was grateful, that she had the opportunity to help someone in need and succeeded in it.


About the Creator

Hashim Nawaz

A Med Student and a story writter.both go side by side,writing stories so to run my expenses

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    HNWritten by Hashim Nawaz

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