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The Curse Of The Monkey Paw

The Shivering Tale

By Sanni Abdur-Rahman Published 9 months ago 2 min read

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled deep within a dense forest, there lived a humble family—the Whites. One day, Sergeant Major Morris, a seasoned traveler, returned from his adventures in distant lands and brought with him an intriguing artifact: a shriveled monkey's paw.

Sergeant Major Morris warned the Whites of the paw's mystical powers and the potential consequences of using it. According to the legend, the paw granted three wishes to its possessor, but each wish came with a terrible price. Intrigued yet cautious, the Whites accepted the paw with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

As the evening grew darker and rain poured outside, the Whites gathered around their cozy fireplace. Mr. White held the monkey's paw, contemplating its power. His wife, Mrs. White, couldn't resist the temptation and suggested they make a wish to improve their modest financial situation.

With a flicker of hope, Mr. White hesitated but eventually made his wish. "I wish for 200 pounds," he uttered, his voice trembling with anticipation. As if responding to his request, the paw twitched in his hand before falling silent again.

Days passed, and the Whites received tragic news— their son, Herbert, had been involved in a fatal accident and lost his life. Grief-stricken, they mourned their beloved son, their newfound wealth becoming a hollow comfort.

Haunted by the consequences of their first wish, Mrs. White couldn't bear the pain any longer. In desperation, she convinced her husband to wish for their son's return. Overcome by sorrow, Mr. White grasped the monkey's paw once more and whispered, "I wish for my son to be alive again."

A knock on the door startled the Whites. Mrs. White, her heart pounding with anticipation, rushed to open it. To her dismay, she found an empty doorstep. Mr. White's wish had seemingly gone unfulfilled. The room grew heavy with despair, their shattered hopes lingering in the air.

Days turned into weeks, and the memory of their son's loss consumed the Whites' every thought. Mrs. White couldn't bear the burden any longer and pleaded with her husband to use the final wish to undo their previous ones and free themselves from the curse of the monkey's paw.

Reluctantly, Mr. White reached for the paw one final time. He closed his eyes and whispered, "I wish for our son's soul to find eternal peace and for the paw's curse to be lifted forever."

As his words faded, a chilling wind swept through the room, extinguishing the dying embers in the fireplace. The paw trembled in Mr. White's hand for a brief moment before falling lifeless, its power forever extinguished.

Though still grieving, the Whites found solace in the fact that their son's soul was finally at rest. They vowed never to tamper with forces beyond their comprehension again, understanding the true cost of their desires.

From that day forward, the monkey's paw remained hidden away, a stark reminder of the dangers of meddling with fate. The Whites, having learned a profound lesson, lived the rest of their lives cherishing the memories of their son and warning others of the curse that once haunted their home.

And so, the tale of the cursed monkey's paw became a cautionary legend, passed down through generations, reminding all who heard it that true happiness cannot be obtained through shortcuts or supernatural means.


About the Creator

Sanni Abdur-Rahman

Sanni Abdur-Rahman: A captivating journalist specializing in lifestyle and fan fiction. With an eloquent style, He explores diverse topics, from fashion to personal development.

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  • Alex H Mittelman 9 months ago

    Fantastic story💜😄😂💜😂🩵😂🩵😇😂😂😘😂😂😘😂🤣😜🥲! Great work!

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