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The Chosen; Chapter 3

Chapter 3

By Katarzyna CrevanPublished 2 months ago 6 min read

Amara places her foot on Jaromir's chest, touching the point of her sword to his neck. "Give up?" she asks sweetly.

After a moment's consideration, Jaromir nods. "You win."

Amara steps back and offers him a hand to help him up. Jaromir accepts her offer. Back on his feet, they both look at me.

We had started meeting more in the last few years, and Rohana was still as absent as ever. Even if she did show up, she was as cold and distant as ever. The rest of the group had started to look at me as the leader. I wasn't quite sure why they had chosen me, but I was determined not to let them down. Not that being a better leader than Rohana was hard.

"Well done," I tell them, "Both of you, but Jaromir, -"

"I need to watch my left?" He guesses.

I nod. "Yeah."

"Can I fight him next?" Makatza asks.

I consider her request for a moment. I hadn't missed the fact that the two of them always partnered off during our sessions. They'd know each other's tricks better than anyone else. There was also no harm in letting them fight. I don't get the chance to give them the go-ahead though. A bell beats me to speaking.

We all pause as the bell chimes six times. Was it already six?

"Oh, thank goodness," Amara mutters, already moving for the exit of the War Room. "I'm famished."

Jaromir follows after her, already listing all the things he hopes might be the evening meal. Makatza turns away, shaking her head. I'm about to follow when I notice Tallulah is still sitting by Saraswati's pillar staring blankly across the War Room.

Instead of following, I move toward her. I stop right next to her, but she doesn't so much as glance in my direction. I waited a moment before calling her name.

Tallulah starts, quickly glancing about the room before looking up at me. "Where did everyone go?"

"Dinner," I respond, studying her. "Did you not hear the bell?"

Tallulah blinks. "Oh. No. I didn't."

I offer a hand to help her up. "What's on your mind?" I ask against my better judgment. Whatever was bothering her most likely had something to do with Rohana.

Tallulah reaches out, taking my hand to accept my help up. "Nothing really. I just. . . There's this feeling I can't shake."

"What kind of feeling?" I ask as we begin to walk toward the exit of the War Room.

"It's hard to explain. Have you ever had that feeling that something bad is about to happen?"

"Every time Rohana shows up." The second the words are out of my mouth, I feel bad about saying them. The rest of us may not care for her, but Tallulah did- greatly. "Sorry."

"It's alright. It's sort of like that, but not quite. I can't help but feel unsettled, almost like I'm being watched."

We walk through the hall in silence as I turn over what she said in my mind. I always felt on edge in Ragna's temple, and I had always assumed the rest also felt that way. Though if Tallulah also had that feeling, this had to be different for it to have so completely taken over her mind. Or maybe she had seen Rohana recently and something Rohana had said had finally gotten to her.

Reaching out, I rested a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure it's nothing."

Tallulah smiles weakly. "I wish I had your confidence."

I give her shoulder a light squeeze. "It's just bravado half the time."

Tallulah laughs at that, and I release her shoulder. We both pause when we enter the temple kitchen. It's empty, save the rest of our group and High Priestess Lioni. She smiles when her eyes land on us.

"And there are our last two stragglers," she says warmly. She takes a look around all of us. "I see you are all unsure of what this is about."

"I'm mainly wondering where the food is," Jaromir puts in.

High Priestess Lioni looks over us again. "Surely at least one of you knows what today is?"

After a moment of silence, Tallulah claps her hands together. "The fall equinox! Today is the celebration of the Storm's Blessed Trinity."

Kisa, Bronte, and Barak. Rain, thunder, and lightning. All born on the fall equinox. The Festival of the Fall Equinox was to give them offerings in hopes of good rainstorms for the coming planting season. We were typically in our hometowns for this celebration. The last time we had been here for the Festival of the Fall Equinox, we had been kept in, our presence not supposed to be known by the town.

Amara's face brightens. "Are we being allowed to attend this year?"

High Priestess Lioni nods. "Not only that, but you are also all the guests of honor. It is time for you all to start being known by the people."

None of us have an immediate response. From the time we had been chosen, it had been drilled into us that we were to remain unseen. In our hometowns and temples, we were to be no more than just another one of the townsfolk. Of course, being from a small village, most people were aware of the fact that I was Miyabi's Chosen, but it wasn't spoken of.

High Priestess Lioni turns, waving for us to follow. "Come. The town awaits."


The people of the town greet us warmly. There's certainly no mistaking their excitement to be the first to have the Chosen presented to them. I'm a bit surprised no one questions why only five of us are present, yet as I consider it, they were probably aware of the truth of Rohana's identity.

Once the feast is finished and the sacrifices have been made, the celebration begins. Amara and Makatza waste no time joining into the dance. Jaromir hangs back with me by our table, but there's no mistaking who his eyes are tracking when I glance at him. When I notice Tallulah has also chosen to hang back at the table, I can't help but wonder if it's because she wishes Rohana were here. Yet when I actually take a moment to look at her, I realize she's just staring blankly across the festivities.

Jaromir glances over at me when I rise from my seat, quickly losing interest when I hold out a hand to let him know I'll be back. I don't even both wasting my time tracking his line of sight.

Tallulah doesn't so much as stir as I sit in the empty seat beside her. I wait a moment to see if she'll acknowledge me, but she doesn't.

"Everything alright?" I ask.

Tallulah jumps, evidently started by my presence. Her head turns to me, eyes blinking, shifting between me and where I had been sitting. "How long have you been sitting there?"

"Not long. I wanted to come over and make sure everything was alright."

Tallulah chews her lip for a moment. "I'm not sure."

"What do you mean?"

". . . Do you remember back in the temple, how I told you I had this feeling. . . like I was being watched?"

I nod. "Yes."

"Well. . . It's gotten worse. Almost like, whatever is watching is getting closer."

A scream cuts through the air, drowning out the music that quickly dies in its wake, causing the festivities to come to a halt as everyone glances around, searching for the source. The second scream comes, louder than the first and there's no mistaking the fear in it. I'm on my feet in an instant as more screams fill the air.

Something tells me that whatever was watching is here now.

Young AdultSeriesFantasyAdventure

About the Creator

Katarzyna Crevan

Hi! I enjoy writing and have been writing for some years now. I hope you enjoy my writing!

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    Katarzyna CrevanWritten by Katarzyna Crevan

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