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The Chosen Merman

By: Cerina Galvan

By Cerina GalvanPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
The Chosen Merman
Photo by Gerald Schömbs on Unsplash

The ocean is a mysterious war zone with many creatures, in particular mermaids and sharks. They live in the same depths of the ocean, co-existing for the same purpose to relinquish the travesties that humans have poured onto them as evil creatures. But what is the most devastating part about living in this place is the constant killing of my friends. My name is Benjamin and I’m a merman. We are extremely careful of our existence, when the savior came, he called for a war against human nature. He isn’t what people hope him to be, he was a prophet trying to change the world and program it to believe that we are here to live for one purpose. When the greatest purpose of all is infinite, we live for ourselves. We live to live. Then we die and go to other places to experience more. That is what my people believed and before Christ that is how the world was. He was scared that we wouldn’t obey the commandments of the world and trapped many into believing we must live a certain way in order to go into the heavens, an afterlife that goes on forever. But our society knew the truth. We learned this truth from the way we understand our oceans to be, infinite. Always evolving, always existing, always living. The oldest creatures that live in the ocean are called sharks, they eat anything that betrays them, and perhaps they eat fish that are going to die. They existed long before the “savior” came to be. Now, they have become soulless living in fear that the humans have programmed to be. Sharks also have minds, fears, and can be loving creatures. However, they have formed a war with the humans, and they are trying to get us to do the same. They are killing the oceans and our eco system that nourishes us and allows us to live. When the humans started to eat our food, that exist deep in the oceans, they also started taking our creatures from dolphins to whales and so on. We have been lucky enough to hide in the very deep of the oceans heart to protect us, however it’s become so toxic we are dying. We believe that human’s carelessness for our salvation comes from fear that became to be by the “savior” who told them to kill us and flourish. We weren’t beautiful enough for him and we didn’t listen to what he had to say, because of our own beliefs. Yet, If I can somehow turn my fins into feet and blend in with the people as they mistake me for a human, I’ll be set. I’ve lived with the sharks as my allies for so long now, I’m 200 years old. They don’t eat us because we hunt soulless sharks and take them down. Although, I have met sharks with souls believe it or not also live in the depths of the heart of the ocean. It is now my duty to reconcile these two worlds and understand the need to punish each other. The witch that lives in the sea has said to be able to turn mermen into humans with a special spell. I must talk to the sharks who travel the ocean far and away to know where she lives. As I gather my belongings, I hear a boat go by, that’s what the humans call it. They must be planning another shark attack, I must follow. The ocean is enormous and filled with wondrous creatures that I get to call home. As I swim nearby the boat, I must be careful not to get caught. If the humans know of our existence, they will infiltrate us. The coral reef is exuberating and the many fish that live there are surprised to see me.

“who is that, I haven’t seen a merman in years” says a fish. I wave as I swim by to let them know it’s a friendly adventure I’m about to partake on. As I approach the boat carefully its stop’s and I see a family of sharks in front of them. I yell for them and the daddy shark looks at me, he notices the boat and they all swim closer to the bottom of the boat. I call out for the shark and not wanting to leave his family he just looks. I decide to risk myself and swim over, I ask him where I can find the witch.

“Why” he says with his piercing soul staring right back at me. “I need to turn my fins into feet, so I can be a human”. “Why would you want to be something so horrible” he said. “So, I can find a way to stop them from hurting you”. “You’ll never find a way, they are evil” he says back. “They think the same about you” I said. Frantically as they jump out of the boat, he tells me where they live and that not to come back. I ignore that part and thank him. As I swim away, they start to swim away from the humans. I think I got to him, but what about the humans, I thought to myself. As I swim through the ocean, I poke my head out of the water to see where I’m going, she lives in a little cottage outside the water but near the ocean. I hope she is out fishing or something. I see her in her little wooden boat and swim up to her poking my head out, “excuse me” I say. She almost falls in the water, scared. “You scary creatures should not be sneaking up on me like that.” “We are not scary, your programmed aren’t you” I said. “Me? Programmed” she laughs. “How can I help you, dear” she says. “I need to grow some feet” “Why would you want that?” she said. “So, I can help the humans understand the real meaning of life” I say. She laughs, “You really think these crazy kids are going to listen to you?” “Hey, if a random beautiful man disguised himself as the messiah, so can I” I said. “what is your plan my dear” she looks at me with interest. “I don’t know, I don’t know what is going on out there that makes them think killing the the sharks in the ocean is okay” says me. “Well I hope your journey is a good one”. I wake up and I feel different, I’m on land and there are people walking around me. I’m not sure where I am, but I look up and I see these tall structures with people’s faces plastered on them. This can’t be right I think to myself; I look down and I have feet. I see one face and he look like my great grandfather and then I see another one and another one. These people are worshipping what they think is evil. They walk blindly in attire that makes them seem like robots. They are programmed to believe that being evil is a cool thing. But, how? The savior must have done this but where is he? He can’t still exist can he? All of a sudden, I hear a bell ring and I look behind me a huge beautiful building stands in front of me. I walk inside and there is a man in nice clothes up on a high stage. He sees me and asks what I can do for him. I say I’m looking for the savor. “You mean Jesus?” he says. “I’m not sure, the man who said to have died to show the world that we live for one purpose” I said. “Ah, he is inside of you” he says. “What? No, he isn’t.” I said. “He is, he died for your sins” he said. “Sins?”. “Yes, you know the evil that you do, the mistakes you make” he said. “Like what?” “Well, like infidelity, homosexuality, etc.” “I’m not sure I understand” I said. “well, do you know right from wrong?”. “what?” “oh, you lost soul”. “I’m not lost, I’m a person” “I’m aware” “So, the savor is dead?” “no, he is in heaven” “why?” “Because that is where we go when we die and live a righteous life” “righteous?”. “Yes” “What happens when we don’t live a righteous life?”. “We go to hell?” “What’s that?” A place where the devil lives, and he tortures you”. “Forever?” “yes” “why would you instill that kind of fear in someone?” “That is what the bible says. “what’s the bible?” “it’s a sacred book telling about the life of Jesus and god”. “So, all of this sin is in this book?” “It’s in those who choose not to follow Christ”. “how can we follow him when he is gone?” “he speaks to you in your mind”. “how?” “I’m not sure” “I think this is why this society is corrupted” “I think the corruption comes from those who follow Satan’s ways” “But Satan never came here” “yes he did, Jesus got rid of him” “then why do people supposably still sin” “that is a good question and one you should talk to god about I don’t have all the answers”. “This is all confusing” As I walk away, I think about all the people who must have so much pressure on them to be perfect in order to go to heaven and why would someone put that kind of pressure on them. There isn’t much time left for these people before mother nature attack s back. As I sit here, and they destroy their lives by believing they are doing something wrong other than living. I see the division and I see why the world feels that sharks are evil. Because they have been told that evil exists. He must have been the devil disguised as a wise man.


About the Creator

Cerina Galvan

I’m an active writer who dreams of writing tales that inspire people.

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