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The Cockroach and the Grasshopper

The Complement of Friendship

By Kindred SoulPublished 8 months ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, there was a cockroach named Rocky and a grasshopper named Grassy. They were best friends and lived in the same house.

Rocky, with his diligent and hardworking nature, was the epitome of industriousness. He took it upon himself to keep their shared dwelling spotless and neat from the kitchen corners to the dark crevices of the living room, Rocky scurried around tirelessly, cleaning up crumbs and tidying up after the humans who lived in the house. He didn't mind the hard work; in fact, he took pride in maintaining their home.

Grassy, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. He was a laid-back grasshopper who lived life at a leisurely pace where his days were spent lounging in the warm sunlight that streamed through the windows, strumming his tiny grasshopper guitar, and singing melodious tunes. He often napped the day away, enjoying the simple pleasures of relaxation and song.

Their differences in work ethics and lifestyle choices sometimes led to disagreements. Rocky would scold Grassy for his laziness, urging him to contribute to the upkeep of their home. Grassy, in response, would playfully tease Rocky for his obsession with cleaning and for not taking the time to enjoy life's simple pleasures. One day, Rocky was cleaning the kitchen when he saw Grassy sitting on the windowsill, singing a song.

"What are you doing?" Rocky asked.

"I'm singing a song," Grassy replied. "Don't you know that it's summer? It's time to have fun and relax."

"But we have to work," Rocky said. "We have to clean the house and cook the meals."

"That's for you to do," Grassy said. "I'm a grasshopper. I'm not meant to work. I'm meant to sing and dance."

Rocky shook his head and went back to work. He knew that Grassy was lazy, but he was also his friend and he didn't want to see him get into trouble.

One day, the cockroach and the grasshopper were sitting on the porch, enjoying the sunshine.

"I'm worried about you, Grassy," Rocky said. "You don't work at all. What are you going to do when winter comes?"

"Don't worry about me," Grassy said. "I'll be fine. I'll just sing and dance my way through the winter."

Rocky shook his head. He knew that Grassy was being unrealistic, but he didn't want to argue with him.

Winter came and the weather turned cold. The cockroach and the grasshopper were both hungry, but Rocky had food stored up for the winter. Grassy, on the other hand, had no food.

"I'm hungry," Grassy said. "Can I have some of your food?"

"Of course," Rocky said. "But you need to learn a lesson. You need to learn that it's important to work and save up for the future."

Grassy nodded. He learned his lesson and from that day on, he worked hard and saved up for the future.

One day, the cockroach and the grasshopper were sitting on the porch, enjoying the sunshine.

"I'm glad that I learned my lesson," Grassy said. "I'm so grateful for your friendship, Rocky."

"Me too," Rocky said. "Now let's go inside and get some food. I'm making your favorite dish, cockroach stew."

Grassy laughed. "I'm just kidding," he said. "I'd much rather have a salad."

Rocky and Grassy went inside and enjoyed a delicious meal together. They were both happy and content. They knew that they had each other's backs, no matter what.

Despite these differences, their friendship remained strong. They complemented each other in ways that no one else could. Rocky admired Grassy's ability to find joy in the small things and appreciated the beautiful melodies he created. Grassy, in turn, respected Rocky's dedication and unwavering commitment to keeping their home clean and safe.

Friendship in all shapes


About the Creator

Kindred Soul

I am learning from my experiences and I would love to share the journey that I travel... To inspire, motivate, and to educate.

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