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The Chronicles of Verspania

Chapter 1: The Girl under the stars

By Bel MellorPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
The Chronicles of Verspania
Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

Beneath the blanket of space in the sky, an 8 year-old girl lay underneath a barn skylight, looked up into the stars and listened to a bedtime story. The girl lay surrounded by itchy hay and a thick woollen blanket sat over her body as little Iris’ mother began to tell a story of magic, mystery and wonder.

“Long ago in a land not too far away, a couple danced in the skies and with each spin the hours turned from night to day. They were called the Light and the Dark and I wish we could’ve seen their dance - the legends say it was beautiful. Back then, the universe was in a time of peace and prosperity as good must balance evil as light balances dark. But then the Verspani invaded. They came from far away with gifts of false promises and a dangerous need for power. The legends say they tore the Light and the Dark apart from their heavenly dance and imprisoned them far far away from each other and forced them to reveal the secrets of their mystical powers. The Verspani chose to use their power to create a small insignificant world on the edge of the universe called Earth. Two beings with the powers of life and death fell in love and they had eight children with the powers of : Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Time, Space, Love and Hate. They each created a kingdom based around their element, they were beautiful Iris. I wish you could’ve seen them.”

“And what happens next?” Iris asked, her eyes filled with curiosity.

“The siblings fought for power and came to a conclusion they would each keep to themselves. Alone with their element for the safety of the future. The children of Life and Death were revered and feared through the Verspani court. They live in the stars, way up high….”

As she told her story of magic, mystery and wonder, Iris’ eyes began to close as she fell into a peaceful slumber.

Iris Abebe was the oldest of three and by far the most adventurous. She had deep brown skin and bright blue eyes that were like warm summer streams. She had tight brown curls that grew around the sides of her face almost like a halo. Her face was innocent personified and even though she slept, life in her smile shone through. Daria held her daughter close and brushed the curls from her face. Iris was an almost carbon copy of her mother, they had the same ocean-blue eyes and the same smile that could light up a room even in the darkness of winter. She picked Iris up and they slowly made their way back to the farmhouse. It was a fairly large, sandstone, run down building kept together by pure love. Flowers filled the window boxes and the windows and the door had been carefully painted. Daria brought her up to her bedroom and laid her carefully down on her bed and kissed her forehead lightly.

“Night night sweetpea.” And with those final words, Daria left her daughter for the night. She peeked round the twin’s door and checked that they were sound asleep then made her way downstairs, a large suitcase she had packed earlier in hand. She unlocked the front door and was careful not to make a sound.

“I knew you’d be leaving,” George said, whilst Iris might look almost identical to Daria she had her father’s quick thinking, “I’m sure we can work this out.”

He put her hand on her shoulder, she shrugged it off.

“Are you sure this is the only way?”

“I’m sorry darling, but Iris must never know how important she truly is.”

The moon cast a beautiful light onto Daria as she put her hand up to George’s face and he put his hand up to it to keep hold of the woman he loved for as long as he could. She pulled away and began her walk down the driveway.

“I love you!” George cried after her, then quietly, “I love you.”

He retreated back inside, tense and with tears in his eyes. The small girl with worried blue eyes looked out of her window and wondered why her mother was leaving and if she would ever come back. She convinced herself that she would come back in the morning and put herself back to sleep.


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    Bel MellorWritten by Bel Mellor

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